Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation: 08_1_telephone_networks

8th lecture
Chair of Communication Systems
Department of Applied Sciences
University of Freiburg
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Communication Systems
Administrative stuff
Lecture on 13.06 might be called off. Please check the webpage
before the lecture.
06.06, 08.06, 15.06 are holidays, no lecture, no practical.
Next practical course is on 22.06, in RZ basement -101.
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Communication Systems
Last lectures
We started with rather modern communication technologies
and introduced the Internet Protocol as a global orientated
packet switching network technology
IP can be run over very different physical media and
intermediate protocols
And IP is used for more and more networked services
Very popular traditional service is telephony mostly 1:1 voice
With the upcoming “Voice-over-IP” we could observe a merge
of both networks
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Communication Systems
Upcoming lectures
To get an idea how traditional and modern wireless
telephony networks work, we give an introduction to ISDN,
First traditional telephony networks its history and their
concepts in general
Digitization of voice - PCM
Then introduction to ISDN – a completely digitalized
communication infrastructure
call setup and global routing in telephony networks
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Communication Systems
plan for this lecture
History of telephony networks and wireless information networks
Line switching
DTMF – dual tone multi frequency
Telephony protocol
Standards in telecommunication
Digital telephony networks – PCM
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
D channel
DSS1 layer 3 protocol
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Communication Systems
History of telephony networks
Traditional analogous telephony networks
1848: State Telegraphy System in Prussia (Siemens)
1851: First trans-sea cable between Dover and Calais
1858: Transatlantic line-based telegraphy between Europe
and America
1866: Durable transatlantic cable
1876: Bell patents the “phone” (Reiss in Germany)
1880: 50.000 participants in US phone network
1881: Berlin opens the first “Fernsprechamt”
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Communication Systems
History of wireless information networks
Wireless signal transmission
Morse codes transmitted by radio (Marconi)
1901: Radio-based telegraphy between Europe and the US
1914: Introducing the teletype/telex system
1915: Wireless telephony NY – San Francisco
1920: First public radio transmission in Königs-Wusterhausen
1923: Start of entertaining radio in Berlin
1929: First radio-based TV transmission (Funkausstellung in
1935: First regular public TV transmissions in Berlin
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Communication Systems
development of telephony equipment
Traditional analogous telephony networks provides most of
the standards (partly) in use up to now
Bi-directional voice channel
Bandwidth to carry voice around 300Hz - 3,4kHz – just the
characteristics of the end user devices and their microphones
and earpieces
You could hook up the old mid-thirties or sixties telephone set
to your wall socket of your telephony provider or your private
telephone installation
End devices are power supplied by the telephone exchange,
so the devices independent of local sources
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Communication Systems
development of telephony equipment
Local loop – connection of the end uses device to the
telephony exchange
Device is without power when hook on cradle
Call information is signalled with 65V alternating current
When off-hook power supplied at around 60V by a current of
20 – 40mA
Dial plate cuts the local loop for well defined periods to
indicate dial information (~60ms cut, ~40ms closed in between
– try to dial via cradle – system is rather robust in detection :-))
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Communication Systems
line switching
End systems has to be connected somehow to each other
In the early beginnings manual switch boards (you know the
pictures of old films with young ladies called operators
plugging wires to connect subscribers :-))
around 1974
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Communication Systems
line switching
Switch boards
first direct-dial switch boards
appeared around 1900 used in
local area nets first and from
around 1920 for long distance
calls – dial plates (digits 1 – 9,
0) where added to the telephone
using special relay boards with
contacts for each dialed digit
system operated directly
controlled until around 1960s
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Communication Systems
line switching and signalling
Early phones used a hand generator to signal assistance by
the operator at the switch board
Now: Identification of each end device through numerical ID
composed of digits from decade system
dial plates (digits 1 – 9, 0) where added to the telephone device
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Communication Systems
automated line switching
Switch boards - routers in the telephony world
major drawbacks of this concept
route of the call is fixed
every dialed digit switches the next relay in the switching
the (long distance) line was already occupied during call
Next step was introduction of indirectly operated switching
networks middle of the fifties
Before routing setup the dial information was collected and
then processed
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Communication Systems
line switching
Analogous electronic switching networks appeared with the
beginning of the 1970s
allowed new type of dial indication
DTMF – dual tone multi frequency was introduced for dial
Inband signalling
pulse dial information has to be transported via copper wires
and require rather high currents
puls dialing impossible over very long distances (resistor
capacity of wire) and wireless transmission
major speedup for dialing
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Communication Systems
voice frequency band to the call switching center –
frequencies selected in a way that no clash with “normal”
multifrequency shift keying (MFSK)
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Communication Systems
DTMF signalling
Still in use on analogous lines and for signalling e.g. on voice
menu systems – digital equipment uses out-of-band
Special codes for signalling other data (e.g. Pay card
identification) and for cost signalling between switching
Some people were able to produce the needed frequencies to
switch off payment or setup special connections (no cost,
used by Telcos for maintenance)
“Hacking/Cracking” started not with computer networks but
with automated telephony equipment – challenge of the 70s
was to setup routes around the globe to call someone other in
the same city (and enjoy the delay because of the huge
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Communication Systems
telephony protocol
Key dials were introduced to telephones – special optimized
layout (in contradiction to keyboard layout used today)
So we have a well known “protocol of analogous telephony
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Communication Systems
Protocol of analogous telephony connection
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Communication Systems
standards in telecommunication
But in telephony world mostly not talked on “protocols” but
Interfaces are well-defined connection points where different
parts of the infrastructure/equipment talk to each other in a
certain way
International standardization body is ITU (International
Telecommunication Union
Process of standardization completely different to the
workflows in Internet bodies
No bottom up, but top down decisions
Exclusive club of the big (state monopoly) Telcos
High annual fees
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Communication Systems
standards in telecommunication
Because of the old (nation state) monopolies there are many
differences within the several networks
Numbering schemes
Acoustical indication of dial states (busy, line-free, ...)
Different use, assignment of the (wireless) frequency
Not really compatible equipment (branch exchanges, ...) every firm tries to use their own subset of “standards”
With the introduction of digital networks (ISDN and mobile)
agreement on global standards started
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Communication Systems
standards in telecommunication
Inter connecting of voice streams has lots of technical
Up to 1980s computerized switching centers but analogous
voice connections
Fault-prone to jamming and noise
Regeneration means amplification of noise too
Allow data connections over telephony networks
Next step: Fully computerized switching centers
out of band signaling of call setup
digital voice streams allow better/perfect regeneration
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Communication Systems
digital telephony networks - PCM
Analogous signal
Continuous in time and value
Characterized by amplitude
(signal strength) and
Bandwidth in telephony
networks 300Hz - 3,4kHz
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Communication Systems
digital telephony networks - PCM
Sampling of a signal
Rate at least twice the max
frequency of analogous signal
(Nyquest theorem)
2* fmaxb = 2*3,4kHz = 6,8kHz
Internationally the sample
frequency was agreed on
We get a sample period of
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Communication Systems
digital telephony networks - PCM
Analogous signal
Continuous in value domain
Has to be translated into
discrete values
A/D convertor quantizes the
Splitting the value domain into
equal intervals
Every measured value is
approximated and assigned to
one of the defined intervals
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Communication Systems
digital telephony networks - PCM
PCM defines 128 different
levels for positive and 128
negative amplitude of the
thus resolution is 256 bit
Sample rate is 8000 per
so we get 8000 Byte per
second and a bit stream of
So we have the B channel
bandwidth for ISDN ...
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
The development of digital switching networks led to
standardization and integration of additional services into
the same network
three virtual multiplex channels over the same two wire
digital telephony (two independent lines on basic rate
fax, telex
video telephony (H.323 devices may use ISDN as transport
layer for their applications)
data communication of 64 or 128kbit/s
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
Prerequisite for ISDN was digitalized infrastructure
The ISDN standard was defined in the early 1980s by the
several national standards evolved, 1TR6 in Germany, NI-1/2
in United States, DACS in UK, ...
DSS1 is the “EURO-ISDN” used in many other countries too
available from 1993
EURO ISDN was defined by the new founded ETSI (European
Telecommunication Standards Institute in 1988)
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
ISDN is commonly used in all European countries since
all switching centers use ISDN backends
so called “analogous” telephony devices (POTS – plain old
telephony service) are converted to digital service at the local
switching center
50% of the European BRI connections are in Germany
Germany has a 30% worldwide share
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Communication Systems
ISDN – and the OSI protocol stack (mostly D channel)
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
BRI provides a total data rate of 160kbit/s
standard end user connection
2 B channels (“bearer” - for data, digitized voice, ...) of 64kbit/s
1 D channel (data channel for out-of-band signaling) of
synchronization of 16kbit/s
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
Physical layer specifications of the Uk0
Operates over two-wire cable up to 5 km (depending on cable
diameter and quality)
Switching center provides a 90V current to power the NTBA
and one device (emergency function – to be independent on
local power supply for at least one telephone)
Other physical layer specifications for alternate U interfaces
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
BRI network termination is defined by the Uk0 interface
a special encoding (4B3T) is used: 4 bit digital to 3 baud
4B3T is a "block code" that uses Return-to-Zero states
allows reduction of symbol rate to 120 kBaud (¾th) and thus
distances up to 8km
reduction of low frequencies in the signal spectrum
better detection of code errors
three states: negative pulse, no pulse, positive pulse
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
next state (S1 - S4) to be transmitted is indicated in column
labled Go
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
Alternate encoding: 2B1Q – 2 bit digital to 1 baud
quaternary representation
2B1Q transmission can be simply described as an amplitude
modulation scheme for DC pulses
Ordering of data blocks depends on the encoding used
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Communication Systems
Uk0 – bit streams from switching center to NTBA
Each frame consists of 120 ternary steps
2*B+1*D takes 108 steps in 4 ternary blocks (tb) with 27 steps
Sync channel occupies 11 steps and a “maintenance” channel
(mc) 1 step
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Communication Systems
Uk0 – bit streams from NTBA to switching center
Connection is full-duplex over the two wires
Echo compensation and terminating set is needed
NTBA splits the data streams to separate up and down onto
the S0 bus
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Communication Systems
ISDN – Basic Rate Interface
Instead of the traditional wall socket a NTBA (network
terminal base adapter) is needed at end users site
NTBA provides the S0 bus to which end user devices are
Unidirectional – on pair of wires for each direction
Allows up to 12 wall sockets, 8 ISDN devices (or analogous
devices via a/b converter)
Provides device power up to 4,5W
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Communication Systems
Provides the same B and D channels as Uk0
Maintains the step and octet frequency
Handles the device plugging and device activation,
Has to be terminates with resistors of 110 Ohm
Uses modified AMI code with currents of -0,75 and 0,75V
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Communication Systems
S0 – AMI code
Modified AMI code (avoid long sequences of symbols of the
same type)
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Communication Systems
data link layer for the D channel
No distinct layering for B channels – PCM or data directly
put into frames as shown on previous slides
LAPD – Link Access Procedure on D channel
Derived from High-Level Data Link Control Protokoll (HDLC)
Broadcasts only for network termination device
D2 frame margin – octet of binary pattern: 01111110
Keeping of frame sequence
Error discovery
Multiplexing of more than one logical D2 connections
Flow control
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Communication Systems
higher layer protocols for the D channel
ITU Recommendation Q.921
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Communication Systems
layer 2 for the D channel
character is part of the Header information, hexadecimal 7E
Address is two bytes (octets) long, and consists of three
Service Access Point Identifier (SAPI)
Command/Response (C/R) bit
Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI)
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Communication Systems
layer 2 for the D channel
Control one or two octets (bytes) in length, indicates one of
three frame formats
Information carries Layer 3 Call Control (Q.931) data
It may carry Unnumbered Information data (TEI assignment)
or XID (Connection Management/parameter negotiation)
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Communication Systems
data link layer for the D channel
Protocol handles the TEI (Terminal Endpoint Identifier)
All devices on S0 using the same bus and have to be
TEI assignment is started by the connected devices after
successful initialization of physical layer synchronization
Non automatic assignment uses ID0 – 63, automatic 64 – 126
There is a special group TEI 127
Protocol elements
information lowermost bit is set to 0
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Communication Systems
data link layer for the D channel
Protocol elements
Receive Ready - (01)
Set Asyncronous Balance Mode Extended - (6F/7F)
Unnumbered Information - (03)
Disconnect - (43/53)
Unnumbered Acknowledgement – (63/73)
Flow control uses sequence numbers for sending and
Octets #4 for sending and #5 for receiving in the
information frame
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Communication Systems
data link layer for the D channel error detection
D channel protocol uses rather sophisticated error
detection protocol
Generates frame checksums
Generator polynom
g(x) = (x +1)(x15+x14+x13+x12+x4+x2+x +1)
g(x) = x16+x12+x5+1
16 bit frame checksum
Inverted residue of binary division
p1(x) = xk (x15+x14+...+x2+x +1)
p2(x) = x16d(x)
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Communication Systems
data link layer for the D channel error detection
Checking for added or lost binary zeros
Thus cyclic Hamming codes implemented
Error detection for one, two and three bit error
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Communication Systems
network layer for the D channel
DSS1 protocol handels the call setup of the calling and
called site
Call destruction after finishing the session
Restaring and parking if required
Error handling
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Communication Systems
DSS1 layer 3 protocol
Protocol Discriminator
part of the Layer 3 header information
single byte (octet) that is usually set to a value of 00001000
(hexadecimal "08") - meaning Q.931 call maintenance
Reference Value consists of either two or three bytes
BRI systems have a 7-bit Call Reference value (127
no particular end-to-end significance
Either end can assign an arbitrary value
used to associate messages with a particulary channel
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Communication Systems
DSS1 layer 3 protocol
Message Type single byte (octet) that indicates what type of
message is being sent/received
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Communication Systems
DSS1 layer 3 protocol – message types
Message Type – four categories
– Call Establishment
Call Information
Call Clearing
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Communication Systems
DSS1 layer 3 protocol – information elements
Each type of message has Mandatory and Optional
Information Elements, identified with single byte (octet)
Bearer Capability (identifies transport requirements of the
requested B-Channel)
Cause (identifies reasons for disconnect or incomplete calls)
Channel Identification (indentifies type and number of BChannel(s) requested)
Progress Indicator (Indicates status of outgoing call)
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Communication Systems
DSS1 layer 3 protocol – information elements
Network Specific Facilities (Useful for North American PRI
calls - identifies network type, Carrier ID, Carrier Service
Calling Party Number (caller ID)
Calling Party Number subaddress
Called Party Number (destination number, type of
number[unknown], numbering plan)
Called Party Number subaddress
When Information Elements consist of multiple octets, the
following octet describes how many bytes (octets) are in the
Information Element
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Communication Systems
literature on telephony networks
Have a nice holiday week!
E. Pehl, Digitale und analoge Datenübertragung
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