I believe there is a world under a word of literature it has its own structure. Understanding exactly what literature is has always been a challenge; determine a definition has proven to be quite difficult for all people and we can see all members of our class have their own definition for it. In fact, at times one seems to be reduced to saying, “I know it when I see it,” or perhaps, “Anything is literature if you want to read it that way.” It is just like a definition of love that you would never going to find the exact meaning for it." To define that term is similar to defining the meaning of love not one answer will give a whole account of what love really is like." (Imanian, What is literature?) By reading several essays like "Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown:' A Psychoanalytic Reading" I understood different kinds of interpretation psychoanalytic and postcolonial criticism. Which helped me to understand the meaning, symbols and motivation and other involves culture religious and time and also the writer situation. Reading the poems like Piercy, "The Secretary Chant", Gluck, "Terminal Resemblance", Sapia, "Grandmother, a Caribbean Indian, Described by My Father", Dickinson, "Wild Nights--Wild Nights! With different speakers allow me to analyze and explore elements of poetry and also writing an imaginative response helped me to improve my writing skills. Poetry exploration assignment helped me to understand denotation and connotation and for sure I know that it is going to be a big help to strengthen academic and personal writing. And writing a new ending for Braverman, "Pagan Night" helped me to think imaginary and write a new fiction ending. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, and it affects us. Even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful. Literature is art. Literature requires the reader to think, and sometimes to do the unthinkable. In a work of art such as this you may actually have to read the novel two, three or four times through to be able to understand exactly what the artist is driving at. For instance we may need to read Roethke, "My Papa's Waltz" several times to understand what he is trying to tell us. Writers of literature: literary artists, can be seen to produce very few works in their lifetime as they struggle over every word, every syllable. Their works are laced with deeper meanings, with images that work on many, many levels, and while they are not the most prolific of writers they can make you think about the way you live; they can change your life. First when I took English 125 I was not able to distinguish between literature and a movie. But after the Assignment 1: Consider Popular Media vs. Literature and Write I understood the difference. We may compare literature with medias for instance a move or similar to news paper. They give us information so selectively described and explained that it leaves very little space for creative imagination. Granted, when the credits roll, or the journalist signs off, we our given time to reflect and acknowledge what we have just seen or read. But when the five minute story is read or the two hour movie is finished what have we really learned about ourselves other than what we've been able to simply relate to? The answer is a lot. It's very hard to distinguish the difference in our society between a book and a movie. That's why our generation would rather spend a night at the theaters than a month at home. Literature on the other hand, appeals not just to our need for a good story, but to something deeper within the human soul. As humans we want the common experience; we want the understanding that comes from knowledge of other peoples and places and the things that simply make us all humans. Literature fulfills that need. Literature is less concerned with what's cool and what's in in terms of language and setting. It does not seek to superficial a character, but reveal the real person or persons. The other key difference between film and literature is delivery. When you read a novel, much is left to your imagination. People and settings are what you imagine them to be. Each and every person sees something unique to their imagination when they read a novel. That is what i call the beauty of literature. There is also much more time that goes into reading a novel as opposed to watching a film. When you have that much time to think about a story, it can take on much more meaning. Literature allows you to hear the voice of the author speaking to you years after they are gone, their words filled with the same emotions we still experience, even if over different beliefs etc. It forces you to use your imagination, so inspiring you, and making every story personal. Every word can be interpreted differently; every message made unique to those read it. I am not saying that media like film or news paper should go to hell; just literature is perfect. Lovers of literature and lovers of film are endlessly debating the question, which is better, film or literature? The most common answer from a reader is definitely literature. If you ask the same question of a movie buff, the answer will be film. In reality, the answer is really both. It is a matter of perception and both positive and negative qualities can be attributed to both. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how she or he may interpret the author's message. Works Cited: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "Young Goodman Brown." Making Literature Matter: A Text and Anthology for Writers. 4th ed. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2009. 1137-1147. Bald, Margaret. Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown": A Psychoanalytic Reading. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms . Bedford Books. 1998. "Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown:' A Postcolonial Reading." LiterActive. CD-ROM. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. Imanian, Mahyar. " What is Literature?" 10 July 2010. Imanian, Mahyar. "Pagan Night" Rewrite. 24 July 2010.