Renewable Energy in the Caribbean Snapshots of Jamaica, Suriname, Barbados, Dominica CONTEXT Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (CREDP) 2004-2008/9 Global Environmental Facility (GEF) financed. UNDP implemented. Govt of Germany (GTZ) supported. CARICOM Secretariat executed. Multi-country visits by the CARICOM Secretariat: Purpose Advocate with Ministers of Energy to confirm their commitment to Renewable Energy. Seek feedback on CREDP and direction for CARICOM Secretariat’s new Energy Unit to build its capacity to serve the Energy sector CREDP Participating countries: The Bahamas Barbados Belize Cuba Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Hon. Clive Mullins, Minister of Energy, Jamaica Among the initiatives we have taken in Jamaica is the wind farm, producing 23 megawatts. We plan to install 9 new turbines; an additional 18 megawatts Latest on development and outreach of public awareness in Renewable Energy uses We have been exporting Ethanol to the United States for a number of years. Now, we’ve started to blend 10% Ethanol in our local gasoline. The demand is tremendous. What has kept Jamaica steadfast on this path when so many other countries from various parts of the world vacillate depending on the world oil prices? The experience of Brazil. During the first oil crisis Brazil took the decision to go into Ethanol production. At one point the sugar production was more profitable than ethanol but they stayed the course. Ethanol – Gasoline Mix: Public Acclaim for E-10 We anticipated using 3000 barrels per day available from some 100 stations. Now, consumption is approaching 8000 per day, outstripping demand for other petroleum products including premium gasoline. Public Awareness of Renewable Energy The consuming public in Jamaica is benefiting directly from Renewable Energy. It has allowed policy to leap from the page to affect the pocket and the consumption patterns of our people. Hon. Clive Mullins Minister of Energy Jamaica Jamaica has used Hydropower for over 60 years What does energy security mean to Jamaica? We see energy as independence and diversification. Ideally it means: Being able to grow as a nation not stymied by the volatility of oil prices. Avoiding a situation where geopolitical issues routinely affect our oil supply, and consequently our economy. Hon. Clive Mullins Minister of Energy Jamaica High energy costs challenge Caribbean countries. Suriname’s Minister of Natural Resources Prof. Gregory Rusland is spearheading a 15-year vision for energy to 2023. To meet the demands of energy over the next 15 years we will have to go from over 150170 megawatts at the moment to 325 megawatts in the year 2023 Prof. Gregory Rusland Minister of Natural Resources Suriname THE CONSULTATIVE APPROACH PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS The Ministry of Natural Resources invited all the management of major companies, institutions, and energy companies along with some key experts for three days; in June 2008, to discuss the situation and make plans for the next 15 years. A unique arrangement: Industry as part of a national think-tank for energy and development. The Minister of Natural Resources mobilized various energy institutions like the State Energy Company of Suriname, and the power company, to support the ministry’s 15-year vision. A unique arrangement: Industry as part of a national think-tank for energy and development. In bio-energy we involved Statsolie the state oil company because it has the manpower, the human resources, the finances, and the structure to set up projects quickly, so we made use of people who were much better paid than government could. This system is still working. Hydro-power facility at Brokopondo SURINAME: ENERGY POLICY The policy statement of the Government of Suriname makes it clear that energy availability should never hinder our development. Priorities We examined many possibilities including nuclear energy, which we rejected for the moment. We feel that water is the one major source which must be utilized to the fullest. Prof. Gregory Rusland Minister of Natural Resources Suriname A QUEST FOR POSSIBILITIES Another possibility in West Suriname is provision of another 400 megawatts of energy to power alumina smelters. Once again, from a Renewable Energy standpoint hydro energy would be the future for Suriname. Minister Rusland is also President of the Anton de Kom national University of Suriname We are proud that the majority of Human Resources managing our energy sector are graduates from the University of Suriname; the Faculty of Technology, Department of Electrical Energy, and the Engineering Department. A Briefing at Anton de Kom University for CARICOM/UNDP Documentation of the public/private sector consultation process: A possible template IDB has been on-board since 2007 because I wanted an update of the energy situation and a clear vision for the next 15 years. It financed a study with guidelines from my ministry. These are reflected in documents currently available. Prof. Gregory Rusland Minister of Natural Resources Suriname Energy and Development: A People’s Perspective Once you provide the energy to the population you will directly see development. If people can count on the availability of energy, they will readily build houses, create industries. Role of the CARICOM Secretariat. What should we be doing in the area of Energy and Renewable Energy? CARICOM Secretariat should seek out the major expertise within the Region and not try to reinvent the wheel, but try to make use of the expertise that exists in, for example, Suriname, Trinidad and other areas of the region Prof. Gregory Rusland Minister of Natural Resources Suriname Research on Sugar Cane began in Barbados in the 1800s Research Director, Dr. Anthony Kennedy recalls: In 2003 sugarcane varieties that could fit specific requirements were found at the West Indies Central Sugar Cane Breeding Station where very-high fibre sugarcane varieties are maintained as germplasm for routine breeding purposes. Dr. Anthony Kennedy, Director of the West Indies Central Sugar Cane Breeding Station (CBS) receives the UNDP/ CARICOM Team Director, Dr. Anthony Kennedy recalls: The CBS, one of the two oldest breeding stations in the world, has been breeding sugarcane varieties in Barbados since 1888. During the last 40 years a genetic base-broadening programme incorporates genes from the wild relatives of sugarcane to improve cane yield ratooning Teaching tools Barbados, Dr. Anthony Kennedy Some vigorous hybrid seedlings with very high fibre, low sugar content, and good ratooning characteristics were cloned and found to have near ideal characteristics as Fuel Canes for biomass production. Testing is now underway. The outdoor laboratory Dr. Anthony Kennedy opined that it’s a pity St. Kitts and Nevis closed down its sugar industry as this could have been used to produced energy. A Public Education Facility: William Hinds, Ministry of Energy and the Environment, Barbados and Joseph Williams, Programme Manager, Energy, CARICOM Secretariat Hon. Charles Savarin, Minister of Energy, Dominica There was a time when perhaps over 50% of Dominica’s energy consumption came from Hydro. However, as the demand for electricity grew, the generating capacity for hydro remain static. Political Will and Commitment: Hon. Charles Savarin, Minister of Energy We took a decision to encourage persons to go into renewables and conserve on electricity consumption. We reduced the excise tax on fuel. We exempted tax on the fuel imported for the generation of electricity. We removed import duties on Renewable Energy-related items, e.g. energy saving bulbs, electrical appliances, solar water heaters. Critical Renewable Sources We have geothermal resources in Soufriere district. We are satisfied that there are significant geothermal resources in the North of the island also. Regional Commercial Options If Dominica generates in excess of 120 megawatts we have the potential of selling more than 50 megawatts to Martinique and Guadeloupe and depending on the potential to going further North and South SUMMARY CARICOM Heads of Government Georgetown, July 2009 Caribbean Community Heads of Government are committed to exploitation of Renewable Energy sources as an economic strategy and a hedge against Climate Change and Global Warming. A PRODUCTION Layout and Graphics OF THE Photos and Text PUBLIC SEROME INFORMATION CHANDISINGH CARLTON JAMES UNIT CARICOM SECRETARIAT