Academic Chemistry Syllabus - Butler Area School District

Academic Chemistry
Ms. Hottel
Welcome to Chemistry!
I am excited to work with you this semester! Prepare to be challenged in this course, but also be ready to have fun along
the way. This syllabus outlines important policies and procedures for this course. You and your parent(s)/guardian(s)
should read through it carefully and sign the final page to acknowledge that you have read it. Please return the signed
portion to me by next Wednesday, Sept. 3rd for a homework grade. Keep the remainder of the syllabus in your binder
for future reference.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to discuss topics and issues related to properties & classification of
matter, atomic structure & the periodic table, the mole & chemical bonding, and chemical relationships & reactions.
Holt Chemistry (2006) by Myers, Oldham & Tocci
Notebooks & Materials
I highly recommend that you purchase a basic scientific calculator and 3-ring binder (1” or 1.5”) for this class. All notes,
handouts, packets, etc. should be kept in this binder.
Grading Policy & Assignments
1. Classwork & Homework – Homework will be given several days a week for this course in addition to regular
assignments completed in class.
2. Projects & Labs –We will have weekly labs and several individual and group projects each marking period.
3. Tests and quizzes –Tests will include a variety of questions (multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer,
calculations, etc.) and will be given upon completion of each chapter. Quizzes will be given frequently
throughout the semester to ensure that you are keeping up with all work.
4. Comprehensive Exams- At the end of each semester, you will have a comprehensive semester exam worth
10% of your semester grade.
Grading Scale
59% and below
Due dates for work are firm. I will collect or check homework at the beginning of the period. If your work is not
complete, it will be considered late and you will receive only partial credit.
You will start each marking period with one free homework pass. This will allow you to miss one homework assignment
without a penalty. You do not need to make up this assignment. Note: a homework pass does not apply to lab reports
or projects.
If a student is absent, it is the student's responsibility to get make up work from the teacher and any notes that he/she
missed. All tests/quizzes must be made up within 5 days after returning to school.
Rules of Conduct
Classroom expectations:
1. Come to class prepared – paper, pencil, binder etc.
2. Be on time.
3. Participate in class and complete all assignments.
4. Respect yourself, others, and the school.
School rules about harassment & intimidation:
1. We will not harass or intimidate others.
2. We will treat all individuals with respect and assist others who are being intimidated.
3. We will recognize and assist others who are being left out.
4. If we know that someone is being harassed, we will let our parents or school officials know.
5. We understand it is the responsibility of each of us to keep our school community safe.
Extra Help
I am always willing to help you before or after school if you are having trouble understanding the course material. If
these times do not work for you, I would be happy to schedule another time. Please know that I am here to support you
and make sure that you are successful!
*Syllabus is tentative and can change at any time.
Academic Chemistry
Ms. Hottel
Student/Parent Syllabus Agreement
Student name: ___________________________
I, _______________________________ acknowledge that I have read the course syllabus for Ms. Hottel's
Academic Chemistry course and agree to abide by any and all rules and expectations both in and out of the classroom. I
also promise to listen, participate, and work diligently throughout the entire semester, thus providing myself the highest
opportunity for success.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Phone: __________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian e-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred contact method: _______ Phone
_______ Email (Please check)
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Success in any subject requires that students, parents, and teachers, work cooperatively to achieve a common
goal. With this in mind, I want to ensure that we are all aware of the expectations, policies, and obligations necessary for
students to succeed in this course.
Please take the time to go over the attached syllabus carefully. Your signature indicates that both you and your
child understand and agree to accept all requirements, expectations, and guidelines for this course.
Parent/Guardian signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Thank you! I look forward to working with you!
Ms. Chelise Hottel
Chemistry Teacher