Managers guide YJILS - Youth Justice Interactive Learning Space

Using the Youth Justice Interactive
Learning Space effectively
A manager’s guide
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Your personal user ID
Why use the YJILS ?
It is a flexible and accessible learning resource for
continuing professional development
It is available for all the Youth Justice workforce and in
times of financial restraint is a valuable asset
All the materials can be downloaded and used in a
variety of ways for either individuals or groups
What’s on the YJILS?
Exploring the Youth Justice system – an introduction
The Youth Rehabilitation Order in practice
Safeguarding and Public Protection resources
Social work aids to practice
Study skills toolkit
Professional Development Resources ( Training materials )
Professional Development
( Training materials)
Mental Health
Substance Misuse
Young People who
sexually abuse
Employment, Training
and Education
Offending Behaviour
Engaging young
people who offend
Restorative Justice
Assessment (Autumn 2012)
Court Skills and PreSentence Reports
(Autumn 2012)
How can the YJILS be used ?
In supervision
Learning mentors
Team events
Learning pairs
Training events
One to One Supervision
In 1:1 supervision to identify
practice/learning gaps and
help in setting learning goals
and objectives through
the application of the learning to
improve performance
Case studies/practitioner files
can be used to help demonstrate
how something could be done
differently and the learning
Individually – allows a
piece of learning to be
identified and a timescale
set for completion by the
individual on their own
A certificate can be
printed off for their own
personal record of
achievement or CV.
Learning pairs/buddies
Learning pairs or buddies
- people with similar
learning needs can learn
together sharing
knowledge and
experience as well as
supporting each other
and applying their
learning to their own
Learning mentors
By the individual
alongside a learning
mentor – this needs to be
a more experienced
practitioner with
knowledge of the YJILS.
Senior practitioners often
value this opportunity in
demonstrating that they
have the competency to
develop others.
Team/Group events
 A team study event. All
the courses have
downloadable resources
for face to face learning
and this can allow a team
to study a specific topic.
An event can be boosted
by an individual learning
on the YJILS both before
and after the event – a
'top and tail' approach
that enables 'blended'
Training events
Large training events can
make the most out of the
YJILS by preparing
participants beforehand by
identifying relevant parts of
modules to study before the
event as pre – reading
All materials on the YJILS are
downloadable so can be used
and given out at the event
Further support to embed the
learning can be encouraged
post the event by identifying
activities on the YJILS
Management Information
Managers can find out information either
by user or by course
This can be:How often an individual has used YJILS,
which courses/modules have been
started/completed and when
How many attempts have been made at
the Learning and Knowledge check and
their maximum score
All the HMIP Inspectors have been
registered on YJILS
Before any inspection, it would be
advisable to gather management
information about YJILS useage
Inspectors may ask for a report about
general useage either by the team or
completion of specific courses
What else ?
Volunteers are an important
part of the team and they have
access to YJILS. Often they
will have a more flexible
timetable and value the
opportunity to use YJILS
Can you give your staff 2 hours
a month for CPD study ? Is
there a commitment to learning
and development and a culture
of reflective practice ?
Setting an example of using
the YJILS will make a
difference. If other people see
that you value the YJILS, they
will follow your lead.
Is there somewhere quiet
where individuals can study or
can they go elsewhere for
study time?
Quotes about the YJILS
“Kirklees YOT uses the YJILS as an integral part of the induction
process for all new staff, including volunteers. The YOT has also used
the materials to deliver training sessions by our own advanced
practitioners to ensure knowledge and understanding is maintained to
a high standard.
The YJILS continues to be an excellent learning and development tool for
practitioners and volunteers within Youth Justice. It provides a wealth of
knowledge in relation to Youth justice which can all be accessed under
one click.
The volunteers in the YOT are also very supportive of this system and
use it as a learning and development tool to enhance their own
continued personal development.”
Emma from Kirklees.
Quotes from YJ Teams
“All of our staff have found the materials on YJILS accessible and
up to date - they are an invaluable reference for effective practice…….
They are great for anyone studying with the Open University towards
the Foundation Degree in youth justice and the PDRs are a particularly
useful resource which we use to compliment our staff development
We frequently refer to the materials on YJILS during staff supervision
and in performance management discussions, they have proved to be a
valuable resource for continued professional development.. “
Claire from Walsall.
If you have any queries or would like to
discuss how to use the YJILS more effectively or
book a demonstration workshop,
contact your Local Partnership Adviser
or Ruth Searle on