Sample Objectives Making Playdough


CD22 Class Project Making Playdough

Primary Learning Outcome:

Samples from Group Work

1) The children will combine a variety of ingredients to make playdough.


2) The children will gain an understanding of cause and effect by exploring the properties of ingredients and discovering what happens when they are combined to make playdough. (Science)

3) The children will experience how to make playdough by measuring and mixing ingredients. (Math)

4) The children will develop cooperation skills through working together to make playdough. (Social Studies)

Physical Motor Objectives:

1) All of the children will develop their small motor skills when they use their hands to mix the ingredients.

2) All of the children will use their tactile sense when touching the different ingredients.

3) All of the children will strengthen their eye-hand coordination when they pour the ingredients into the bowl.

4) All of the children will enhance their fine motor skills by pouring and measuring ingredients to make playdough.

Social Objectives:

1) All of the children will work together to measure the ingredients and mix them to make the playdough.

2) Most of the children will strengthen cooperation skills through taking turns measuring and mixing ingredients.

3) All of the children will be taking turns mixing the ingredients to make playdough.

4) All of the children will take turns when pouring and mixing the ingredients in the bowl.

Emotional Objectives:

1) Some of the children will express excitement through the making of playdough as a team.

2) Most of the children will demonstrate the excitement of accomplishment of making playdough.

3) Most of the children will express different feelings as they touch the soft flour, the oil, the rough salt and the sticky dough.

4) All of the children will express enjoyment of the experience of making playdough.

Cognitive/Language Objectives:

1) All of the children will experience cause and effect when mixing the ingredients to make playdough.

2) Most of the children will express new language while making the playdough together. (flour, coloring, mixing, ingredients, etc.)

3) Most of the children will enhance their math skills by measuring and counting the ingredients.

4) Some of the children will learn how to measure ingredients by using a measuring cup or spoon.

5) All of the children will experience following the sequence of a recipe chart to make their playdough.

Creative Objectives:

1) Most of the children will create their own color of playdough by mixing different colors

2) All of the children will express a preference of the texture of their own playdough.

3) All of the children will express creativity when choosing the color and molding the playdough to make sculptures.

4) All of the children will mold and manipulate the playdough to create their own art piece.

Provision for Individual Differences:

1) Smocks will be provided for children who like to stay clean.

2) Plastic gloves will be provided for children who are hesitant to touch the ingredients.

3) Children can stand or sit at the table to accommodate various physical needs.

4) Language translations will be provided for children who need it.

5) Home language support will be provided.

6) Additional materials will be provided for the children who cannot wait their turns.

7) Pladough will be provided to hold and manipulate while waiting for their turn.

8) The recipe chart will be created to meet the needs of all the children.
