Academic Vocabulary helps students understand the questions they are being asked on test in multiple subjects. Knowledge of root word meanings helps in decoding unfamiliar words. New vocabulary words will be introduced each week. A Frayer Model for each word is due every Wednesday to check for completeness. Students should complete and study these words throughout the week in preparation of weekly vocabulary quiz. Words followed by an *(asterick) are root words (part of a larger word), and should not be used alone. Weekly Vocabulary Quiz 1. Define each vocabulary term. 2. Write a sentence using vocabulary term with context clues. Remember: Words with *(asterisk) is a root word. It is not a word by itself. Add a prefix for suffix to the root to make it a word, then use it in a sentence to show you understand the meaning. FOA Write down word, definition, and examples on separate piece of notebook paper. Do NOT draw boxes. Fill boxes in as homework. Vocabulary Terms Definition Analyze Break something down into its parts Articulate Express clearly Cite Quote (what someone else has said or published) *astro stars, heaven, space *cred (o) believe Examples astronomy, astrological, asteroid credit, discredit, incredible, credulous FOA September 14, 2015 Write words, definitions, and examples ONLY on separate piece of notebook paper. – Do not draw boxes. Fill in boxes as homework. Vocabulary Terms Compare Definition Examples Find Likeness Comprehend Understand; find meaning Contrast Find differences *geo earth geography, geology, geothermal FOA September 14, 2015 Write words, definitions, and examples ONLY on separate piece of notebook paper. – Do not draw boxes. Fill in boxes as homework. Vocabulary Terms Delineate Definition Examples Describe Tell the facts; details *ject to throw inject, reject *junct to join conjunction Describe in detail Demonstrate Show clearly FOA September 21, 2015 Write words, definitions, and examples ONLY on separate piece of notebook paper. – Do not draw boxes. Fill in boxes as homework. Vocabulary Terms Definition Examples Determine Describe Develop Elaborate or expand Distinguish Set Apart *Inter Between, among Intercede, intervene *Nov New Novice, innovate, novel FOA - October 12, 2015 On a separate piece of paper, write down the words and definitions to academic vocabulary for this week. Vocabulary Term Definition Example Argument A reason or set of reasons that something is true Central Idea Most important point the author makes Conclusions Summing up of an argument *Cosm Universe, world Microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmos *Dia Across Diagram, diametrically, diaphragm FOA - October 26, 2015 On a separate piece of paper, write down the words and definitions to academic vocabulary for this week. Vocabulary Term Definition Draw Take out or pull apart Evaluate Find value; judge Explain Make a plan or define *mega/magna large, powerful *Bene, bon Good Examples megahit, megaphone, magnify, magnificent Benevolent, benefactor, benign FOA - October 26, 2015 - On separate piece of paper – copy terms, definitions and examples Vocabulary Term Definition Identify Find; point out Infer Deduce; conclude Integrate Put together Example Vocabulary Term Definition Example Locate Find Organize Arrange; classify Paraphrase Put in different words *hyper Too much, excess Hyperbole, hypertension, hypersonic *hypo Too little, under Hypochondriac, hypodermic Vocabulary Term Definition Examples Refer Mention Retell Tell in your own words Suggest Put forth; to say *Geo Earth Geocentric, geothermal, geology *Chron Time Anachronism, chronic, chronology Vocabulary Term Definition Example Summarize Sum up Support Hold up Synthesize Combine to form a more complex product *Pan All Pandemic, panacea, panarama *Retro Backward Retroactive, retrograde, retrospective Vocabulary Term Definition Example Trace Outline; follow the course of Alliteration Words in a row with the same initial consonant sound Analogy A similarity between like features of the two things *min little, small miniscule, minority, minute *Uni One Unilateral, unity, unanimous Vocabulary Term Definition Connections Relating what you read to something else you know Connotative Language The association that a work brings to mind Details Isolated facts that support ideas *Hemi, demi, semi Half *grad/gress to step Example Semifinal, demigod, hemisphere graduate, gradual, progress, progression into its parts