Exam 2 Study Guide

Exam 2 Study Guide
Psyc 204
The following questions cover topics that all students should be familiar with before taking the exam.
This sample is fairly extensive, but do keep in mind that any topic discussed in class or included in
assigned readings is fair game for inclusion on the test.
If a question has not been addressed in class, LOOK IT UP IN YOUR BOOK.
What are emotions?
When do particular emotions appear in infancy and childhood?
What are other-conscious and self-conscious emotions?
What did Kagan propose about infant socioemotional development?
How does a social smile differ from a reflexive smile? When does each appear?
What are synchronous interactions?
What are reciprocal interactions?
What are the different types of infant cries?
What seems to be a long-term result of soothing a crying infant?
What is stranger anxiety?
What is separation protest?
What is social referencing?
What is emotion regulation?
What is temperament?
What did Thomas and Chess propose about temperament?
What did Kagan propose about temperament?
What did Rothbart and Bates propose about temperament?
What is goodness of fit?
What did Erikson propose about infant development?
What is sense of self?
What is the mirror recognition test, and how do humans of different ages and non-human
animals perform on it?
What is the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage? What sort of factors influence how
children develop during this stage?
What is joint attention?
What did Freud propose about infant socioemotional development?
What did Harlow’s studies with monkeys reveal?
Who was Bowlby?
Who was Ainsworth?
What is the Strange Situation, and what are the different categories of behavior observed in it?
What is scaffolding? (as discussed in both Ch 4 and Ch 5)
How do fathers typically interact with their children?
What are U.S. mothers guaranteed in terms of maternity leave?
How are SES and child care quality linked?
What was found by the longitudinal study by the NICHHD in 1991?
What is parental sensitivity and how does it relate to secure attachment?
What is the prefrontal cortex?
What is myelination?
How active, restless, and fidgety are most 3 year-olds?
What are gross and fine motor skills?
What is rough and tumble play? Should it be discouraged?
What is BMI?
What defines overweight and obese for children and adolescents?
How much physical activity are preschool children encouraged to engage in each day?
What are risks of smoking around children?
What did Piaget propose about cognitive development from ages 2-7?
What are operations?
What is egocentrism?
What is animism?
What is conservation?
Who was Vygotsky?
What is the ZPD?
What is private speech?
What is inner speech?
What is executive attention?
What is sustained attention?
What are the different levels of memory or information processing?
What is short-term memory (STM)?
How does repetition affect STM?
What is eyewitness testimony like in children?
What is executive functioning?
What is theory of mind?
What are the morphological rules of language?
What are syntax rules?
How many words do children typically know by first grade?
What are pragmatics?
What is the child-centered kindergarten?
What is the Montessori approach?
What is Head Start?
What is the initiative versus guilt stage?
How do young children view their abilities and describe themselves?
What is emotion coaching?
What is moral development?
What did Freud propose about moral development?
What is empathy?
What is perspective taking?
What is social cognitive theory?
What is gender identity?
What are gender roles?
BY what age do most children know whether they are physically a girl or a boy?
What is social role theory?
What does psychoanalytic theory posit regarding gender identity and role development in both
boys and girls?
What does social cognitive theory propose regarding gender development?
What is a schema? What is a gender schema?
What are the authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent, and neglectful parenting styles? How do
the parents behave, how do the children typically develop, and which is most common in lower
SES families?
What are potential consequences of corporal punishment?
What is time out?
What method of discipline is most commonly endorsed by child psychologists?
What is coparenting?
What is child maltreatment?
What proportion of parents were abused themselves go on to abuse their own children?
What % of children born to married parents in the US will experience their parents’ divorce?
How does divorce typically affect children?
What % of lesbians and gay men are parents?
What has research revealed about the children of lesbian and gay parents?
Is play important? Why?
What is practice play? Social play?
What is the recent recommendation regarding screen time and young children?