Time Saved - Optimus Education

Time-Saving Teaching
6 instant strategies to improve your teaching
Ruth Powley
Email ruth.powley1@gmail.com
Website www.lovelearningideas.com
Follow me @powley_r
Download this presentation from http://bit.ly/timeSaving
Why knowing your pedagogy matters
“Some effective techniques are underutilized – many teachers do not learn
about them” [Dunlosky].
If teachers don’t understand and utilise the pedagogy behind teaching, we
run the risks of:
• Failing to make the most effective and efficient choices about what
• Being unable to engage effectively in necessary discussion about what
• Reinforcing ‘learned helplessness’
1. Retrieval Starters
Rosenshine: mastery learning 17 Principles of Effective Instruction
Bjork: retrieval as a memory modifier Learning and Forgetting Lab
“When information is successfully retrieved from memory, its representation in memory is changed such
that it becomes more recallable in the future” [Bjork].
Strategy to improve students’ permanent learning
5-8 minute review/ quiz with questions on:
To retrieve key knowledge from last lesson
To retrieve key knowledge from last week
To retrieve key knowledge from last term
To retrieve key knowledge from last lesson and connect it to knowledge from last term
Time Saved
Preparing resources for starter activities
2. Guided Instruction
Rosenshine: mastery learning 17 Principles of Effective Instruction
Kirscher,Sweller & Clark: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work
“The most successful teachers... spent more than half of the class time lecturing, demonstrating, and
asking questions... Teachers who spent more time in guided practice...also had students who were more
engaged during individual work” [Rosenshine].
Strategies to utilise students’ working memory
Guided instruction
Re-guided instruction
Worked examples (novice learners)
Problem solving (expert learners)
Interleaving (permanent learning)
Time Saved
Preparing unnecessary ‘discovery’ activities, and ordering activities incorrectly
3. Questioning for Learning
Rosenshine: mastery learning 17 Principles of Effective Instruction
Dunlosky: What Works, What Doesn’t
“Less successful teachers ask fewer questions and almost no process questions” [Rosenshine]
Strategies to check students’ learning
Hinge questions: My Favourite No
Elaborative interrogation: (Why+ questions) When is X true? Why X not Y?
Bingo questions: Connect, expand, defend, disagree, diverge, rephrase, summarise
Time Saved
Time planning unnecessary resources for ‘progress checking’
4. Oral Pedagogy
Rosenshine: mastery learning 17 Principles of Effective Instruction
“Material will be forgotten unless there is sufficient rehearsal” [Rosenshine].
Strategies to embed excellence
Say it again properly
What do you think?
The Power of Yet: Mindset language
Time Saved
Written correction marking and instruction time
5. Struggle Plenaries
Rosenshine: optimal success rate 80%: Students are learning but still challenged 17 Principles of Effective
“Learning happens when people have to think hard” [Coe].
Strategies to check student learning at optimal rate
What have you struggled with this lesson?
What was hard?
Why was it hard?
Use this to plan your next lesson.
Time Saved
Preparing resources for plenary activities
6. Testing for Learning
Bjork: Desirable Difficulties: Constant cues create an illusion of fluency
Roediger: 10 Benefits of Testing
“As learning occurs so does forgetting” Nuthall.
Strategies to check overlearning of 20%
Practice Testing
Distributed (spaced) Practice
Interleaved Practice
Time Saved
Don’t do more, rearrange what you do and blend re-study with testing
Where do I go from here?
Available from Optimus Education
Mastery Lesson Plan http://bit.ly/1zZHEOm
8 Ways to Bring Your Teaching Up To Date http://bit.ly/1xMffyl
Do you want more?
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Time-saving differentiation strategies
Time-saving learning strategies
Time-saving questioning strategies
Time-saving whole-school literacy strategies
6 Steps to Permanent Learning
6 Steps to Permanent CPD
Tailored CPD
Questions & Answers
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