What is a Civilization?

The Seven
of a
Welcome to the bir th of
histor y! In this shor t lesson,
you will learn…
 What a civilization is
 W h a t m a ke s a c i v i l i z a t i o n
 I f s o m e t h i n g i s o r i s n ’t a
What do you think you
1. What is a civilization?
2. What do you think the 7 characteristics of a
civilization are?
(Or in other words, what things does a
civilization have to have in order to be a
What is a Civilization?
• A civilization is an
advanced state of
human society.
• There are 7
characteristics that
define a civilization.
Seven Characteristics of
a Civilization
1. Stable food supply
2. Social structure
3. System of government
4. Religious system
5. Highly developed culture
6. Advances in technology
7. Written language
What Is A Civilization?
Be careful to not associate
civilization with civilized and
everyone else as barbarians or
Stable Food Supply
Civilizations need a
stable supply of food.
Societies can only
thrive with plenty of
Domesticating of
animals and
agriculture allowed
civilizations to create
a stable food supply.
Why is this important?
Stable Food Supply
Let’s think of Excelsior
Middle School as a
What is our “stable
food supply” at
Excelsior Middle
Social Structure
Civilizations are organized, or they have a
social structure.
A social structure is made of different levels
The levels can be controlled through different
jobs and social levels (or status).
Social Structure
Social pyramids example
1. Ruler
2. Landowners/priests/government officials
3. Common class (merchants, craftspeople, etc)
4. Slaves
Social Structure
What is the social structure
pyramid at Excelsior?
Civilizations need a well organized government to help
direct people’s behavior and keep life in order.
The government is in charge of enforcing laws,
construction, leading the army, and distribution of food.
Every civilization has their own style of rule
• Kings
• President
• Pope
• Pharaoh
• Senate
• Oligarchy
How does the government help you?
What is our government like here
at Excelsior Middle School?
All civilizations need a religious system. This
includes, set of beliefs, God(s), and place of
Some civilizations have one religious system
that everyone follows.
Some civilizations have a religious system
where people can make a choice.
What is our religious system here
are Excelsior Middle School?
• All civilizations must have a highly developed
culture including the arts, like painting,
architecture, and music.
• Culture is a way to show what a civilization values
(important to them).
What is a piece of culture
that is present in our lives?
Art and Culture
What is the culture here at
Excelsior Middle School?
Advances In Technology
All civilizations create new forms of technology (tools
or inventions).
These advances prove that a civilization not only
developed, but also provided contribution to
surrounding area and future generations.
What is an advance in
technology for the US?
What technology do we use at
Excelsior Middle School?
Must have a highly developed written language.
The beginning of history means the beginning
of writing. The first known language was
cuneiform, created by the Sumerians.
An example of writing can also be pictographs
What would your life be like
without any writing?