Hamlet Lesson 14 (Act III, Scene 1) Total Points Possible: 25 Standards Covered in This Lesson: RL.11-12.3, 4; SL.11-12.1.a-e L.11-12.4.a, 5a Vocabulary: Define by guessing first, and then by watching for the actual definition to be taught. Seven points total. Vocabulary Word Your Guess Actual Definition nunnery breeder cuckolds calumny plague dowry amble Finish annotating Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1, from lines 131-162 (“Get thee to a nunnery” through “To a nunnery go”). Share your annotations with a partner, filling in missing information as needed. Continue working with a partner, noting the following: Circle the figurative language that Hamlet uses (ex. lines 138-139 “crawling between earth and heaven”). Find at least five examples. Box unfamiliar words found in this text. Reading and Discussion Questions: 1. Why would Hamlet tell Ophelia to go to a nunnery? What subject(s) did he just discuss with her that relate to a nunnery? 2. The explanatory note suggests that the word nunnery was sometimes used to refer to a brothel (house of prostitution). How does this alternate meaning impact your understanding of what Hamlet could be saying? How could Hamlet be using both meanings of nunnery in this context? 3. What new reason for Ophelia needing a nunnery does Hamlet introduce in lines 131-132? 4. What evidence in lines 132-139 does Hamlet use to support this reason? 5. Of what things does Hamlet accuse himself? Reread lines 141-145 and answer the following questions: 6. Why might Hamlet ask about Ophelia’s father at this point? (Consider: Where is Polonius at this point in the play?) 7. What does Ophelia’s exclamation in line 145 suggest she believes about Hamlet? Reread lines 146-153 and answer the following questions: 8. What plague or curse does Hamlet place on Ophelia as a dowry? 9. Why might Hamlet offer this “plague” for Ophelia’s “dowry”? 10. The explanatory note for line 151 states that “monsters” can refer to “cuckolds” or husbands of unfaithful wives. Why might Hamlet introduce this subject? Who is he suggesting has been or will be as a cuckold? 11. To what other marriage might Hamlet also be referring with this image? 12. How does Ophelia respond? What does her response reveal about her attitude towards Hamlet? Reread lines 154-158 and answer the following questions: 13. What does Hamlet mean by “paintings” here? 14. Which word in line 156 helps you make meaning of the word amble? What does amble mean in this context? 15. What is the impact of lines 154-158 on Hamlet’s tone toward Ophelia or women in general? Cite specific words and phrases to demonstrate his tone. Reread lines 158-162 and answer the following questions: 16. What reasons has Hamlet given in the previous lines for having “no more marriage” (lines 159160)? 17. To whom might Hamlet be referring when he says, “Those that are married already,/all but one shall live” (lines 160-161)? Infer who Hamlet suggests will live and who will die. 18. Review lines 131-162. What phrase does Hamlet repeat throughout this excerpt? What impact does the repetition have?