ABC Book of Landforms By Mylan ATOLL ATOLLA coral island that consists of a coral reef, surrounding a lagoon. Example: Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean BAY BAYAn area of sea, partially enclosed by land, and smaller than a gulf. • Example: The San Francisco Bay in California CANYON CANYONA deep valley between cliffs, often carved from the landscape by a river. • Example: The Grand Canyon in Arizona COAST COASTLand next to the sea; the seashore. • Example: The Gold Coast in Africa Devil’s Tower • Example: Devil’s TowerDevil’s Tower National Park in Wyoming A massive old volcanic neck, located in the Black Hills. GLACIER GLACIER A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow. • Example: The Glaciers of Alaska GULF GULF A part of an ocean, or sea, extending into the land. • Example: The Gulf of Mexico HILL HILLA small elevation in the earth’s surface. • Example: The Chocolate Hills in the Philippines ICEBERG ICEBERG A large floating piece of ice, broken away from a glacier. • Example: An Iceberg from the Antarctic Ocean. ISLAND ISLAND A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water. • Example: The Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. ISTHMUS ISTHMUSA narrow strip of land, connecting two larger land areas. • Example: The Assos Isthmus in Greece LAKE LAKE A large inland body of water that is larger than a pond. • Example: Lake Tahoe in California MESA MESAA broad flat topped elevation with one or more cliff like sides. • Example: Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado MONOLITH MONOLITH A single standing stone often in the form of a monument or column. • Example: The “Standing Stones” of Scotland. MOUNTAIN MOUNTAINA natural elevation of the Earth’s surface having considerable mass, steep sides, and a height greater than a hill. • Example: Mount Everest in Nepal PENINSULA PENINSULAA piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus. • Example: The State of Florida PLAIN PLAIN A large, flat, or level area of land. • Example: The Great Plains, of the central United States of America. PLATEAU PLATEAU A broad flat area of high land. • Example: The Plateaus of Colorado RIVER RIVER A large natural stream of water that empties into an ocean, lake, or other body of water. • Example: The Mississippi River SAND DUNE SAND DUNE A hill or ridge of sand that lies behind the part of the beach that is affected by tides and or winds. • Example: The Sand Dunes of Jekyll Island, Georgia VALLEY VALLEY A long narrow hollow in the Earth’s surface that lies between two higher areas. • Example: Death Valley California VOLCANO VOLCANOAn opening in the Earth’s crust that ejects molten lava, ash, and gases. • Example: The Pular Volcano in Chile