Skeletal System TEST 2015

Please use the SCANTRON and a pencil.
1. The largest bones of the arm and leg are the:
A. ulna/fibula
B. radius/femur
C. radius/tibia
D. humerus/femur
2. Which of these joints is NOT a freely moveable joint?
A. hinge
B. pivot
C. saddle
D. symphysis
Match the name of the parts of the long bone with the diagram below.
3. The diaphysis is shown at number _.
A. # 9
B. # 1
C. # 7 and # 10
D. # 8
4. The medullary cavity is indicated at number _.
A. # 10
B. # 7
C. # 4
D. # 6
5. Spongy bone is indicated at number _.
A. # 6
B. # 5
C. # 3
D. # 7
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. These bones are all part of the axial skeleton except the
A. sternum
B. skull
C. hip bone
D. sacrum
7. Which statement is NOT true of the vertebral column?
A. Discs of cartilage between vertebrae absorb shock and form symphysis
B. The vertebral column supports the trunk and head
C. Thoracic vertebrae articulate with the posterior ends of the ribs
D. The hip bones articulate with the lumbar vertebrae
8. The skeleton of the embryo is first formed of other tissues that are gradually replaced by bone. The process of bone
replacement of another tissue is called __.
A. osteoporosis
B. hemopoiesis
C. ossification
D. growth at epiphyseal plates
Use the diagram to the right to answer the next question set.
9. Which letter in the diagram to the left indicates the coronal suture?
10. Which letter in the diagram to the left indicates the frontal bone?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use the diagram to the right to answer the next question set.
11. Letter “C” on the diagram to the left is indicating the
A. False ribs
B. Fake ribs
C. True ribs
D. Floating ribs
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. What do the patella and the ulna protect?
A. digestive organs
B. knee and wrist
C. shoulder and knee
D. wrist and ankle
13. Which statement below is NOT true of the tissue of the skeletal system?
A. Bone matrix provides strength and stores calcium
B. The periosteum is made of fibrous tissue and anchors ligaments and tendons
C. Blood cells are produced by yellow bone marrow
D. Ligaments are made of fibrous connective tissue and connect bone to bone
14. How many bones are in the adult skeleton?
A. 160
B. 206 C. 260 D. 300
15. In the long bones of a child the part of a bone that is actually growing is the
A. articular cartilage
B. epiphyseal plate
C. diaphysis
D. synovial membrane
16. Which of the following bones does NOT protect an internal organ?
A. vertebrae
B. ribs
C. sternum
D. phalanges
TRUE or FALSE (Choose “A” for TRUE and “B” for False)
17. A rodent skull and a human skull both have zygomatic bones and mandibles.
Refer to the diagram below to answer the next question set.
18. The bone indicated at “6” is the
A) maxilla B) zygomatic bone C) temporal bone D) nasal bone
19. The bone indicated at “5” is the
A) mandible B) parietal bone C) sphenoid bone D) zygomatic bone
20. The bone indicated at “4” is the
A) maxilla B) parietal bone C) temporal bone D) nasal bone
21. Numbers 1, 10, and 8” all indicate:
A) sutures B) fontanels C) hyaline cartilage D) growth plates
22. A bone that is NOT indicated by any number on this diagram is the
A) frontal bone B) parietal bone C) occipital bone D) temporal bone
23. The mental foramen is located in the
A) frontal bone B) zygomatic bone C) mandible D) occipital bone
24. The bone indicated at “3” is the
A) frontal bone B) parietal bone C) occipital bone D) nasal bone
25. The bone indicated at “7” is the
A) frontal bone B) parietal bone C) occipital bone D) maxilla
26. The bone indicated at “9” is the
A) frontal bone B) parietal bone C) occipital bone D) nasal bone
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27. An example of a ball and socket joint is
A. femur and tibia
B. scapula and ulna
C. femur and hip bone
D. tibia and fibula
28. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the skull?
A. Sutures are the immovable joints between cranial bones
B. The spinal cord passes through the foramen magnum in the occipital bone
C. Sockets for the teeth are found in the maxilla and the mandible
D. The only moveable joint is between the temporal bone and the maxilla
29. There are __ pairs of true ribs and __ pairs of floating ribs.
A. 5 : 12
B. 7: 2
C. 5 : 2
D. 12 : 7
30. An organ in the thoracic cavity that is protected from injury by the rib cage is the __ and an organ in the abdominal
cavity that is protected from injury by the rib cage is the __.
A. large intestine : spleen
B. lungs : heart
C. stomach : kidney
D. heart : liver
31. What two bones form the socket for the humerus?
A. tibia and carpals
B. tibia and humerus
C. scapula and ulna
D. clavicle and scapula
32. How many carpals are found in each wrist?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 C. 16
33. The metacarpals articulate distally with the __ and proximally with the __.
A. carpals : ulna
B. phalanges : carpals
C. carpals : metatarsals
D. humerus : phalanges
Refer to the diagram below to answer the next question set.
34. The bone at letter E is the
A. occipital
B. ethnoid
C. maxilla
D. mandible
35. The bone at letter A is the
A. sphenoid
B. occipital
C. temporal
D. mandible
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLASSIFICATION OF BONES: Part I. Match each type of bone with the correct examples. Choices should be used only once.
36. Long bones
A. vertebrae and facial bones
B. bones of the arms, legs, fingers, and toes
37. Short bones
C. wrist and ankle bones
D. cranial bones and ribs
38. Flat bones
39. Irregular bones
Use the diagram to the right to answer the next question set.
40. The bone at “1” is the
A) sternum B) clavicle C) a floating rib D) sacrum
41. The bone at “5” is the
A) humerus B) radius C) ulna D) carpal
42. The bone at “3” is the
A) sternum B) scapula C) clavicle D) maxilla
43. The bone at “2” is the
A) maxilla B) sternum C) tarsal D) scapula
44. The bone at “9” is the
A) metatarsals B) phalanges C) fibula D) carpal
45. The bone at “7” is the
A) patella B) ischium C) femur D) coccyx
46. The bone at “4” is the
A) humerus B) radius C) ulna D) carpal
47. The bone at “6” is the
A) tarsal B) radius C) phalange D) carpal
48. The bone at “8” is the
A) patella B) metatarsal C) fibula D) tibia
49. The bone at “10” is the
A) lumbar vertebrae B) coccyx C) ischium D) sternum
50. Which of the following types of bones consists of a diaphysis made of compact bone and epiphyses made of spongy
A. short bones
B. flat bones
C. long
D. irregular bones
51. Attachments between muscle and bone and bone to bone are made of what type of tissue?
A. epithelial
B. connective
C. muscle
D. nervous
52. The human skeleton has two major divisions. These are the _ and _.
A. axial : appendicular skeleton
B. pectoral girdle : pelvic girdle
C. torso : limbs
D. skull : the rest of the body
53. One of the bones that attaches the arms to the axial skeleton is the
A. humerus
B. floating ribs
C. ulna
D. clavicle
54. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can be described as
A. side to side
B. front to back like a “hunchback”
C. a forward sway in the lower back
D. arthritis that causes fusion of the vertebrae
55. Which of the following bone abnormalities is caused by vitamin D deficiency in children?
A. rheumatoid arthritis
B. osteoporosis
C. rickets
D. plantar fasciitis
Choose the letter on the Scantron sheet that matches the name of the structure with the letters indicated below.
56. occipital
57. zygomatic bone
58. maxilla
59. vomer
60. foramen magnum