7th Grade Science: Team 7-2 Course Overview for the 2013-2014 School Year Teacher Information: Teacher: Mrs. Jessica Blewitt Room: 15 Email: jblewitt@roxbury.org Web page: http://www.roxbury.org under Teacher Pages The webpage will be updated with homework information Curriculum Overview: Our 7 grade science program focuses on several topics. Course topics include: th Unit 1: Exploring Life Science Unit 2: Cells-The Units of Life Unit 3: Microbiology Unit 4: Introduction to Plants Unit 5: Introduction to Animals Unit 6: Genetics Recommended Supplies: Three ring binder (2 inches) Loose leaf paper Pencils Highlighters Expo markers Grading Policy: Grades will be based on a point system with test, quizzes, and projects based out of more points than homework assignments. All grades will be updated on Genesis several times a week so please utilize that website as a resource to check on your progress in science. Online Textbook: We have access to an online science textbook. This means you don’t need to carry around a heavy book! I will provide you with the access code for the online grade book so that you can log in and create your account. There will be hard copies available for use with in the classroom. Actual textbooks will not be assigned unless you would like one. If you would like a textbook I will gladly assign one to you. Tests and Quizzes Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Throughout the year students will have various quizzes. These quizzes may include vocabulary for each chapter. Quizzes may be announced or not (pop quiz, open notebook). Prior to announced assessments students will be given a review guide which they can use to study. We will play review games to prepare for the tests and quizzes. The games will consist of questions that are similar to those found on the assessment. Projects Students will be given guidelines for each project and will be provided a rubric and/or informed of the requirements. Homework Homework is a chance for students to review concepts and objectives discussed in class. It also is important for teaching good study habits and provides an opportunity for students to take on responsibility. Students should expect to have some form of science homework. Homework will be due the day after it was assigned unless otherwise noted. All assignments and due dates will be posted on the class web page(accessed off the school’s website) as well as the homework board in the classroom. Homework will be checked daily for completion and scored a maximum of 3 points. Late Work Students are expected to submit their work by the due date for the assignments. If an assignment is late then the grade will be penalized and partial credit will be lost. A homework assignment grade will drop 1 point for each day it is late. Projects, which are scored out of more points, will lose 10 points daily until handed in. Absences If a student is absent, they are required to make up any missed assignments. The responsibility for making up missing work lies solely with the student. All assignments will be posted on the class webpage and on the homework board in the classroom. Students who are absent can check the web page or with a fellow classmate. The rule for time allowed for make-up work is equal to the amount of time absent. Students who miss a test or quiz due to absence must arrange a time to make the assessment up. In the front of the classroom there is also a make-up board listing students who have to complete a missed assessment. Raffle I believe in awarding acceptable behavior in the classroom, so I have created a weekly raffle. If a student comes to class prepared, has his/her homework completed, and fulfills all the classroom responsibilities, a daily raffle ticket will be given. At the end of each week we will pick a winner and that person will receive a homework pass and a small prize (pencil, eraser, etc.) Homework Pass A homework pass can be handed in for any one day assignment, meaning a pass may NOT be used for a project or any assignment that has a due day several days after it was assigned. Homework passes will be awarded to weekly raffle winners as well as for a student’s birthday. If a student’s birthday falls during the summer months then he or she will get a pass for a half birthday (example if your birthday is July 13 , then you will get a pass on January 13 ). th th