2014 - 2015 Orchestra Handbook - Comal Independent School District

Orchestra Handbook
2014 - 2015
Spring Branch MS & Smithson Valley MS
“Where Excellence is an Attitude!”
Dear SBMS & SVMS Orchestra Students & Parents,
Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 school year! I am so excited to be apart of
the new string orchestra program in Comal ISD for the very first year at the
secondary level. I hope your summer was very enjoyable and relaxing!
This handbook will address all the information needed for both parents
and students. It is vital to the Orchestra program that every member holds a
desire to excel and achieve. In return, I will do everything in my power to
provide an exciting, enriching journey in music that will have lifelong benefits.
There is no limit to what each young musician and student can accomplish.
The procedures and guidelines explained in the following pages are simple
and sound. Following these policies fulfills an obligation to your school, fellow
orchestra members and director, your family, and most importantly, to yourself.
Parents and students: please read over this handbook carefully in its
entirety, discuss its contents, and keep it for reference throughout the school
year. Please complete the forms at the back and return them to me. I
appreciate your support and look forward to a great year. Thank you for the
opportunity to work with your children!
Stacie Glowka
Orchestra Director, Spring Branch & Smithson Valley Middle School
Phone: (830) 885 – 8800 ext. 8889 (SBMS)
Please note: because of my
Email: stacie.glowka@comalisd.org
schedule at 2 campuses, and
multiple classrooms, email will be
my primary means of
communication, and will be the
1st: Youth Leadership
best way to reach me. If you need
2nd: 6th Grade Orchestra
to reach me, please call, leave me
3rd: Conference/Travel
a voicemail at SBMS, or email me,
4th: Conference/Travel/Lunch
and I will return your call.
Messages left at SVMS after
5 : Youth Leadership
10am may not be received until
6 : 6 Grade Orchestra
the following day.
7 : 6 Grade Orchestra
Orchestra Handbook Agreement Form
Contact Information Form
Secondary Orchestra Equipment Usage Agreement
2014 – 2015 Orchestra Calendar
26: First day of school!
29: Handbook Acknowledgement and Agreement Form Due!
2: All supplies due in class! (See supply list)
10: Region Audition Entry Forms DUE
Tuesday, October 28: Masquerade Concert
1 & 8: All-Region Orchestra Auditions
6th grade: Saturday, November 1, 8:00am at Lopez Middle School
7th & 8th grade: Saturday, November 8, 8:00am at Wood Middle School
Wednesday, December 10: Holiday Concert
12 & 13: All-Region Orchestra Clinic & Concert
31: UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest at Johnson High School
TBD: Recruiting Trips at Elementary Schools
TBD: Performance at district Art Show
TBD: Performance at district Art Show
Thursday, May 28: Spring Concert
TBD: End of Year Party/Banquet
NOTE: Event times/locations subject to change! All changes will be announced
on the Orchestra website, through email, in class, and sent home with
Supplies List
All supplies are due by Tuesday, September 2.
Instrument & bow in good working condition
Case with a luggage tag (labeled with name, address, school, & phone number)
Cleaning cloth
Shoulder rest (violin/viola)
Rock stop (cello/bass)
Extra set of strings (violin/viola)
Essential Elements for Strings Book 2
2 pencils
1” BLACK ring binder with clear plastic cover
5 dividers
Zippered pencil pouch (to put inside binder)
Orchestra T-Shirt (information & order form will come in the next couple of
CONCERT/PERFORMANCE UNIFORM: Orchestra t-shirt, jeans, closed-toe
dress shoes (no flip flops, no sneakers)
It is strongly recommended that you have the following at home:
1. Music stand (for home practice)
2. Tuner/metronome (for home practice)
3. Suzuki Book 1 & 2 (highly recommended for UIL Solo/Ensemble selections
and for own practice of solo repertoire)
The following items are optional to be donated to the SB/SV Orchestra:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
1. Donations of boxes of tissues (Kleenex)
2. Donations of Expo Dry Erase Markers
Orchestra T-Shirt (required for concert/performance uniform) - $10.00 - $12.00
Region 12 Orchestra Audition Fee & Form - $10.00
Due October 10
UIL Solo & Ensemble Entry Fee & Form - $6.00 per solo/ensemble
Due December 19
All students must have an instrument in good working condition. Instruments
may be rented through Comal ISD, an outside shop, or purchased.
Local music stores (instruments available for rental or purchase):
Antonio Strad Violin
Alamo City Strings
Terra Nova Violins
10288 San Pedro Ave
12255 West Ave, Ste. 4
6983 Blanco Rd.
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX
(210) 349-9788
(210) 341-0500
(210) 349-7400
Renting Instruments through CISD
Students who wish to rent a CISD string instrument must fill out the Secondary
Equipment Usage Agreement form (attached) and return it to the director by
Thursday, August 28, along with a non-refundable $80.00 fee. Students in the
free lunch program qualify for a $50.00 reduction (total fee of $30.00) and
students in the reduced lunch program qualify for a $20.00 reduction (total fee
of $60.00). The Instrument user fee must be paid prior to receiving the
instrument. A payment plan may be considered at the discretion of the
Orchestra Director.
Checks can be made out to SBMS for Spring Branch MS students and SVMS
for Smithson Valley MS students.
Instrument Care & Handling
Stringed instruments are very delicate and cannot handle rough treatment or
extreme temperatures. They should be handled as if they were infants – do not
leave your instrument in a vehicle, drop it, or place in direct sunlight, even when
in the case. It should be cleaned with a soft, lint-free cloth after playing, wiping
down the strings and wood. The bow should be loosened to avoid warping and
breakage and to prolong the life of the hair. The bow should never be tightened
so much that it is completely straight – there should always be a concave curve
in the stick.
 Leave your instrument in a vehicle
 Use furniture polish, water, or any
cleaning substance on the
instrument unless it is specifically
a string instrument cleaner.
 Loosen your bow before putting it
in the case.
 Contact or tell your director if: a
string breaks, the bridge falls out
of place, something is rattling on
the inside, or something just seems
Course Description
“This course is designed for students who exhibit an interest in learning to play violin,
viola, cello, or string bass. Students will develop orchestral music literacy through
reading, writing, reproducing, and creating orchestral music. Students will understand
the relevance of orchestral music to history, culture, and the world, including the
relationship of orchestral music to other academic disciplines and the vocational
possibilities offered. Students will perform at concerts and UIL competitions and should
prepare to spend time outside of the school day preparing for these performances.” (MS
Course Guide, 2014 – 2015)
In addition to performance opportunities, students will complete projects and
other activities to further enhance their musicianship by learning and reinforcing
rehearsal and performance etiquette, music history and theory, citizenship,
teamwork, and problem solving.
Specific Goals & Objectives
1. Care and handling of instruments
2. Posture, playing position, bow hand
a. Musician health and wellness
b. Stretching and strengthening (mind and body)
3. Instrumental technique
a. Tone, intonation, and articulation
b. Right-hand and left-hand techniques
c. Rhythmic skills
d. Ability to phrase musically
e. Dynamic control
4. Music reading skills
a. Develop eye-hand coordination
b. Interpret musical symbols and terms and produce required sounds
Musical sensitivity through performance and listening
a. Performance and listening etiquette
Evaluation of musical performance quality
a. Evaluate progress towards self-established musical goals
b. Evaluate solo and group rehearsals and performances
c. Recognize quality of sound, pitch, style, tempo, rhythm, blend,
balance, phrasing, dynamics, and articulation
Creative self-expression
a. Express oneself in every performance experience
b. Explore careers
Group attitudes and teamwork
Global elements of music including, but not limited to: history, culture,
current events, in relation to other arts and in relation to non-arts content
Differentiation In Orchestra
Through a variety of facilitating activities that address students’ unique abilities
Advanced students are accelerated in a variety of ways. Advanced students
perform more challenging parts, have opportunities for solo performances, and
are provided opportunities for participation in extra-curricular orchestras and
Graduates of the Middle School Orchestra Program will:
 Recognize through aesthetic awareness that music is a part of all humanity.
 Acquire skills necessary for life-long music learning and application.
 Prepare and present a musically proficient performance, alone and in an
 Make knowledgeable judgments about music.
 Understand the relationship of music to other arts and to non-arts
 Enjoy and appreciate musical performances within their historical and
cultural context.
Daily Work & Homework
Major Grades
 Daily Work & Homework (25%)
Consists of practice records, daily rehearsal participation in class, individual
playing checks, and other written assignments.
Practice Records
Every student will submit a practice record each Monday. The student is to
document the number of minutes practiced each day of the week, and then
providing the total number of minutes. All practice records must be signed
by a parent/guardian before submitting for a grade. Unsigned practice
records will NOT be accepted. Late practice records will be graded
according to Comal ISD’s Late Work Policy.
Importance of Practice
Individual home practice is a crucial part of any musician’s learning process.
It is also very important to the orchestra as a whole that efforts are made
by each student to take on the responsibility of learning his or her
individual parts outside of the classroom. Ideally, class meetings and
rehearsals are not to be used as a practice session, but as a time for
working on ensemble skills and performance.
Tips for Home Practice:
- Practice daily and
- Tune instrument carefully
- Analyze problems to define
components that can be solved
one by one.
- Decide on best method to
solve each problem.
- Organize practice time.
- Practice both with and
without instrument and/or bow.
- Repeat correct performance for
- Practice different tempi, slow as
well as fast.
- Practice both left and right hands
- Practice difficult sections in
- Practice performing skills.
Daily Rehearsals
Orchestra is primarily a performance-based course. Therefore, it is
imperative that students attend rehearsal (class) in order to improve their
skills as well as contribute to their ensemble team.
Before/After School Sectionals & Rehearsals
Because our orchestra is currently split between 2 schools and multiple
classes, the need for before or after school rehearsals will arise. All joint
rehearsals (both schools) will be held after school, during the early evening
times. A rehearsals calendar will be posted on the website by September 8, as
well as emailed and sent home with students.
Smithson Valley MS – Mornings: 7:40am - 8:10am
Spring Branch MS – Afternoons: 4:00pm - 4:30p
 Quizzes (35%)
Quiz grades will consist of both playing and written quizzes, quizzes announced in
advance and surprise pop-quizzes.
 Major Grades (40%)
Individual Performance and Non-Performance Projects
All students will complete 2 music projects per academic year, 1 per
semester. All students will complete an Individual Music Project
- Audition for Region XII Orchestra
- Participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble
- Individual Music Project: medium of student’s choice (an essay,
informative poster, skit, speech, artwork, creative writing, composition,
science of music/sound/acoustics, etc.) Topic/question ideas will be
brainstormed in class. Must be a topic related to music. Students will be
given class time and resources to complete these projects.
o Tentative Due Dates (detailed info will be sent home mid-September):
 Topic Proposal – October
 Essential Question – November
 Outline of Important Topic Information – January
 Draft/Overview – Before Spring Break
 Final – April/May
Tests (both written and playing)
Chair Tests are performance grades that will determine their chair
placement in their section. Playing Tests are simply for a performance grade
but do not affect chair order.
Concerts count as two (2) major test grades. A grade will be assigned
according to the student’s performance (both on and off the stage). All
students are required to stay for the entire concert. No student is
permitted to leave early without the Director’s consent. The second concert
test grade will come from the completion of a performance evaluation, done
during the next class meeting after a concert.
Concert attire is the orchestra t-shirt, jeans (without holes), and closed-toe
dress shoes (no flip flops, no sneakers, ladies – no high heels). Failure to
adhere to concert dress code will prevent you from performing with the
Concert Attendance
Orchestra concerts and activities are planned so that the least amount of
activities will conflict. All students are required to attend all concerts,
remembering that each concert counts as two (2) test grades. A student will
not be able to accurately complete the concert evaluation if they do not
attend the concert.
IMPORTANT: In the event of a conflict, the student has the responsibility
of submitting a signed note or email from a parent OR the appropriate
teacher or sponsor, stating the reason for the conflict. A note does not
automatically excuse an absence. Each case will be considered individually
and privately according to its circumstances.
Excused absences (must provide written documentation within 3 days of
 Medical Emergency
 Religious Holiday
 Death in the Family
 Excused School Absence
Excused absences from concerts will require a make-up written assignment
of the Director’s choice. Unexcused absences will receive a grade of zero
**Communication is key! Please contact the Director if any situation arises
that will prevent attendance at required orchestra events.**
Expectations & Guidelines
“As an orchestra member, I will be…”
1. Prepared
Have all required materials and supplies for class. Be in your seat when the
tardy bell rings. Have your music assignments prepared and practiced.
Focused, alert, and ready to make music.
2. Respectful
Leave food and gum outside of the orchestra room. Show respect for
others at all times. Raise hand to speak with permission. Choose words
carefully. Listen when others are speaking.
3. Responsible
Follow directions the first time. Take care of your own belongings and needs
at the appropriate times and in the appropriate way. Complete assignments
on time. Clean up after yourself. Put things back in their designated spot.
Classroom & Rehearsal Etiquette
Entering the classroom:
1. Enter the room calmly, quietly, and courteously.
2. Promptly retrieve your instrument and music. Place your school
belongings under your chair. Music binder and a PENCIL on the stand.
3. Cellists & bassists: unpack and warm up; keep endpins retracted and on
the right side of your chair when not playing.
4. Violinists & violists: unpack and warm up; put instrument in case on right
side of your chair when not in use.
5. Tuning will being 3 minutes after the bell.
6. Check the agenda for announcements, objectives, and the day’s
7. Follow the tuning procedure as shown by your director.
Rehearsal Etiquette:
1. Play only when conducted by a director.
2. Stop playing at conductors cut-off cue.
3. ALWAYS have your instrument, music binder, and a pencil on your stand.
4. As per school rules, absolutely no cell phone usage during rehearsals or
performances. This includes texting.
5. No gum, food, or drink. You may have bottled water.
6. No conversation or communication during the rehearsal unless
instructed to do so by the Director.
1. The director or tuning leader will raise his or her hand, wait for silence,
and turn on the tuner.
Each section will proceed to tune A strings. If you need assistance, raise
your hand and wait.
The A string will be followed by careful tuning of the D, G, C, and E
(basses), E (violins) strings.
If you need additional time or a pitch on the tuner at the end, please
raise your hand.
1. Do not cause unnecessary distractions.
2. Submit any tardy passes to the Director.
3. Promptly retrieve your instrument & music.
4. Tune your instrument softly. If you need the director’s help, please raise
your hand and wait to receive assistance.
Returning from an Absence:
1. Check the “What Did I Miss?” file for any handouts, assignments, or
2. Ask your section leader or stand partner for clarification.
3. If you are still unclear, ask your director.
4. Remember that YOU are responsible for missed work.
Bathroom Policy:
1. Raise your hand with three (3) fingers in the air. I will acknowledge you
and give you permission.
2. Sign out on the sheet by the door and take the bathroom hall pass.
3. Promptly do what you need to do and come back to class.
Turning in Assignments and Forms (2 options):
1. When you enter the classroom, place assignments in the appropriate tray.
2. When turning in assignments after taking your seat, each student will
pass in papers to their left, until they reach the end of a row. The
Director or a student helper will collect them and place them in the
appropriate tray.
No-Instrument (or Required Material) in Class:
1. Fill out the “Absent Instrument” form
2. Take detailed notes during rehearsal at the bottom of the form in the
provided space.
3. Have your director approve your notes and sign the form.
4. Take the form home, have your parent read and sign it. Practice/learn
the material missed during class. Sign the form and return to your
director at the next class meeting.
End of Rehearsal
1. When the DIRECTOR dismisses you, students will…
2. Loosen bow hair, wipe down, and pack up your instrument.
3. @SVMS 2nd period & SBMS 7th period: stack up your chairs and stands.
4. Place your instrument in the assigned storage location (these will be
addressed in each class)
5. You may leave your music binder with your instrument or take it with you.
6. Respect your rehearsal space – leave the orchestra room neater than you
found it!
7. At the end of the school day, TAKE YOUR INSTRUMENT &
ORCHESTRA BINDER HOME. If you leave your instrument, I will know
you are NOT PRACTICING. Bring your instrument back the next day.
(Exception: cello/bass)
Note: the assigned storage locations for instruments will also be open in the
morning for students to drop off their instruments before school.
@SVMS: ____________________
@SBMS: ____________________
“The dog ate my homework!”
1. You will fill out a PINK SLIP. Obtain a PINK SLIP from the file on the
2. Fill it out completely; this will include a reason for not having the
3. Turn in the PINK SLIP in lieu of the missing assignment.
MEETING. Late work is graded under CISD Late Work Policy.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are highly encouraged! Even though private study is not
a requirement for participation in the musical organization, it should be
noted that most orchestra students who take advantage of this excellent
opportunity progress beyond the norm and tend to be most successful at
competitions and chair tests.
It is a misconception that private lessons are for students who have
fallen behind on their instrument. While private lessons will benefit those
students, private lessons are designed and intended more for students that
are advancing and proving successful on their instrument.
It is very important that each student maintains passing grades in all
classes in addition to orchestra. If you are having trouble passing a class,
please notify your Director. We expect each member of Orchestra to do
all the work necessary to pass all his or her classes. School performances
(events held on a CISD campus) are required regardless of a student’s
grades. UIL Contests/Extra-Curricular activities (events not held on a
CISD campus and/or UIL events) are directly affected by students’
eligibility. All grades must be passing to attend contests and school
orchestra trips (events outside of CISD).
10 things that
have in common
1. Tradition
2. Vision
3. Take care of each other…
*Family atmosphere*
4. Not afraid to fail
5. Care about winning, but not the trophy…
*The journey is more important!*
6. Respect for the competition
7. Rehearse the way they perform
8. Confidence
9. Students take ownership…
*Do it yourself!*
Orchestra Handbook
Acknowledgement and Agreement Form
Due by Thursday, August 28
I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and guidelines in the
CISD Orchestra Handbook. I understand what is expected of me as an
orchestra member. I will follow the rules and guidelines for the class as
stated by the Director and in this handbook and will accept the
consequences for my actions.
Student Name (print): __________________________________________
Grade ________ Period: _______ School ___________________________
I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and guidelines in the
CISD Orchestra Handbook. I understand what is expected of my student as
an orchestra member. I will encourage my student to follow the rules and
guidelines for the class as stated by the Director and in this handbook and
my child will accept the consequences for his/her actions.
Student Signature ___________________________________
Parent signature ________________________________
Date _______________________
For Parents/Guardians:
Please check if you are interested in receiving information about the
following opportunities:
______ Chaperoning trips/activities
______ Planning/Organizing reception after concerts
______ Volunteering when needed
If you are interested in volunteering at any time this year, please complete
the CISD Volunteer Background Check. This can be found at:
Contact Information
Please return this page to your director by Thursday, August 28.
Please print
Student Information
First Name __________________________________________________
Last Name __________________________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________
City, St., Zip _________________________________________________
Home Phone (_____)_____________________________
Student Cell Phone (_____)________________________
Student Email ________________________________________________
Birthdate ____________________________________
Private Lesson Teacher (if applicable) _______________________________
_____ I am interested in receiving information about private lessons for my
orchestra student
Feel free to write “same as above” for any repeated information
Adult Contact 1
Email 2 _________________________
Relation ________________________
Is it ok to contact you by email (circle):
Prefix ________
First Name ______________________
Adult Contact 2
Last Name ______________________
Relation ________________________
Address ________________________
Prefix ________
City, St., Zip _____________________
First Name ______________________
Occupation ______________________
Last Name ______________________
Home Phone _____________________
Address ________________________
Work Phone _____________________
City, St., Zip _____________________
Cell Phone ______________________
Occupation ______________________
Email 1 _________________________
Home Phone ______________________
Work Phone _____________________
Email 2 _________________________
Cell Phone ______________________
Is it ok to contact you by email (circle):
Email 1 _________________________