LECTURE 02: PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE I announcements key concepts Mendelian analysis: 1 gene 2 genes n genes statistics chi-square CHAPTER 2: KEY CONCEPTS (most of which I assume you already know) existence of genes inferred by observing standard progeny ratios derived from controlled matings discrete phenotypes can have single gene basis in a diploid cell, each gene is represented twice, one allele on each chromosome pair CHAPTER 2: MORE KEY CONCEPTS (most of which I assume you already know) inheritance patterns based on behavior of chromosomes during meiosis alleles of a gene segregate into different gametes gene pairs on different chromosomes assort independently genes on sex chromosomes show unique inheritance patterns MENDELIAN ANALYSIS what organism to study? Mendel used garden pea (Pisum sativum) available cheap from local merchants easy to grow, small space, fast generation time lots of phenotypic variation could be manipulated for controlled pollenation: self and outcross GARDEN PEA POLLENATION MENDELIAN ANALYSIS what characteristics to study study? Mendel observed 7 different characters one at a time MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE e.g.: purple vs white flowers must start with true-breeding or pure-breeding lines how do you know? selfing 1 phenotype nomenclature: distinguish genotype & phenotype individuals are homozygotes or heterozygotes generations designated P, F1, F2 ... determine genotypic & phenotypic ratios MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE crosses are reciprocal MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE P F1 F2 purple x white purple x purple ¾ purple + ¼ white white x purple purple x purple ¾ purple + ¼ white not blending because we see a return of white MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. particulate hereditary determinants (genes) alleles different phenotypes; dominance alleles of a gene segregate into different gametes gametes receive 1 allele with equal probability union of gametes at fertilization is random MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE particulate genes alleles phenotypes alleles segregate 1 allele, = probability random union MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE P gametes F1 gametes F2 ratio purple white P/P x p/p P p all purple P/p x P/p ½P+½p ½P+½p ¾ purple ¼ white ¼ P/P + ½ P/p + ¼ p/p 1 : 2 : 1 MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 GENE MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: CROSSES 1 gene: e.g., F1 yellow heterozygotes Y/y x Y/y monohybrid cross 1 gene: e.g., yellow unknown x green homozygote Y/? x y/y test cross MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: CROSSES 1 gene: e.g., F1 yellow heterozygotes Y/y x Y/y monohybrid cross 1 gene: e.g., yellow heterozygote x green homozygote Y/y x y/y ½ Y/y & ½ y/y or yellow homozygote x green homozygote Y/Y x y/y all Y/y MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: TEST CROSS MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: CROSSES 1 gene: e.g., F1 yellow heterozygotes Y/y x Y/y monohybrid cross 1 gene: e.g., yellow unknown x green homozygote Y/? x y/y test cross 2 genes: e.g., F1 round yellow heterozygotes R/r Y/y x R/r Y/y dihybrid cross MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 2 GENES MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 2 GENES MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 2 GENES MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 2 GENES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. particulate hereditary determinants (genes) alleles different phenotypes; dominance alleles of a gene segregate into different gametes gametes receive 1 allele with equal probability union of gametes at fertilization is random alleles of different genes* assort independently into different gametes * gene pairs on different chromosomes MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 2 LAWS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. particulate hereditary determinants (genes) alleles different phenotypes; dominance alleles of a gene segregate into different gametes gametes receive 1 allele with equal probability union of gametes at fertilization is random alleles of different genes* assort independently into different gametes * = gene pairs on different chromosomes MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 n GENES 3 methods of working out expected outcomes of controlled breeding experiments: 1. Punnet square 2. tree method (long) – genotypes 3. tree method (short) – phenotypes MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: PUNNET SQUARE all pairings of and gametes = probabilities of all pairings some pairings occur >1 different Ps for different genotypes & phenotypes 1 gene, 2 x 2 = 4 cells 2 genes, 4 x 4 = 16 cells 3 genes, 8 x 8 = 64 cells... too much work ! MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: LONG TREE 1 gene, alleles A, a GENOTYPE 1/4 A/A 1/4 A/A 1/2 A/a 1/2 A/a 1/4 a/a 1/4 a/a MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: LONG TREE 1 gene, alleles A, a GENOTYPE PHENOTYPE 3/4 A 1/4 A/A 1/4 A/A 1/2 A/a 1/2 A/a 1/4 a/a 1/4 a/a 1/4 a MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: LONG TREE 2 genes, alleles A, a; B, b... GENOTYPE 1/4 A/A 1/2 A/a 1/4 a/a 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/16 A/A B/B 1/8 A/A B/b 1/16 A/A b/b 1/8 A/a B/B 1/4 A/a B/b 1/8 A/a b/b 1/16 a/a B/B 1/8 a/a B/b 1/16 a/a b/b MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: LONG TREE 2 genes, alleles A, a; B, b... GENOTYPE PHENOTYPE 1/4 A/A 1/2 A/a 1/4 a/a 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/4 B/B 1/2 B/b 1/4 b/b 1/16 A/A B/B 1/8 A/A B/b 1/16 A/A b/b 1/8 A/a B/B 1/4 A/a B/b 1/8 A/a b/b 1/16 a/a B/B 1/8 a/a B/b 1/16 a/a b/b 9/16 AB 3/16 Ab 3/16 aB 1/16 ab MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: SHORT TREE 2 genes, alleles A, a; B, b... PHENOTYPE ¾B 9/16 AB ¼b 3/16 Ab ¾B 3/16 Ab ¼b 1/16 ab ¾A ¼a much easier... can extend to >2 genes MENDELIAN ANALYSIS: 1 n GENES formulae for n genes, dominance, n hybrid crosses … 1. # possible different types of gametes = 2n 2. # possible different genotypes of progeny = 3n 3. frequency of least common genotype = (1/4)n 4. # possible different phenotypes of progeny = 2n STUFF TO THINK ABOUT Mendel’s choice of characters was critical did he chose 7 characters that appeared to reside on different chromosomes by chance? what would happen if some were linked? all exhibited dominant/recessive relationships GENETIC RATIOS AND RULES product rule: the probability of independent events occurring together is the product of the probabilities of the individual events... AND A/a x A/a ½ A+ ½ a ½ A+ ½ a P(a/a) = ½ x ½ = ¼ sum rule: the probability of A/a x A/a either of two mutually ½ A+ ½ a ½ A+ ½ a exclusive events occurring is P(A/a) = ¼ + ¼ = ½ the sum of the probabilities of the individual events... OR STATISTICS: CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS observe 4 phenotypes in roughly 9:3:3:1 ratio generate a hypothesis what does it mean ? test hypothesis... STATISTICS: CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS YR Yr yR yr O 315 108 101 32 556 : 9 3 3 1 16 E 313 104 104 35 556 O-E 2 4 -3 -3 (O-E)2 4 16 9 9 2c = (O-E)2/E 0.013 0.154 0.087 0.257 0.511 go to table 2-2 on page 41... 4 groups... 3 degrees of freedom (df = 3) chose the probability that you are willing to accept for mistakenly rejecting a hypothesis that is in fact true... ( = 0.05 or 5%) STATISTICS: CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS YR Yr yR yr df 1 2 3 4 5 O 315 108 101 32 556 : 9 3 3 1 16 E 313 104 104 35 556 P .995 .99 .975 .95 .000 .010 .072 .207 .412 .000 .020 .115 .297 .554 .001 .051 .216 .484 .831 .004 .103 .352 >2c> .711 1.15 O-E 2 4 -3 -3 (O-E)2 4 16 9 9 2c = (O-E)2/E 0.013 0.154 0.087 0.257 0.511 .9 .75 .5 0.25 .1 .05 .01 .001 .016 .211 .584 1.06 1.61 .102 .575 1.21 1.92 2.68 .455 1.39 2.37 3.36 4.35 1.32 2.77 4.11 5.39 6.61 2.71 4.61 6.25 7.78 9.24 3.84 5.99 7.81 9.49 11.1 6.63 9.21 11.3 13.3 15.1 10.8 13.8 16.3 18.5 20.5 STATISTICS: CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS express this as: 0.95 > P(2c = 0.511) > 0.90 the data do not deviate significantly from a 9:3:3:1 ratio we do not reject our H0 (alternatively we could reject) “seed color and seed shape fit an unlinked, 2 gene classic Mendelian model with complete dominance” the probability of deviation by chance from this model lies between 90 and 95% (i.e., the biological explanation is supported by data) READING & PRACTICE PROBLEMS chapter 2 ... not done yet but, summary key terms solved problems 1, 2 questions 1 - 4, 9, 12, 13