Summer Reading Assignments Sophomore English Honors (Eng.II.H.): Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury English Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet – Jamie Ford List Sophomore Honors Summer Reading You should keep your summer reading notes in the front section of a three subject notebook. You will use this notebook throughout the year. This notebook is mandatory and will be expected in class daily. The middle section will be for in class writing and the last section will be for vocabulary 1. Keep a list of challenging vocabulary words and their definitions for each novel. You can use both novels here. TOTAL required vocabulary for both books is 25. (notebook: third section) 2. Two quotes: Choose three quotes for each of the book choices. (Total 6 quotes) Include the situation in which each quote evolves and the page number. Be ready to tell me how each quote embodies a theme in the selection. (notebook: first section) 3. Character sketch: Choose one intriguing character from each of the novels. Using textual evidence (quotes or example) answer the following: *Is the character a leader or subservient? Is the character motivated by reason or emotion? *Is the character ambitious or passive? Is the character manipulative or sympathetic? *What positive traits does the character show? *What traits/personality would the character value in others? *What negative traits does the character show? *What is the character afraid of (or not afraid of)? Check vocabulary for subservient, ambitious, passive, manipulative, sympathetic. As a reader are you empathetic to your character in any of the above questions? (notebook: first section) 4. General reading comprehension notes for the novels might include: * How is the theme of the novel reflected in the title? * What aspects of the setting reveal the theme of the book? * How does the main character of the novel change and grow to discover the theme. * What does the climax reveal about the authorial view of the theme? ** Any other thoughts/conclusions on Censorship for Fahrenheit 541 or Rite of Passage for Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. ** Compare/contrast individual identity in conjunction with or in confrontation with societal expectations in each of the novels. ** Think about how trust and suspicion are depicted in each of these novels. ** Which novel has more of a contemporary application? Why? ***Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet only: T the strength of a democratic society is based not on the concept of majority rule, but rather how well a society protects the rights of the minority opinion. How does this characteristic relate to the novel? Note: All of the above questions, while significant to the interpretation of these novels, are typical of the level of questioning expected at this Honors level throughout the year. Class discussions and writing assignments will be integral to the assessment of these novels. You will be expected to initiate discussion at an Honors be prepared. Senior English College Prep (Eng.IV.CP) Part One: Othello by William Shakespeare All notes should be in the front of a medium sized notebook for this class only. You can either read the play or see the movie. View Othello not O! 1) Follow the course of lago in the play, and discuss how the play presents lago's tragedy as well as Othello's. (Even though you have may not have reached the end, you can probably guess that things are not going to work out well for any of the characters). Begin with examining what kind of man Iago seems to be. How does he appear to others? Is he intelligent or stupid, charming or not? Does he have the capacity to be a great man, a noble leader like Othello or is there something wrong with his character? If so what is wrong? Finally, what is tragic about Iago? List your personal feelings about this character. Do you sympathize ultimately or do you always dislike him? 2) Follow the course of Othello in the play. Focus on the changes in Othello. At the beginning of the play what kind of man does he seem to be? How does he appear to others? Is he intelligent or stupid, rash or controlled, a great man or not? Trace the stages of his deterioration once Iago sets his game. Why does he act as he does? What is it about him that causes his tragedy? Could he act differently or not? Finally, what is tragic about Othello? The conclusion might be about your personal feelings toward him. List these conclusions. 3. Follow the courses of Desdemona, Emilia, Cassio and Roderigo. What purpose does each of them provide to the Othello and Iago? Do you sympathize with them? Be ready to explain your decisions. 4. Finally, determine themes in the play. Be prepared to turn in three theme quotes. Put each them quote on a 3by5 card. Identify the speaker and the line notation. Example: Othello (II,5,255-60). Part Two: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie All notes should be in the front of your notebook for this class. Caution: The movie is not a substitute for reading this book. 1.Consider the function of the nursery rhyme and the corresponding little figure on the table? 2. Be prepared to discuss shy Indian Island exerts such a strong pull on those invited. 3. Make a list of the characters in the front of your notebook. For each include: name, occupation, characteristics, background information, order and cause of death. 4. Was justice or mercy accomplished on Indian Island? Why or Why not? 5. What does the novel suggest happens when one’s ordinary world falls apart? Senior English Honors (Eng.IV.H.): Senior Honors SummerReading: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley The following are some questions to consider when reading this novel. In the first week of school, we will provide the in class assessment of this text. The Title: Who is Prometheus? Why is this novel subtitled “the Modern Prometheus?” Authorial Background: What were the prevalent ideas that influenced MS”s writing of this novel? Letters: What are the first narrator’s ambitions and endeavors, and what aroused them? Consider the narrator’s relationship with Victor. Novel: Victor’s perspective: Take note of his relationship with his father, Elizabeth and Henry. What are the influences in his life that cause him to create the monster. What effect does this creation have on him. What is his relationship with the creature. At various places in his narrative, Victor must offer justification for his actions. Consider those justifications. The Creature’s perspective: What forms does the creature’s vengeance take? What event causes him to vow “eternal hatred for and vengeance to all mankind”? What is the monster’s demand and should Victor comply with it? What does the monster feel and regret at the end of the novel? The Delacy role: Consider their role in the creature’s life. Consider the creature’s reactions to them. Consider their reactions when they discover the creature. The Afterword: What forms of alienation do you see in the novel? With whom do you commiserate most? How is the nature of man presented? The movies: You are not required to view a movie,but if you do consider how the movies compares and contrasts with the original text. This is an option only and should not replace the reading of the text. TheImportance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ****This play can be found in your purchased textbook for this class**** Oscar Wilde criticizes joyless moral seriousness and rampant superficiality masquerading as substance and presents art as a "fiction" by which we create ourselves! COMEDY OF MANNERS is defined as a study of the “forms” that make us civilized and how these forms facilitate or impede our living well as civilized individuals (i.e. individuals living in social groups). It lends itself to an examination of social identity and the relation of art and life. Usually consisting of the following characteristics: at least one pair of witty lovers; the women are an emancipated” as the men; the dialogue is graceful and witty; there is an air of refined cynicism; emotions are veiled; there is an absence of “crude” realism. FARCE is defined as making a situation overtly unrealistic, but still examining issues of selfidentity (who am I and in what ways am I defined by various social constructs?). farce substantially explores this question in a significant way while embedding it in a totally ridiculous and convoluted plot employing sight gags, funny props, improbable situations, and very flat characters. IBE is both comedy of Manners and Farce. Consider: 1. find lines pointing out the emptiness of social manners, social customs, social values 2. find lines indicating Jack's combination of "morality" and"hypocrisy" 3. find lines indicating Algy's amorality (his unconcern about subverting customs and manners to his own needs and desires). What makes him likable, despite the fact he does this? Note the fact that Wilde makes us like both him and Jack is what makes the play so subversive. 4. compare lines indicating any relationship between the values Jack upholds and those espoused by Lady Bracknell? 5. find lines where Lady Bracknell represents the values and manners of this society. In what sense have the "forms" of this society become empty and meaningless? 6. BUNBURYING: find lines about "fictionalizing oneself". Do these support it as meaningful and fulfilling (a counter to this joyless moral seriousness). What kind of dangers to the self and to happiness are involved in such fictionalizing? 7. Compare lines regarding the two girls to see what the country vs. city stands for in this play? The movies: You are not required to view a movie, but if you do consider how the movies compares and contrasts with the original text. This is an option only and should not replace the reading of the text