BA Honours Marketing - Middlesex University

BA Honours Marketing
Programme Specification
1. Programme title
BA (Hons) Marketing
2. Awarding institution
Middlesex University
3. Teaching institution
Middlesex University
4. Programme accredited by
5. Final qualification
BA (Hons) Marketing
6. Academic year
7. Language of study
8. Mode of study
Full time and part time
9. Criteria for admission to the programme
The programme requires 200-280 tariff points for entry.
Standard entry requirements
Applicants with a wide variety of educational experience are welcome, including:
A/AS level
BTEC National Diploma/Certificate/Award
Access Diplomas
Scottish Highers
Irish Leaving Certificates (Higher Level)
International Baccalaureate
OCR National Certificate/Diploma/Extended Diploma
Equivalent overseas qualifications
Advanced and Progression Diploma qualifications
English language requirements
Students must have competence in English language and we normally require Grade C GCSE
or an equivalent qualification. The most common English Language requirements for
international students are IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL (paper based) 550 or TOEFL (internet based)
79 with specified minimum scores for each component.
Entry into year two or three (transfer students)
Students who have achieved a qualification such as a foundation degree or HND, or have
gained credit at another university, may be able to enter the BA International Business Degree
– Marketing Stream programme in year two or three.
BA Marketing 2011/2012
10. Aims of the programme
The programme aims to provide students with both the skills and knowledge to pursue a
professional career in marketing upon graduation and/or to prepare them for further study in
the field. Towards these ends, students will undertake a range of core modules that provide
them with the foundational knowledge needed by all marketers (for example, Principles of
Marketing; Marketing Research; Buyer Behaviour; Marketing Strategy and Planning). They will
then have the opportunity to choose from a range of modules where marketers may specialise.
Since marketing is just one of several, functional areas within an organisation, this programme
links marketing roles, tasks, and functions with other organisational activities such as
professional development, management, accounting, economics and data and technology
management. This will be achieved both in discrete modules (for example, Economics and
Financial Aspects of Business), and through the use of teaching and assessment methods that
demonstrate the links and cooperation between the marketing department and other
departments or functions needed to achieve overall organisational objectives.
Furthermore, students will be given the tools to examine and assess the environment external
to the organisation to enable them to identify and plan for opportunities and challenges, both
personally and in their careers.
Students are expected to gain an in-depth understanding of subject related material through
study on a balanced range of different subject modules, while simultaneously developing key
employability skills and competencies acquired from the teaching, learning and assessment
experiences they will participate in. Given the value of active and applied learning, both
formative and summative assessments are designed to engage students in a range of
activities that link theory to practice and that build skills, not just for entry level marketing
positions but for those requiring a higher level of independent and team-based decision making
abilities. Work placement in year three will be strongly encouraged.
This programme recognises the need to build life-long learning and critical thinking skills into
the student experience. Emphasis is placed on material and methods that develop the
knowledge and skills needed for students to engage in the wider societal debates about
marketing approaches and practice, and to assess the value of information and data in our
increasingly knowledge-based society. Students will also learn the role that various
technologies can play in delivering, managing and assessing information.
Over the three years (or four year sandwich), students will become increasingly capable of
situating marketing as a discipline and a set of processes within the organisation, the wider
environment, and in society at large. They will be in a position to provide some critique of
marketing practices, engage in debates about the role of marketing today and ethical issues,
while also enhancing their marketing skills and decision making.
Students who wish to take professional exams towards the Chartered Institute of Marketing
(CIM) Professional Diploma in Marketing and the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM)
qualifications will be able to do so upon successful completion of the BA (Hons) Marketing
BA Marketing 2011/1012
11. Programme outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
On completion of this programme the
successful student will have knowledge and
understanding of :
1. the role of marketing within contemporary
2. current trends and regulations in the
business and marketing environments, at
national, regional and global levels.
3. fundamental marketing related processes
4. the diverse application of marketing
principles across sectors and types of
5. the processes of marketing research,
branding, integrated marketing
communications, strategic marketing and
global marketing
6. current organisational and societal
marketing issues and debates
7. marketing evaluation and measurement
8. the basic accounting and financial
processes used by marketers and those in
decision making positions
9. buyer behaviour and decision making in
consumer and business markets and how
to identify target markets for marketing
10. the role of key technologies such as
digitally based media and customer
relationship databases in marketing
processes and practices
B. Cognitive (thinking) skills
On completion of this programme the
successful student will be able to:
1. analyse a marketing related situation and
devise alternative responses
2. evaluate alternative marketing strategies
for suitability and gap-reducing properties
3. correctly abstract marketing models and
processes to practical marketing situations
4. identify and solve management problems
5. decide research and knowledge
requirements for information and learning
6. critically evaluate alternative approaches to
and arguments in marketing thought and
7. integrate a range of marketing decision
areas to solve management problems
8. compare academic learning and
application with real world projects and/or
work placement experience
BA Marketing 2011/1012
Teaching/learning methods
All modules use a range of learning
approaches including lectures, seminars,
simulation exercises, presentations, guest
lectures, case studies, workshops and
projects. The learner is encouraged to
undertake supplemental reading and study to
consolidate what is being taught and to
broaden their individual knowledge and
understanding of the topic.
Lectures will provide core knowledge and
students will have further opportunities to
develop this knowledge and understanding in
seminar classes, workshops, e-learning,
surgery classes, and occasional one-to-one
tutorial time provided through staff-student
office time. Web based materials are also
used to reinforce understanding of these
fundamental concepts and processes. Guest
speakers and field trips will provide
knowledge of specific marketing functions and
processes. Outcome 9 relates specifically to
live case projects and/or the work
Assessment Method
Testing of knowledge and understanding is
through a combination of formative activities,
summative assessed coursework and written
Teaching/learning methods
Students learn cognitive skills through tasks
undertaken within seminar classes,
workshops, team-based activities, and elearning. Learning methods employed include
the case study, which may be historical or
“live” (i.e. involving the acquisition of data),
through simulation games/activities,
exercises, presentations, debates and
directed discussion.
Acquisition of 1-8 are also achieved through
independent and or team-based learning
undertaken in preparation for seminar
sessions involving case study presentations,
and discussion groups. Outcome 7 relates in
particular to marketing simulation activities,
projects, and “real-client” projects. Outcome 8
will be acquired through live/’real-client’ cases
and/or work placement/internship.
Assessment Method
Testing of cognitive skills is through
coursework assignments and unseen written
examinations. Written examinations,
marketing simulation exercises, projects, and
case studies will be formally assessed in
order to determine cognitive development of
outcomes 1-7. Outcomes 6 and 7 particularly
apply to assessment in senior level marketing
modules such as MKT 3110 Marketing
Strategy and Planning and in the optional
level three module MKT 3121 Business
Marketing and Key Account Management.
Outcome 8 will be assessed through the live
case project in MKT2210 Marketing
Research, in the optional modules MBS 3001
Organisational Internship, or through the work
placement assignment**.
C. Practical skills
On completion of the programme the
successful student will be able to:
1. carry out a marketing audit of an
2. design a marketing research project to
achieve stipulated research objectives
3. prepare a concise and informative
management report on a marketing topic
4. develop strategic and operational
marketing objectives and plans using
marketing tools, technologies and
5. interpret marketing data correctly to
support management decision-making and
6. retrieve, sift, evaluate, and select
information from a variety of sources
7. define and execute a larger scale report in
accordance with given objectives
8. reflect, review, and improve upon own
practice and professional practice
D. Graduate skills
On completion of this programme the
successful student will:
1. be able to critically analyse and synthesize
assumptions, evaluate statements, detect
false logic, identify implicit values, define
terms adequately, and generalise
2. be able to work effectively as a member of
a team to tackle a practical marketing or
business-related problem
BA Marketing 2011/1012
(**Students can choose EITHER the one year
work placement in year three OR the
internship module but not both).
Teaching/learning methods
Case studies, projects and other forms of
coursework assignments are the primary
learning methods for 1-6. Historical case
studies are mainly employed to achieve 1, 3,
4 and 5. Live/’real-client’ case
studies/projects, requiring the acquisition of
data, facilitate the acquisition of 1-6, but
particularly 2, 6 and 7. Level four module
MKT 1150 Personal and Professional
Development provides activities, exercises,
and a learning portfolio to begin their
achievement of outcome 8. Formative
assessment activities with feedback will also
help students achieve outcome 8.
Assessment Method
Course work assessment, both formative and
summative, including both written and oral
presentation, is the main tool used here (1-8).
Additionally, some of these skills (1-5) are
amenable to assessment through
Teaching/learning methods
Outcome 1 will be addressed through
cumulative learning over the three/four year
programme, specifically in four modules,
MKT1111 Principles of Marketing, MKT 1150
Personal and Professional Development, MKT
2210 Marketing Research and MKT 3110
Marketing Strategy and Planning
Outcomes 2, 7, 9, and 10 are addressed
largely through team-based activities,
including marketing simulation games,
projects, case study analyses, and live
projects for external clients.
3. employ numeracy and quantitative skills,
including data analysis and interpretation in
analysing and solving problems
4. use problem-solving and decision-making
skills and competencies effectively
5. be able to research marketing and
business issues
6. communicate effectively, using ICT and a
range of media widely used in business
(e.g. business reports, presentations,
7. be effective listeners, negotiators, and
influencers and leaders
8. be able to manage personal and work
time; behaviour; motivation; and enterprise
9. be able to reflect upon and adapt learning
and approaches to decision making
10. be self-aware, sensitive and open to the
diversity of people, cultures, business and
management issues
11. be able to create, evaluate, and assess
options, and apply knowledge and new
approaches to a range of situations
Outcomes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 will be developed
in both formative and summative coursework
activities as well as in formal examinations.
Outcomes 8 and 9 will be developed through
individual assignments, team-based
activities/projects and through independent
learning partly required in preparation for
seminars and exams. Outcome 9 will also be
developed through formative assessment and
through a portfolio-based assignment in MKT
1150, Personal and Professional
Assessment Method
Graduate skills are assessed from course
work outputs. These include written outputs
(2 - 4, 6, 11), both formative and summative,
and seminar class presentations (1, 2, 5).
Outcomes 4 and 11 are also assessed
through examination. Portfolio assignments,
reflective practice assessments, and peer
evaluation will be used to assess 7 – 10.
12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)
12. 1 Overall structure of the programme
The programme may be studied on a full-time basis either as a three year degree or a four
year degree with work placement in year three. There are 30 study weeks in one year. The
course is divided into study units called modules. Students will study four modules at each
level (four, five and six). Each module has a credit value of 30 and each 30 credit module
represents approximately 270 hours of student learning, endeavour and assessment including
up to a maximum of 100 hours of teaching/contact time.
The programme can also be studied on a part time basis, taking six years of study. Students
on the part-time programme will take a maximum of two modules per year. Students can also
exit with a Certificate in Higher Education (Marketing), by successfully completing all level four
modules or a Diploma in Higher Education (Marketing) by successfully completing all level four
and all level five modules on this programme.
Taking the course on a part time basis:
Part time students must take MKT1111 and MKT1130 in the first year of study and MKT1150
and ECS1301 in the second year of study. In year three part time students must take
MKT2210 and MKT2232. In year four they must take MKT2240 plus one second year option
from the list below (see 12.2 Levels and modules – Level 5 Optional column). In their fifth
year, part time students must take MKT3110 and one option from the list below (see 12.2
Levels and modules – Level 6 Optional column). In year six, part time students must take
MKT3130 and one additional option from the list below (see 12.2 Levels and modules – Level
6 Optional column).
BA Marketing 2011/1012
12.2 Levels and modules
Starting in academic year 2011/12 the University is changing the way it references
modules to state the level of study in which these are delivered. This is to comply with
the national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. This implementation will be
a gradual process whilst records are updated. Therefore the old coding is bracketed
Level 4 (1)
Full time students must take
all of the following modules in
Successful completion of year
year one:
one modules
MKT1111 Principles of
MKT1130 Marketing
MKT1150 Personal and
Professional Development
ECS1301 Economics and
Financial Aspects of Business
Part time students must take:
MKT1111 and MKT1130 in
the first year of study and
MKT1150 and ECS1301 in
the second year of study.
To exit the programme with a
Certificate in Higher
Education (Marketing),
students must complete all
level one modules.
Level 5 (2)
Full time students must take
all of the following:
Students must also choose at
least one from the following:
MKT2210 Marketing
MKT2232 Branding and
Integrated Marketing
Students must complete all
core year two modules and
one optional second year
module in order to progress.
MKT2280 Managing the
Marketing Function
MKT2290 Entrepreneurship
and Small Business
MKT2240 Buyer Behaviour
Part time students must take:
MKT2210 and MKT2232 in
year three and MKT2240 plus
one second year option in
year four.
BA Marketing 2011/1012
To achieve the Diploma in
Higher Education (Marketing),
students must successfully
complete all level two
compulsory modules (3) and
one optional module from
level two.
Level 6 (3) – Optional Placement Year
All students on the BA (Hons) Marketing Programme have the option to take a year long work
Compulsory Modules for Placement Year: MBS3331 and MBS3332.
Final Year
Students must take both of
Students must also choose
Successful completion of the
the following:
two options from the
two required modules and two
optional modules.
MKT3110 Marketing Strategy
and Planning
MKT3124 Managing Product
and Service Innovation
MKT3130 International
MKT3121 Business Marketing
and Key Account
Part time students must take: Management
MKT3110 and one option
from the list attached in year
MKT3123 Public Relations
five and MKT3130 and one
additional option from the list
MKT3151 Creative
attached in year six.
Advertising and Promotion
MKT3193 Direct and
Customer Relationship
MBS3001 **Organisational
**Students can only take this
module if they have NOT
completed a placement
12.3 Non-compensatable modules (note statement in 12.2 regarding FHEQ levels)
Module level
Module code
13. A curriculum map relating learning outcomes to modules
See Curriculum Map attached.
14. Information about assessment regulations
Refer to Middlesex University Guide and Regulations at and/or
individual module narratives.
BA Marketing 2011/1012
15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support
The Hendon Campus has a well developed Placement Unit for students seeking to complete
work placement and work internship opportunities. All students on the BA (Hons) Marketing
programme will be encouraged, but not required, to complete a one year work placement in
year three. Those who choose not to take the work placement year will have the option to
choose a work internship module in year three.
16. Future careers
Graduates will normally go into marketing careers or related areas on graduation. Indications
are that the career market is rebounding following the recent recession.
The Hendon Campus Careers Service offer undergraduate students support in planning their
career. The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Institute of Direct Marketing, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising and many other professional bodies offer career support to
members and highlight job opportunities for all graduates.
17. Particular support for learning
All marketing modules benefit from module handbooks and the support of dedicated myUniHub
websites. Marketing students have a specialist subject librarian (Catherine Funnell) for support.
All Middlesex University students can take advantage of support offered by Learning
Resources (English Language Support; Numeracy Support, etc). Students with disabilities will
be supported by the University’s Disability Support Unit.
18. JACS code (or other relevant coding
19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark
General Business and Management
20. Reference points
The BA (Hons) Marketing and related programmes have been running for a number of years.
The marketing curriculum, and methods of learning, teaching and assessment, are standing
items on the monthly meetings of the Marketing and Enterprise Department. Furthermore, two
dedicated UG Programme meetings are held each year with all tutors who teach on these
modules. Discussions are informed both by self-reflection, and by feedback received from
students and from external examiners. Feedback from students is acquired both informally
and formally through Board of Studies meetings (one per semester) and student module and
programme evaluation forms. Feedback from external examiners is given verbally at
assessment boards and in a formal written report at the end of each academic year. In the
case of both Board of Study meetings and Assessment Board meetings, actions are itemised,
and progress against actions is checked at the subsequent meeting.
It is the practice of the Marketing and Enterprise Department for all lecturers to benefit from
peer observation of their practice at least once a year. Following a peer observation, the
observed lecturer receives both face-to-face feedback, and a written report providing
constructive suggestions for improved professional practice.
Middlesex University requires an annual report from the Marketing and Enterprise Department,
in which student feedback and comments from external examiners are discussed, and actions
taken in response to such feedback are itemised.
The Marketing and Enterprise Department has a nominated professional body liaison
representative whose job is to ensure that the Group is fully up-to-date with developments at
the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) which is regarded as our key professional body. In
particular, developments in the educational curriculum of the CIM are evaluated for their
potential impact on Middlesex University marketing provision. We also keep up to date with
developments with the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM).
Annual staff appraisal is conducted within the Marketing and Enterprise Department. The
focus is on the identification of staff development requirements for personal and curriculum
development. Marketing staff are members of the school Learning Development Forum and
BA Marketing 2011/1012
attend regular workshops of the forum and those run by Centre for Learning and Development.
Peer Observations are undertaken annually on all members of the teaching team and new
members of staff have the support of a personal mentor to assist in their development.
A number of members of the Marketing and Enterprise Group are engaged in pedagogical
research in marketing and findings from their work inform teaching and assessment practice.
The department and the programme have the following recognitions and quality awards.
 CIM recognition
 QAA Subject Review of Business and Management 2008
 RAE 2008
 QAA Institutional Audit 2003
Award winning research academics
21. Other information
Please note: this specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to
achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More
detailed information can be found in the individual module narratives and module handbooks
and the University Regulations.
BA Marketing 2011/1012
Curriculum map for BA (Hons) Marketing
This section shows the highest level at which programme outcomes are to be achieved by all graduates, and maps programme learning
outcomes against the modules in which they are assessed.
Programme learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
Practical skills
the role of marketing within contemporary organisations
carry out a marketing audit of an organisation
current trends and regulations in the business and marketing
environments, at national, regional and global levels.
design a marketing research project to achieve stipulated research
fundamental marketing related processes
prepare a concise and informative management report on a
marketing topic
the diverse application of marketing principles across sectors
and types of organisations
the processes of marketing research, branding, integrated
marketing communications, strategic marketing and global
current organisational and societal
marketing issues and debates
develop strategic and operational marketing objectives and plans
using marketing tools, technologies and processes
interpret marketing data correctly to support management
decision-making and evaluation
retrieve, sift, evaluate, and select information from a variety of
marketing evaluation and measurement
define and execute a larger scale report in accordance with given
the basic accounting and financial processes used by
marketers and those in decision making positions
reflect, review, and improve upon own practice and professional
buyer behaviour and decision making in consumer and
business markets and how to identify target markets for
marketing activities
the role of key technologies such as digitally based media and
customer relationship databases in marketing processes and
BA Marketing 2011/1012
Cognitive skills
Graduate Skills
analyse a marketing related situation and devise alternative
be able to critically analyse and synthesize assumptions, evaluate
statements, detect false logic, identify implicit values, define terms
adequately, and generalise appropriately
evaluate alternative marketing strategies for suitability and
gap-reducing properties
be able to work effectively as a member of a team to tackle a
practical marketing or business-related problem
correctly abstract marketing models and processes to practical
marketing situations
employ numeracy and quantitative skills, including data analysis
and interpretation in analysing and solving problems
identify and solve management problems
use problem-solving and decision-making skills and competencies
decide research and knowledge requirements for information
and learning purposes
be able to research marketing and business issues
critically evaluate alternative approaches to and arguments in
marketing thought and practice
communicate effectively, using ICT and a range of media widely
used in business (e.g. business reports, presentations, emails)
integrate a range of marketing decision areas to solve
management problems
be effective listeners, negotiators, and influencers and leaders
compare academic learning and application with real world
projects and/or work placement experience
be able to manage personal and work time; behaviour; motivation;
and enterprise
be able to reflect upon and adapt learning and approaches to
decision making
be self-aware, sensitive and open to the diversity of people,
cultures, business and management issues
be able to create, evaluate, and assess options, and apply
knowledge and new approaches to a range of situations
BA Marketing 2011/1012
Module Title
Module Code
by Level
Principles of Marketing
MKT1111 (C)
Marketing Intelligence
MKT1130 (C)
Personal and Professional
MKT1150 (C)
Economics and Financial
Aspects of Business
ECS1301 (C)
Marketing Research
MKT2210 (C)
Branding and Integrated
Marketing Communications
MKT2232 (C)
Buyer Behaviour
MKT2240 (C)
Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Marketing
MKT2290 (O)
Managing the Marketing Function
MKT2280 (O)
Marketing Strategy and Planning
MKT3110 (C)
Business Marketing and Key
Account Management
MKT3121 (O)
Managing Product and Service Innovation
MKT3124 (O)
Direct and Customer Relationship
MKT3193 (O)
International Marketing
MKT3130 (C)
Creative Advertising and Promotion
Public Relations
MKT3123 (O)
MBS Organisational Internship
MBS3001 (O)
MBS Organisational Placement
MBS 3331
MBS 3332 (O)
(C) = Compulsory
BA Marketing 2011/1012
Programme outcomes
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11
  
 
(O) = Optional