DNA and Central Dogma Study Guide

DNA and Central Dogma Study
DNA and Central Dogma Study
10-2: DNA Structure
1. What are the four bases?
2. What are the base paring rules?
3. Describe the difference between purines
and pyrimidines. Which bases are which?
4. What term is used to describe the shape of
DNA? Why?
5. What is the backbone of DNA made up of?
6. Draw and label a nucleotide.
7. What is the function of histones?
10-2: DNA Structure
1. What are the four bases?
2. What are the base paring rules?
3. Describe the difference between purines
and pyrimidines. Which bases are which?
4. What term is used to describe the shape of
DNA? Why?
5. What is the backbone of DNA made up of?
6. Draw and label a nucleotide.
7. What is the function of histones?
10-3: DNA Replication
8. When does DNA replicate?
9. Describe what semi conservative replication
means. Draw an image to represent this.
10. Explain the three steps of DNA replication.
11. What is the function of helicase and DNA
12. Write the complimentary DNA bases below
10-3: DNA Replication
8. When does DNA replicate?
9. Describe what semi conservative replication
means. Draw an image to represent this.
10. Explain the three steps of DNA replication.
11. What is the function of helicase and DNA
12. Write the complimentary DNA bases below
10-4: Transcription
13. What does transcription make?
14. What are three types of RNA and what are
their functions
15. Where does transcription take place? Why?
16. Create a double bubble comparing and
contrasting RNA and DNA.
10-4: Transcription
13. What does transcription make?
14. What are three types of RNA and what are
their functions
15. Where does transcription take place? Why?
16. Create a double bubble comparing and
contrasting RNA and DNA.
10-4: Translation
17. What does translation make?
18. Where does translation take place?
19. Explain the three steps of translation.
20. Summarize the flow of genetic information
starting with DNA.
21. Translate this piece of mRNA into amino
10-4: Translation
17. What does translation make?
18. Where does translation take place?
19. Explain the three steps of translation.
20. Summarize the flow of genetic information
starting with DNA.
21. Translate this piece of mRNA into amino