Updated November 2, 2010
New College Procedure for Chartering Bus
Risk Management has identified local bus providers that are interested in servicing and conducting business with Ithaca College, which has resulted in a binding contract between the
College and the providers below. The purpose of a contractual arrangement is to protect the
College, employees, and students from potential risk and liability exposures (i.e. bus accident).
Therefore, effective immediately, if a campus department needs to charter a bus, a provider from the following list must be selected:
Birnie Bus Service, Inc.
PO Box 630, 248 Otis St
Rome, NY 13441-0630
Phone 315-336-3950 or (800) 734.3950
Fax 315-339-5957
Covered Wagon Tours, LLC
PO Box 667
158 Thacher St
Hornelll, NY 14843
P 607-324-3900
F 607-281-1321
Fitzgerald Brothers Bus & Limo Co
PO Box 221
Geneva, NY 14456
Phone 315-828-6289
Fax 270-517-2753
Ithaca Airline Limo, Inc (IAL)
PO Box 184
Ithaca, NY 14851
Phone 607-273-3030
Fax 607-273-0375
Onondaga Coach Corp
PO Box 277. 7659 N Street Rd
Auburn, NY 13021-0277
Phone 315-255-2216 or 800-451-1570
Fax 315-255-0925
Southern Tier Stages Inc (Shafer's)
500 North St
Endicott, NY 13760
Phone 607-797-2006 or 800-287-8986
Fax 607-797-1183
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Swarthout Coaches Inc
115 Graham Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone 607-257-2277
Fax 607-257-0218
Wade Tours, Inc
797 Burdeck St
Schenectady, NY 12306
Phone 518-355-4500 or 800-955-9233
Fax 518-355-4942
As additional bus providers are approved, an updated listing will be posted. Departments may notice that specific providers are not currently included, which is due to Risk Management’s inability to negotiate a mutual agreement with the bus provider.
When a bus provider is hired, the only documentation a department should accept for signature from the provider is the “Confirmation” evidencing the date(s) of service, pick-up and drop-off information, cost and billing detail (total expense and deposit are determined between the provider and College department), description of vehicle, and it may contain other detail related directly to the trip. It must not include any provision stating that the College would be responsible for property damage, liability, negligence, etc.
At times, a bus provider may attempt to also supply their own contract. This must not be accepted nor signed by a College department, since a final contract now exists and is in effect between the College and each bus provider listed above.
If this occurs, please remind the provider that they have signed a contract with the College and advise them that their contract will not be accepted.
Some of the information contained in the contract is stated below to assist departments:
Trip Cancellation
In cases where cancellation by the College of a trip is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, the College will strive to notify the bus provider as soon as possible.
1. In cases where cancellation by the College of a trip occurs no less than six (6) hours before embarkation from the bus provider ’s workplace, there will be no trip and/or penalty charges assessed. Any prepaid trip deposit will be returned to the College.
2. In cases where cancellation by the College of a trip is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances is less than six (6) hour notification, any penalty charges assessed will not equal the full cost of the planned trip. Such charge should be no larger than is needed to defray the bus provider ’s expenses, i.e. hourly compensation for the bus driver commuting to/from work site.
3. The College will work closely with the bus provider to confirm and schedule, with as much advance notice as possible, all anticipated trips to ensure a positive working relationship. Transportation often occurs before or after normal 8:00 am - 5:00 pm business hours. Firm departure dates will be shared with the bus provider as soon as they are available, especially in the case of College Athletics department team trips.
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Trip Tardiness/No Show
Should the coach or bus and driver arrive at the trip point of origin more than thirty (30) minutes late from the arranged time or not arrive at all, all charges connected with alternate arrangements, either made by Ithaca College authorized personnel or the bus provider, will be the responsibility of the bus provider.
Invoicing and Payments
1. College reservations may be made by authorized employees using a College Travel
Card or with an authorized, signed Purchase Order.
2. All invoices shall be paid thirty (30) days from date of invoice unless other arrangements have been made with the authorized College employee and the bus provider.
3. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment directly into the bus provider ’s bank account may be arranged through the College’s Accounts Payable Department. (Departments should check with A/P to determine if this payment process is in effect.)
4. All invoices shall include, but not be limited to, the following information when submitted for payment: a. Ithaca College Purchase Order Number, if applicable b. Name of group of athletics team transported c. Date of invoice d. Date of trip e. Actual trip miles traveled f. Any itemized additional trip charges g. Total amount due h. Any additional discount terms for early payment, if applicable (i.e., 2% discount,
10 days Net, etc.)
5. All invoices for payment shall be sent to the authorized College employee who booked the trip.
6. The College is exempt from Federal and State Excise Tax. A copy of the
College’s tax exempt certificate will be supplied to the bus provider upon request.
As always, thank you for your understanding. As the number of catastrophic bus incidents across the country continues to rise, it became very clear that it was time to move in this direction. If you have any questions relating to this new procedure, please call Risk
Management at 274-3285.
Thank you.