STC RMC Year End Wrap-Up

Year-end Review
STC Rocky Mountain Chapter
May 16, 2013
Year-end Review
 President’s Goals
 Awards and
Chapter Membership
 Incoming and
Chapter Finances
Outgoing Officers
STC RMC Meetings
 2013-2014
Social Media
President’s Goals
1. Improve Service to Members
Offer more webinars and networking opportunities with varied
venues, and continue the Active Member Rewards Program
2. Apply for Awards
Our Awards committee submitted members for DCSA and
Associate Fellow, one member applied for Fellow, and the
Chapter applied for the STC Pacesetter Award
3. Increase Student Participation
Connect with college students and offer scholarships
4. Continue Fiscal Responsibility
Look for opportunities to cut costs and to spend money wisely
Chapter Membership
 153 members as of May 13, 2013 –
98% retention rate
 Updated New Member Guide for 2012-2013
 Promoted STC RMC membership benefits on
social media
Chapter Finances
 Estimated overage for the 2012-2013 year
 (expenses vs. receivables, excluding rebate):
 The executive council voted to end the
scholarship program
 Funds came out of the chapter’s reserves, which
was an unsustainable approach.
 Annual savings: $2,000
 STC gave our chapter a rebate on member
dues this year
 Rebate amount: $2,700
Chapter Finances (cont’d)
 Financial Goals
 For the last several years, our overriding financial
goal has been to attain a zero-based budget
 Courtesy of the late George Hoerter, STC RMC
had a large financial reserve that allowed us to
spend more than we received for many years
 In recent years, the council made the specific
decision to control our costs
STC RMC Meetings
 Northern Colorado Satellite
 Chapter Meetings
Northern Colorado
 Who: Anyone
 When: 2nd Wednesdays, September-May
 Where: Truman's, Fort Collins
 Manager: Carmen Carmack
 Purpose:
 Mentoring
 Networking
 Supplement to Denver programs
Chapter Meetings
 Who: Anyone
 When: 3rd Thursdays, September-May
 Where: Corporate Sponsors
 Lakewood, NASDAQ Offices
 Greenwood Village, Truven Health Analytics
 Denver, Jackson National Life Insurance
 Purpose
 Offer professional development
 Foster networking and support
 Approx. 160 attendees at our meetings this year
September 2012
 Topic: Resumé Magic
 Speaker: Traci Laswell
 20 Attendees
 Spawned two follow-on
resumé review sessions
October 2012
 Science Lounge at Denver
Museum of Nature and
 Super Heroes, Unite
 8 Attendees
November 2012
 History Colorado Center
 Behind-the-Scenes Tour
 10 Attendees
November 2012
 Topic: Networking
 Two locations:
 Panera Bread,
 Panera Bread,
Denver Tech Center
 14 Attendees
January 2013
 Holiday party hosted
by Stacey Whala,
Chapter VP
 11 Attendees
January 2013
 Webinar
 Topic: Writing for Touch,
Voice, and Gestures
 Speaker: Joe Welinske
 25 Attendees
February 2013
Topic: Marketing Bingo
Speaker: Bette Frick
18 Attendees
March 2013
 Topic: Networking
 Three locations:
 Panera Bread,
 Panera Bread,
Denver Tech Center
 Panera Bread,
 9 Attendees
April 2013
 Topic: Alternate Career
Paths for Technical
 Speaker: Jack Molisani
 28 Attendees
May 2013
 Topic: Strategies for Building
Local Online Visibility
 Speaker:
Monica Valdez
 15-20 Attendees
 Technicalities newsletter = Technicalities blog
 60 contributions! This year’s contributors:
Deb Lockwood
Carmen Carmack
Joel Meier
Frank Tagader
Jessica Betterly
Lacey Taplin
Jim Hess
Martha Sippel
Marcia Wood
 Anyone can write a post or comment; just register
or email your submission to
Social Media
 The Social Media Manager
 Regularly posts updates from the President
 Manages
Adding new members to LinkedIn and Blog
 May also post about
 New blogs
 Salutations
 General announcements by request
Website and Web Team
 The Web Team
 Upgraded the Content Management System
 Updated the file structure so it’s more intuitive
 Continued to develop a repository of website
procedures and processes
 Initiated a simplified login process to make STC
RMC website and Technicalities blog usernames
match so they are more logical for our members
 Evaluated delivering new member information
via the website
Website and Web Team
 The Web Team
 Improved council access area of the website
 Scanned and linked all chapter awards
 Removed nonmembers from website accounts,
Discussion list, and Job list
 Further integrated Eventbrite into the website
 Performed regular maintenance and archiving
Awards and Recognition
 Active Member Rewards Program
 Successful in 2012-2013
 Eight members earned 15 or more points
 The reward for achieving 15 points is a $25 gift
card to Amazon or an STC RMC polo shirt
 Four other members earned 10 – 15 points
 The program continues in 2013
 Pacesetter Award
 Special Recognition
 Kit Brown-Hoekstra, incoming VP STC 2013
Awards and Recognition
 Fellow Honor
 Kit Brown-Hoekstra
 Associate Fellow Honor
 Joel Meier
 Distinguished Chapter Service Award
 Joel Meier
 President’s Awards
 Deb Lockwood
 Stacey Whala
 Joel Meier
Council and Committee
Becky Williams
Carmen Carmack
Claire Schram
Deb Lockwood
Debbie Peebles
Deanna Mosler
Frank Tagader
John Endicott
Lacey Taplin
Jessica Betterly
Joel Meier
Marcia Wood
Martha Sippel
Robin Kring
Stacey Whala
2012-2013 Officers
 Outgoing officers
President, Marcia Wood
Past President, Joel Meier
Vice President, Stacey Whala
Secretary, Debbie Peebles
Treasurer, Jessica Betterly
Nominating Committee, Deb Lockwood and
Claire Schram
2013-2014 Officers
 Incoming officers
President, Stacey Whala
Vice President, Marie DesJardin
Past President, Marcia Wood
Secretary, Debbie Peebles
Treasurer, Jessica Betterly
Nominating Committee, Carmen Carmack and
Cynthia Reading
Volunteer Opportunities
We need:
 Programs Manager
 Volunteer Coordinator
 Membership Manager
 Blog Contributors
 Meeting Greeters
Thank you to…
All who contributed so
much to our success—
Rock on!
 Any Questions?