STC RMC Year End Wrap-Up - Rocky Mountain Chapter STC

Year-End Review
Year-End Review
 President’s Goals
 Awards and
Chapter Membership
 Incoming and
Chapter Finances
Outgoing Officers
STC RMC Meetings
 2012-2013
Social Media
President’s Goals
 Create and define a Social Media Manager role
 Create an Active Member Rewards program
 Revamp Programs and Networking
 Budget, create efficiencies within the organization
 Organize and delete old monthly program surveys
 Organize Constant Contact
 Define a reporting structure (create an org chart
for officers/managers)
Chapter Membership
 156 members as of May 10, 2012 –
77.6% retention
 Updated New Member Guide for 2011-2012
 Helped match volunteers with opportunities
Chapter Finances
 Total balance is $22,532.77 on May 1, 2012
(compared to $28,412.68 on May 1, 2011)
 STC did not give our chapter a rebate on
member dues again this year
 Indicated that other chapters/communities need
the money more
 Without a rebate, our chapter meetings and
seminars are our sole source of income
Chapter Finances (cont’d)
 Moved to the Eventbrite reservation system
 Eventbrite provides us with
 More social media options to promote our
meetings and seminars
 Direct deposits within a week of our programs
 Eliminated monthly rent on our storage unit
STC RMC Meetings
 Northern Colorado Satellite
 Chapter Meetings
Northern Colorado
 Who: Anyone
 When: Second Wednesday of the month
 Where: Truman's, Fort Collins
 Manager: Carmen Carmack
 Purpose:
 Mentoring
 Networking
 Supplement to Denver programs
Chapter Meetings
 Who: Anyone
 When: Third Thursday of the month
 Where: Corporate Sponsors
 Lakewood, NASDAQ Offices
 Denver, Atkins Offices
 Purpose
 Offer professional development
 Foster networking and support
 Total of 151 attendees at our meetings this year
September 2011
 Topic: Mastering Product
Documentation in a Wiki
 Speaker: Amalia Hurtado
 23 Attendees
October 2011
 Topic: Establishing a
Personal Brand Using
Social Media
 Speaker: Matt Sullivan
 22 Attendees
November 2011
 Topic: Networking
 Three locations:
 Panera Bread,
 Panera Bread,
Denver Tech Center
 Outlets at Castle Rock Food
Court, Castle Rock
 15 Attendees
January 2012
 Holiday party: Hosted by
Frank Tagader
 Collected donations for
Food Bank of the Rockies
January 2012
 Topic: Finding Your Niche
as a Consultant in
Technical Communications
 Speakers: John Daigle,
Linda Gallagher, Marc Lee,
and Tammy Van Boening
 30 Attendees
February 2012
 Webinar
 Topic: Thriving in the
Agile Environment
 Speaker: Kathryn Poe
 16 Attendees
March 2012
 Topic: Networking
 Two locations:
 Panera Bread,
 Panera Bread,
Denver Tech Center
 16 Attendees
April 2012
 Topic: Storytelling in
 Speaker: Kerrie Flanagan
 29 Attendees
May 2012
 Topic: Metrics to
Document the Costs of
 Speaker:
Bernard Aschwanden
 Technicalities newsletter = Technicalities blog
 This year’s contributors:
Kristy Lantz Astry
Julie Bettis
Regina Burks
Joel Meier
Frank Tagader
Jean Zartner
Julianne Blomer
Kit Brown-Hoekstra
Jim Hess
Martha Sippel
Marcia Wood
 Anyone can write a post or comment; just register
or email your submission to
Website and Web Team
 The Web Team
Held three very successful Web team workdays
Upgraded the Content Management System
Renewed our maintenance contract
Created a new Home page after the upgrade
Purged website accounts (will purge again soon)
Integrated Eventbrite into the website
Performed regular maintenance and archiving
Social Media
 The Social Media Manager
 Regularly posts updates via the President
 Manages
Adding new members to LinkedIn and Blog
 May also post about
 New blogs
 Salutations
 General announcements by request
Awards and Recognition
 Active Member Rewards Program
 The program is going strong
 The chapter has awarded 201 points to
75 members and guests
 Joel was the first to achieve 15 points
 The reward for achieving 15 points is an STC RMC
polo shirt!
 2 members have 12–14 points
 5 people have 6–11 points
 11 people have 3–5 points
Awards and Recognition
 Pacesetter Award
 Fellow Honor
 Deb Lockwood
 Distinguished Chapter Service Awards
 Debbie Peebles
 John Endicott
 Kristy Lantz Astry
 President’s Awards
Carmen Carmack
Deanna Mosler
Frank Tagader
Marcia Wood
Council and Committee
Ron Arner
Kristy Astry
Julie Bettis
Julianne Blomer
Tara Broghammer
Kit Brown-Hoekstra
Ben Cape
Carmen Carmack
Lily Courtney
Michelle Despres
John Endicott
Craig Kupras
Deb Lockwood
Evan Lockwood
Deanna Mosler
Debbie Peebles
Claire Schram
Martha Sippel
Frank Tagader
Tammy Van Boening
Stacey Whala
Becky Williams
Hali Young
2011-2012 Officers
 Outgoing officers
President, Joel Meier
Vice President, Marcia Wood
Past President, Kristy Astry
Secretary, Stacey Whala
Treasurer, Frank Tagader
Nominating Committee, Kit Brown-Hoekstra
and Craig Kupras
2012-2013 Officers
 Incoming officers
President, Marcia Wood
Vice President, Annie Persson
Past President, Joel Meier
Secretary, Stacey Whala
Treasurer, Jessica Betterly
Nominating Committee, Deb Lockwood and
Claire Schram
Volunteer Opportunities
We need
 Scholarship Coordinator
 Blog Contributors
 Meeting Greeters
 Logistics/Facilities Coordinator
 Podcast/Webinar volunteers to
record and moderate
 Website Managers
Thank you to…
Everyone who
contributed so much to
the chapter and to the