The UK Development Footprint in India * Urban Sector

The UK Development Footprint
in India – Urban Sector
February 24, 2014
Presence in the Urban Sector in India
• Over 30 years of engagement
1st Generation of Urban Programmes
Disproportionately high focus on specific
intervention- slum infrastructure
2nd Generation of Urban Programmes
Slum infrastructure remained the focus;
contour broadened with focus on wider
municipal reforms and urban environmental
Ongoing 3rd Generation of Urban
Slight transition from 2nd generation - urban
centres as drivers of economic prosperity:
focus on the state as a whole
Generation of Urban
Enhanced focus on sustainable development
- smart urban growth. Different management
styles targeting different levels of
governments and stakeholders developed
Emerging Priority: Smart Urbanisation
• Building inclusive and climate resilient cities
• Skill and institutions for smart urbanisation
• Mobilising public and private financing for economic
development of urban areas
• Build financially stronger and functionally
autonomous local government institutions
• Women and girls – safety, security, and
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Cities
• Managing Climate Risks for Urban Poor (£85m)
– 4-6 cities to be selected from India
• Prosperity Fund Projects (£100-150K)
– Create a cohesive technical, policy and financial
environment to build low carbon, resource efficient cities
• Energy demand side management for commercial buildings,
• Planning for low carbon cities, Madurai and Mysore
• Low Carbon Urban Development Plan, Aluva, Kerala (proposed)
• Adopting low-carbon LED street lighting on a large scale by ULBs,
Kolkata and Bhubaneswar
• Climate Change Innovation Programme (£12m)
– SAPCCs in six states
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Cities
• Madhya Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Investment Project
(MPUIIP) (£27m)
Improving energy efficiency of municipal services
Pilot on transit-oriented development (under discussion)
Smart cities pilot: two urban centres
Second generation city development plans
Planning and development control regulations
Heritage conservation (three pilots)
• Support to National Policies on Urban Poverty Reduction
(SNPUPR) (£14m)
– 20 slum free city plan of actions (SFCPoAs)
• MoU with Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) (£1m)
– Develop low-carbon climate-resilient Kolkata
– Develop a plan of action
Skill and Institutions for Smart Urbanisation
• Potential priority areas
– Target areas identified
• Education and skills for those training to be urban planners
• Support to existing planners/current standard practices
• Upgrading India’s building and planning regulations
– Building capacities of urban apex institutions (existing and
proposed) (£5-8m)
Research functions
Tools and technologies
Policy Influencing
Piloting innovations
Mobilising Private Financing
• Focus on mobilising private sector financing in urban
infrastructure (£130m)
Affordable housing programme
Infrastructure debt financing programme
Infrastructure equity investment programme
Odisha Support for Urban Infrastructure Programme
• Municipal development funds (£12-15m)
– Madhya Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Investment Project
– Support for Urban Reforms Programme, Bihar
• Economic corridors (under discussion)
– Linking smart technical assistance (TA)
Urban Governance
• Mobilising public financing (central and state schemes)
• Strengthen domestic resource mobilisation (tax, non-tax)
– MP, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal
• Improved public financial management (accounting,
budgeting, procurement, audit)
– MP, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal
• Promoting e-governance (MP, Bihar)
Municipal ERP systems (common platform for all cities)
Centralised grievance redressal systems
Vehicle tracking management system (MP)
Automated building plan permission systems (MP)
• Strengthening project management capacities
– City-scale water supply projects, city sanitation plans (WB, Bihar)
– Project management for central schemes (JNNURM, UIDSSMT)
Focus on Women and Girls
• DFID focus on women and girls – cuts-across
– Economic empowerment (Bihar)
• Mobilisation of women SHGs; federalisation (city & state)
• Create micro-finance and capacities; credit linkages
• Build entrepreneurial capital (EDCs)
– Reducing violence against women (MP)
• Pilot in four cities
• Safe mass transport; infrastructure in public spaces
– National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM)
• Partnering MoHUPA on development and management
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