city of orting public works committee minutes

January 7, 2015, 1:00 p.m.
Councilmember Sam Colorossi called meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. in the Meeting Room at City Hall.
Elected Officials:
Councilmember Sam Colorossi; Councilmember Scott Drennen arrived late
and Councilmember William Birkes excused.
City Employees:
City Administrator Mark Bethune; Building Official Ken Wolfe; Public Works
Director Dean Kaelin; Secretary Laura Hinds; City Treasurer Stephen Vincenti
Parametrix Engineer JC Hungerford
Councilmember Colorossi moved to approve the minutes of December 3, 2014. Councilmember Drennen seconded
the motion and it carried.
3. Guests & Policy Issues:
A. 2015 Utility Rates: The rate increase notification flyer did not reach payers who pay over the internet.
Utility billing staff are responding to these customers via email. There are around 283 customers who
pay their utility bill online.
B. Garbage Cans: Documents sent to City Attorney Chris Bacha for review has not been returned with
a response yet.
4. Water:
A. CIP – Water
System Plan:
ONGOING: Reviewed in 2014, pending stormwater review; which will help create a
comprehensive plan for utility upgrades.
B. Orville Rd. E.
Easement Requests: Sam Colorossi has been working with homeowners on Orville Rd.
E. in hopes to gain easements, which would allow the Utility Department to re-locate its
existing water main.
Sam’s current progress on obtaining signatures for the easements over the last several
years has reached 83.01 % for control of the land.
Wilhelm: On November 21st Rose Tracy signed the easement and fence
agreement for her late mother, Mrs. Wilhelm. The recorded documents have been
received, thus giving control of total easement access at 83.01% (1380 feet)
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Hogerhuis. Documents to be signed in the near future. Once signed will give
control at 86.12%.
Froud: Sam sent a letter to the Froud’s in an attempt to re-activate dialog and
move forward with easement agreement and an agreement to reference their
Sam has had some discussion with City Attorney Bacha in regards to two types of
condemnation. 1. Easement purpose or 2. To own the easement strip being requested.
Sam will soon start work on drafting a letter with the appropriate language that will help
ease of the process for the easement request.
Sam shared an old Resolution No. 13 of 1952. The resolution described at that time the
transmission line from Harman Springs to the town limit is in need of repair and great
loss of water. The cost then would have been around $4,600, whereas now in 2015 the
City is looking at around $3M to replace the transmission line.
Grant Opportunities: JC shared a Small System Preconstruction Activities Grant and
describe its scoring system. It appears the City may score low on many levels of the
grant. The cost of the pre-application is $2,500. The committee would like to move
forward with the pre-construction grant because if anything, the response, if not approved,
will outline the areas the City is lacking and help better prepare this committee in getting
ready for other grant opportunities. This preconstruction grant could potentially help
cover costs from fence agreements, driveway installs, and bid preparation. Some of these
items have been promised to property owners who have agreed to easement access.
JC commented that preparation of the grant paperwork is minimal and agreed to do the
work at no cost to the City.
Optimization &
VFD Well #1:
The SOP is complete.
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) design is complete. The committee decided to hold the
project and shelf it until grants are available and/or re-visit in 2016.
Dean reiterated comments from December 2014 meeting: A response was received by
mail from WSDOT on November 19 for Franchise renewal of the City’s water line under
SR 162 E. The letter stated that WSDOT would agree to a 10 year Franchise agreement
as long as the City’s plan proposes to mitigate the AC pipe. After 10 years if the City is
taking measures to ensure progress is made each year, then WSDOT would issue a new
25 year Franchise.
Mark commented that the request for mitigating the AC pipe comes with a high dollar
value, one that the City cannot afford. He further mentioned that he, JC and Mayor
Pestinger are trying to schedule a meeting with Peter Townsend, WSDOT Olympic
Region Utility Engineer for further discussion in response to the letter.
5. Wastewater Utilities Update Items:
A. CIP –
System Plan:
ONGOING: Reviewed in 2014, pending stormwater review; which will help create a
comprehensive plan for utility upgrades.
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B. I&I
Rainier Lane SE-100 Block – Construction is postponed until April 5, 2015.
C. Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Energy Action
The energy action plan is complete, Capital improvements are on hold until 2015 when
either funding or grants are available.
D. High Cedars
Force Main:
Design plans will be available at first of year for review.
The old sewer force main in high cedars is beyond its design life. The city and Parametrix
are working on relocating this line. The force main design will be at 60% next week;
Dean and High Cedars Manager will review thereafter. Design should be at 100% in
February and out for bid in April.
Sam inquired with Mark if High Cedars budget has been split out of the wastewater
treatment budget for tracking of revenue and expenses in regards to this project.
E. Solids
Recovery/Dewatering and
JC handed out a Draft Scope of Work for review by this committee. The draft will be
sent to Ecology at end of this week. JC will continue to work on permits to go out for
bid of the solids removal.
The mayor has requested to find local land/farmer owners that may be able to accept the
solids that is if the City takes responsibility to take chain of custody of the removal and
permit applications.
JC provided a Draft Scope of Work for Biosolids Engineering Report, which describes
current processes, issues with the current placement of solids and the need to dredge the
lagoons of solids. The report will be drafted consistent with the applicable requirements
of WAC 173-240-060 and guidelines contained in the Washington state Department of
Ecology’s criteria of sewage works design and permit writers manual.
The report is to determine a biosolids and odor control strategy that is consistent with the
City’s goals for cost effectively processing plant biosolids for Orting’s current service
area through projected build-out.
Dean and JC have discussed potential I&I projects for Whitesell St NE under
Washington Aver N and Eldredge Ave SW. The Whitesell St project can be included
in the Two-Way Left Turn Lane project which is on the Transportation Committees
Agenda for upcoming projects.
6. Storm Water Utilities:
A. CIP –
System Plan:
B. Calistoga Levee
Setback –
ONGOING: The committee reviewed the Stormwater CIP update and found some projects
that could be removed as they were constructed. And reprioritized other improvements.
Committee will follow up with the plan at its February meeting.
Site Progress:
 Construction is 99% complete
 Plantings taking place in riparian area
 Apex Jam design almost complete by Parametrix.
Project Management Control:
 Remapping will occur once project is complete
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ONGOING: No comment
C. Mt. View
8. Capital Facilities:
A. Capital Facility
Software Installed. Staff working with Vision on training to use program and upload assets.
B. Public Works
Admin. Office
and Utility
Ongoing – Temporarily on hold.
9. Operations & Maintenance Monthly Updates: Dean Kaelin
Scott shared his concern for the wastewater treatment plan grounds being used as a storage
place for vehicles and large scrap items. Scott feels there may be a need for a storage yard
for non-wastewater related storage in the future.
The Upper Harman Tank needs to be either decommissioned or have major repair work.
The committee decided to add this topic to the agenda for further discussion. At This time
the committee may consider disconnecting the lines as an option without removing the
tank right away.
 Estimate Roof removal or repair for 2016 budget
 Disconnect water line in 2015
 Decommission requirements and associated costs.
10. Round Table
Sam would like to know if City can remove current water users from outside the City limits
from the water service area. He’s not looking for answers from this committee just yet, but
rather, will start a dialog with Dan Cardwell with Pierce County to learn of possibilities.
City Treasurer Stephen Vincenti found there have been few complaints with the rate
increase in this month’s utility bill.
Stephen also shared that the owner of the John Deere Gator that the City will purchase just
turned in his Bill of Sale. This transaction will take place in the next week.
11. Meeting Adjourn:
Councilmember Drennen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:03 pm. Councilmember
Colorossi seconded the motion and it carried.
Secretary Laura Hinds
Chairperson Scott Drennen
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