Sonnets in Songs
From Latin sonus – sound; Italian - sonetto - song
14 line verse form
Conventional rhyme scheme
Usually examines and juxtaposes two contrasting ideas either to resolve or reveal tensions between them
They are a technical and accomplished form of poetry with roots in the Renaissance
Typically they have been written about love
Iambic pentameter
Quatrain (groups of 4 lines) - abab / cdcd / efef
Couplet (final two lines) - gg
Each quatrain develops specific idea
All quatrains linked
Placement of volta is flexible
Couplet is usually a decisive closing statement
Iambic pentameter (unstressed – stressed syllable, repeated 5 times in line)
Octave (first 8 lines) - abbaabba
Sestet (remaining 6 lines) can include any of the following:
poem divided into two sections offering two different rhyme groups
octave forms ‘proposition’ or problem; sestet forms ‘resolution’
volta (turn) at line 9 – introduction of 2 nd idea / change of subject matter
/ problem to resolution
What implication does this have for our study?
It is a complex and elevated form of poetry – how does this link with the subject matter of the sonnets in Songs?
A fruitful area of exploration is to look at any links between rhyming words in the sonnets
Also, consider where the volta comes and what this introduces
Think about the effect of the couplet (Shakespearean)
Be aware of any disruption to the metre
Any break of pattern is significant and worthy of comment
Further details on sonnet form: