Human Muscular System SVHS Adv, Biology Biology Unit #6 2011-12 Normal or Not??? Muscular System • Study of muscle is known as myology. • 40-50% of body weight is muscle. Tortora pages 154 Muscle Tissue Types • Smooth – Involved in internal processes. – Makes up the walls of hollow internal structures. – Involuntary Tortora pages 154 Muscle Tissue Types • Cardiac – Forms wall of the heart and major vessels leading from the heart Tortora pages 154 Muscle Tissue Types • Skeletal – Attached to skeleton. – Responsible for skeletal movement. Tortora pages 154 Functions of Muscle Tissue • Producing body movement • Movement of substances in body. • Stabilizing body position. • Regulating organ volume. • Heat production. Tortora pages 154 Striated Muscle Connective Tissue. • Connective tissues – Superficial facia • Contains fat and is just below the skin. – Deep facia • Connective tissue • Holds muscles together. • Separates muscle bundles • Extends to form tendons Tortora pages 154-155 Striated Muscle Connective Tissue. • The entire muscle is wrapped in the epimysium Tortora pages 154-155 Striated Muscle Connective Tissue. • Muscle bundles fasicles are surrounded by facia called perimysium Tortora pages 154-155 Striated Muscle Connective Tissue. • Each muscle fiber (cell) is covered by facia called endomysium. Tortora pages 154-155 Striated Muscle • Blood supply – Muscle contraction requires large amounts of energy and so requires large amounts of nutrients and oxygen. Tortora pages 154-155 Striated Muscle Nervous Tissue Nerve tissue • Motor neuron – Motor units • Muscle must receive a stimulus in order to contract. • Role of muscle action potential. Tortora pages 154-155 Homework Quiz - Activity A 1- T or F Smooth muscle is voluntary and found in the walls of blood vessels. 2- T or F Cardiac muscle is not under conscious control. 3- T or F Striated muscle is voluntary and is also called skeletal muscle. 4- Which of the following is not a function of the muscular system? – A) Creating motion – B) Moving substances in the in the body. – C) Creating body heat. – D) Sustaining the body’s posture. – E) Producing hormones for growth. 5- Which of the following is not a characteristic of muscle tissue? A) Ability to return to it’s original shape. B) Ability to respond to a stimuli. C) Ability to push bones to create movement. D) Ability to shorten. E) Ability to stretch. 6- The ability of muscle to stretch is referred to as ? 7- Muscle making up the wall of the heart is known as ? 8- Muscle making up the walls of the intestine is known as ? Answers 1) True 2) True 3) True 4) E (producing hormones for growth) 5) C (ability to push bones) 6) Extensibility (ability to stretch) 7) Cardiac (makes up wall of heart) 8) Smooth (makes up wall of intestines) Muscles + Bones = Lever Systems • Class I lever – fulcrum between resistance and energy. • Class II lever – Resistance between energy and fulcrum. • Class III lever • Energy is between fulcrum and resistance. Skeletal Muscle Structure Each muscle fiber or cell is composed of subunits called myofibrils Tortora pages 156 Striated Muscle Structure • Structure of striated muscle cell. – Sarcolemma – Sarcoplasm – Sarcoplasmic reticulum – Transverse tubules Tortora pages 156-157 Striated Muscle Structure • Proteins of muscle are called myofilaments. – Thin protein filament is composed of: • Actin • Tropomyosin. – Thick protein myofilament is myosin. • Myosin has cross bridges. Tortora pages 156 Striated Muscle Structure • Actin – Contains myosin binding site. – Site is covered by tropomyosin. • Myosin – Contains actin binding site. – Contains a binding site for ATP. Tortora pages 156 Striated Muscle Structure • Sarcomeres are contracting units in muscle. • Each fiber has many myofibrils. • Each myofibril is composed of many sarcomeres. – – – – Z lines A band I band H zone Tortora pages 156 Tortora pages 156 C & D Quiz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Which lever type is a distance multiplier? Which lever type has the force exerting between the fulcrum and the load? A muscle that decreases the angle of a joint. A muscle that moves a bone away from the midline of the body. A muscle that decreases the size of an opening. A muscle that produces a downward movement. A muscle that turns the palm downward or posteriorly. • Motor units – Motor neuron – Muscle cell – 10-500 fibers per motor neuron. •Neuromuscular junctions Striated Muscle Structure –Motor end plate. –Synaptic cleft. –Sarcolemma • Starting a muscle contraction. 1) Nerve impulse reaches axon terminal. 2) Ca++ enters the synaptic end bulb. 3) Vesicles move to and fuse with membrane. 4) Vesicle releases ACH into the synaptic cleft. Neuromuscular Junctions • • • • 5) ACH diffuses across cleft and binds to ACH receptors in sarcolemma. 6) Muscle action potential is created. 7) Within 1/500 of a second ACHe inactivates ACH. 8) Muscle prepares for next muscle action potential. Neuromuscular Junctions • Muscle action potential spreads across sarcolemma. – Reaches into the transverse tubules. – Spreads to the sarcoplasmic reticulum. – Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca++ Physiology of Contraction Physiology of Contraction • Calcium binds to tropomyosin, changing its shape. • Myosin and actin bind. • ATP is broken down to ADP . • Powerstroke occurs. • Two changes cause relaxation. – ACh broken down by Ache. – Results in no muscle action potential. – Ca++ is rapidly removed from the sarcoplasm. – Results in tropomyosin covering the myosin binding sites on the actin. Striated Muscle & Relaxation Striated Muscle & and Energy • ATP is needed as energy source for muscle contraction. • ATP attaches to ATP binding site on myosin head. • ATP is broken down to ADP + P. • Myosin cross bridge is energized. Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Striated Muscle & and Energy • Ca++ removes tropomyosin. • Actin & myosin engage. • Cross bridge changes shape. (Powerstroke) • ADP is released. • ATP again attaches to binding site causing actin & myosin to disengage. • ATP is broken down causing myosin head to return to normal position. • Powerstroke repeated. Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Energy for Muscle Contraction • Contraction is powered initially by ATP stored in the muscle. • 5 second supply. • 40 yards into 400 meter race. Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Energy for Muscle Contraction • Creatine Phosphate – Energy is released from CP. – Used to make more ATP from ADP and Pi. – Supplies 15 seconds worth of energy. – 22 seconds or 220 yards into race. Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Energy for Muscle Contraction • Glycolysis – Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid. – Occurs in sarcoplasm. – Anaerobic (does not require oxygen) – Results in lactic acid if no oxygen available. – Lactic acid causes fatigue feeling. – Provides 30 seconds worth of muscle contraction. – You are now 300 yards into race. Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Energy for Muscle Contraction • Aerobic respiration. – – – – Occurs in mitochondria. Breaks down pyruvic acid. Requires oxygen. Results in H2O and CO2 as wastes. – Makes 36 ATP molecules. – Now you can run a marathon!! Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Energy for Muscle Contraction • Greg LeMond’s career ended due to a mitochondrial condition. • What is he doing today? Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Still Racing!! Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 Oxygen Debt • Occurs when oxygen does not get to muscles. • Glycolysis results in L.A. • Must acquire oxygen to pay back debt. • Heavy breathing after exercise! Tortora Pages 160, 162-163 All-or-None Principle • Any given motor unit will be fully contracted or not at all. • Threshold stimulus causes contraction. • Subthreshold will not create a contraction. • Some motor units are contracted while others are not. Tortora Page 163-164 Homeostasis • Oxygen Debt – Due to lactic acid. – Paid back with oxygen. • Muscle Fatigue – Due to L.A. – Decrease in pH. • Heat production – 85% of energy is released in form of heat. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Different types of contractions depending on how often stimulation occurs. • A muscle twitch is a brief contraction of all muscle fibers in a motor unit due to a single nerve impulse. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Phases of a muscle twitch – Latent phase • Action potential spreads across sarcolemma • Ca++ released. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Contraction phase – Power stroke. – Actin and myosin slide over one another. – Muscle becomes shorter. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Relaxation phase – Actin & Myosin disengage. – Ca++ is actively pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Refactory phase • Sarcolemma not responsive to a stimulus Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Wave Summation – Successive stimuli prior to completion of relaxation phase. – Each contraction is stronger than the previous Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Incomplete Tetanus – 20 to 30 stimuli per second. – Partial relaxation • Complete Tetanus – 80-100 stimuli per seconds. – No relaxation. Tortora Page 164 Types of Contraction • Isotonic – Contraction and movement • Isometric – Contraction without movement Tortora Page 164 Skeletal Muscle Tissue Characteristics • Muscle tone. • A muscle in partial contraction. • A few fibers are contracting at all times. (recruitment) Skeletal Muscle Tissue Characteristics • Muscular Atrophy – Don’t use it and you lose it! • Muscular Hypertrophy • Muscle getting bigger due to work? Thursday 12/4 Page 163-164 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Characteristics Cardiac Muscle Tissue Characteristics Smooth Muscle Tissue Characteristics How Skeletal Muscles Produce Movement • Origin • Insertion How Skeletal Muscles Produce Movement • Group actions – – – – Prime mover Antago Synergists fixators Naming Muscles • Direction of Muscle fibers Naming Muscles (cont) • Location Naming Muscles (cont) • Number of origins Naming Muscles (cont) • Shape Naming Muscles (cont) • Origin and insertion Naming Muscles (cont) • Action Naming Muscles (cont) • Size Tortora pages 154 4 Characteristics of Muscle Tissue • Excitability: – Ability of tissue to receive and respond to stimuli. • Contractility: – Ability to shorten and thicken. • Extensibility – Ability of muscle tissue to stretch. • Elasticity – Ability of muscle tissue to return to its original shape after contraction or extension.