
A subjective account
experience reports
research papers
other activities
• Stages and Personas
The Stages
• Agile Adoption
• Agile Frontier
• Agile & Organizational
• Agile Product Management
• Coaching
• Customers & Business Value
• Developer Jam
• Distributed Agile
• Leadership & Teams
• Live Aid
Main Stage
Manifesting Agility
New to Agile
Open Jam
Muzik Masti
Telling Our Stories
Tools for Agility
User Experience
Alistair Cockburn
“I Come to Bury Agile, Not to Praise It”
Dr. Alistair Cockburn
Tuesday 09:00, August 25, 2009
Agile software development was defined from small, colocated
projects in the 1990s. It has since spread to large, distributed,
commercial projects around the world, affecting the IEEE, the PMI,
the SEI and the Department of Defense. Agile development now sits
in a larger landscape and needs to be viewed accordingly. In this
keynote, agile manifesto co-author Dr. Alistair Cockburn paints the
picture of the larger landscape, so that it is clearer how classical
agile development fits in, and what constitutes effective
development outside that narrow area.
Jared M. Spool
• “The Dawning of the Age of Experience”
• Jared M. Spool, User Interface Engineering
• Thursday 19:30, August 27, 2009 Experience design is no longer a
nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and
exceptional visionary management. It’s become commonplace for
organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design
is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and quickly becoming a
key performance indicator for many businesses.
• However, you can’t just hire a couple of “experience designers” and
tell them, “Go do that voodoo that you do so well.” Today’s
business environment forces us to build multi-disciplinary teams,
compiling a diverse group of skills and experiences to handle the
many facets of the technical, business, and user requirements.
Jared M. Spool
Keynote (cont.)
In his usual entertaining and insightful manner, Jared will talk about what it takes
to build a design team that meets today’s needs. He’ll draw parallels between the
methods executives think about experience design and how the Agile community
approaches the design process, giving you language that will both resonate in the
boardroom and the team’s war room.
• He’ll demonstrate how successful Experience Design:
• Must integrate the needs of the users with the requirements of the business
• Is learned, but not available through introspection
• Must be invisible to succeed
• Is cultural
• Is multi-disciplinary
• Is assessed in three critical areas very familiar to Agile developers: Vision,
Feedback, and Culture
• You’ll see examples of designs from Apple’s iPod, Netflix, the Mayo Clinic, and
Southwest Airlines, to name a few.
(older version)
The Bold, New Extreme Programming
Experiment - Now In Its Ninth Year
• Title: The Bold, New Extreme Programming Experiment - Now In Its Ninth
• Stage: Agile Adoption
• Presented by: Brian Spears
• When: Monday at 11:45
• Duration: 45 minutes
• Where: Atlanta
• In 2001, Follett Software Company (FSC) began work on the next
generation of its library software. Many options were considered,
including sending the effort off shore. In April 2001, members of the
Destiny team attended a C-SPIN meeting where Martin Fowler spoke
about Extreme Programming (XP). In what was considered a bold
experiment at the time, the team chose to adopt an XP process ""the most
well-known and controversial"" of the new agile processes. This
experience report will tell of a ""do-it-yourself"" Agile success story, with
changes, challenges and lessons learned along the way.
New Approaches to Risk Management
Title: New Approaches to Risk Management
Stage: Agile Frontier
Presented by: David Anderson
When: Monday at 14:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom A
For almost a decade our community has claimed that agile is a risk-driven
approach. Yet there is very little published material on agile risk
management. Traditional risk management is based on avoidance of
external variations. While, traditional project scheduling treats tasks
homogeneously from a risk perspective. Lean pull systems and Real
Options Theory provide new means to manage overall business risk in
technology projects. This tutorial describes 3 techniques that evolved in
the kanban community that increase sophistication of risk management
and provide improved business agility.
Lets stop calling it "agile"
Title : Lets stop calling it "agile"
Stage: Agile Frontier
Presented by: Bas Vodde, Steven Mak
When: Monday at 14:45
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom A
Agile development has grown a lot since its rebeleous 2001 start. In
fact, it has grown to be the mainstream way of developing
software. The time has come to drop the word 'agile.' Agile
development is just modern practices in software development.
There is no need to explicitly mark practices as Agile. There is no
need anymore for opposing camps. Keeping the word Agile and
things like ""the Agile conference"" is holding the development of
modern SW development practices back. This session will be in
debate form to discuss the above mentioned motion.
Integration Tests Are A Scam
Title: Integration Tests Are A Scam
Stage: Developer Jam
Presented by: J. B. Rainsberger
When: Monday at 16:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Columbus IJ
Integration tests are a scam, a self-replicating virus that takes over your
project and burdens you with long-running, fragile, hard-to-understand
test suites. You're probably writing 2-5% of the integration tests you need
to test thoroughly. You're probably duplicating unit tests all over the place.
Your integration tests probably duplicate each other all over the place.
When an integration test fails, who knows what's broken? When you
refactor, you have to fix dozens of integration tests. Stop it. Learn the twopronged attack that solves the problem: collaboration tests and contract
Introduction to Scrum
Title: Introduction to Scrum
Stage: New to Agile
Presented by: Henrik Kniberg
When: Tuesday at 11:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom B
So what is Scrum anyway? And what is Scrum not? How do I apply
Scrum in practice? Scrum seems to be the most popular agile
method at the moment and Scrum jargon is used everywhere. This
session is for those of you who have perhaps heard the word
Scrum, but never really received a proper introduction to what it
actually is. Hopefully you'll feel less alienated afterwords :o)
Clean Code III: Functions
Title: Clean Code III: Functions
Stage: Developer Jam
Presented by: Robert Martin
When: Tuesday at 14:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom F
Dive deep into the topic of clean Java code by examining what makes a
good function. In this talk you will look at a lot of code; some good and
some bad. You will experience how such code is analyzed, critiqued, and
eventually refactored. You will understand the decisions made by an
expert in the field as bad code is gradually transformed into good code.
How big should a function be? How should it be named? How should it be
documented. How many indent levels should it have? How should it deal
with exceptions, arguments, and return values.
Enhancing Diversity in Agile Software
Development Environments
• Title: Enhancing Diversity in Agile Software Development
• Stage: Agile & Organizational Culture
• Presented by: Orit Hazzan
• When: Tuesday at 16:00
• Duration: 90 minutes
• Where: Regency D
• Panelists: Yael Dubinsky, Amr Elssamadisy, David Hussman, Linda
Rising Moderator: Orit Hazzan Diversity can be expressed in
different ways, such as, worldviews, minorities, cultures and skills.
Studies tell us that diversity benefits with societies that foster it.
Diversity is also perceived as a powerful management practice, and
therefore, not surprisingly, diversity is introduced into agile
environments. In the panel the panelists present their views at
diversity, specifying how diversity can be expressed and fostered.
Agile Development Using Example
• Title: Agile Development Using Example
• Stage: Research
• Presented by: Ohad Barzilay
• When: Wednesday at 09:00
• Duration: 90 minutes
• Where: Plaza Ballroom A
• PhD Symposium
Towards a DSL for Agile Measurement
and Visualization Patterns
• Title: Towards a DSL for Agile Measurement
and Visualization Patterns
• Stage: Research
• Presented by: Larry Maccherone
• When: Wednesday at 11:00
• Duration: 90 minutes
• Where: Plaza Ballroom A
• PhD Symposium
Test Driven Development: Ten Years
Title: Test Driven Development: Ten Years Later
Stage: Main Stage
Presented by: Steve Freeman, Michael Feathers
When: Wednesday at 14:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Crystal B
Over the last ten years, Test-Driven Development has grown from
something exotic, that only a handful of people knew about, to nearcommodity. So there's nothing left to say, right? We don't think so. In this
talk, we'll review some of the landmarks in the history of Test-Driven
Development and what they tell us about how to develop software; the
ideas, techniques, objections, and misunderstandings. We'll talk about our
experiences of discovering TDD and what we've learned about how to do
it well, how to adopt it, and how to bring it into existing code.
Aristotle and the Art of Software
Title: Aristotle and the Art of Software Development
Stage: Agile Frontier
Presented by: Jon Dahl
When: Wednesday at 16:45
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom A
What can programmers learn from the thought of Aristotle, Kant, and
Mill? More than you might think. Find out what three of the greatest
minds in history think about things like craft, art, virtue, and happiness,
and how they would run a software project. We'll link philosophical ethics
and ideas to the processes, tools, and methodologies of software
development as we discuss a critical question: is successful development
primarily a matter of finding the right rules, creating the right outcomes,
or cultivating the right virtues?
Agile Practices at Home: Iterating with
Title: Agile Practices at Home: Iterating with Children
Stage: Manifesting Agility
Presented by: David Starr, Eleanor Starr
When: Thursday at 09:45
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Columbus GH
Many facets of Agile apply to simple principles of human nature. Because
Agile is so effective in the workplace, I began applying Agile principles
(after pleading with my wife) to managing the chaos of our family. For over
2 years now, my wife, 4 children, and I have been using Agile practices to
manage our own home life. The evolved methodology in our home has
been discovered over two years of modification using Lean principles
while working on weekly iterations. This is a fun topic with actual learning
points for managers learning to accommodate unique personalities in the
Test Driven Development in Java: Live
and Uncensored
Title: Test Driven Development in Java: Live and Uncensored
Stage: New to Agile
Presented by: Ben Rady
When: Thursday at 11:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Grand Ballroom B
One of the barriers to wider adoption of TDD is that it is best taught
from within a team, and the technical challenges of writing tests
frequently thwart those looking to teach themselves. This session
will be a live demonstration of Test Driven Development in Java,
using Eclipse and JUnit, aimed at those new to TDD and looking to
learn. Audience members will be encouraged to follow along on
their own laptops as we walk through common scenarios that
frequently discourage new TDDers, and demonstrate some
techniques for overcoming them in a live coding session.
A comical approach to project smells
Title: A comical approach to project smells
Stage: Agile Adoption
Presented by: Anda Abramovici, Tim Brown
When: Thursday at 16:45
Duration: 45 minutes
Where: Toronto
A series of cartoons depicts the terrible things that happen
when agile practices aren't followed. This session is valid
for any persona, but especially for the product owner who
will suffer when their product fails because they follow a
process that isn't helping their team deliver!