4/22/2013 Standards: 5 (Acid Base) and Biology (NCLB practice) Objectives: ● Students will perform well for the State NCLB Bio Test (answers will be on-line tonight for NCLB 1 and NCLB 2) ● Students will improve their calculation capabilities for neutralization DO NOW: 1. File Dump - Do as much as you can without looking at your sheet HOMEWORK: 1. Study for Mr. Wigger's CST - 100 points with 50 questions. =========================================================== STAMPED: ● Journal 4/19 (What you learned, or relearned about biology) 1. SN - Ch 19.3 p. 264-266 SN - Ch 19.4 p. 267-269 (10 pts for both together) Std 5 File dump for CST LeChat Conversions Diatomic elements stress ↑ LeChat wants ↓ LeChat does shift chart Avo g <----> mol <----> atoms/molecules NOH on 17 Trends vertica l& horian tal arrow s loose electronegativity ionization energy atom size ion size mass metal non-met reactivity 4/23/2013 Standards: Many Objectives: ● Check for understanding with Mr. Wigger's CST Test (50 q's, 100 pts) DO NOW: 1. Clear your desk and floor around you except for: scantron, pencil, eraser, scratch paper, periodic chart HOMEWORK: 1. SN - Ch 22 p. 295 - 299 (5 pts) Std 10 =========================================================== Remember: ·numbers will be simple ·use 2 sig. figs. only ·after you set up the problem, look for numbers top & bottom that cancel easily if rounded. File dump for CST LeChat Conversions Diatomic elements stress ↑ LeChat wants ↓ LeChat does shift chart Avo g <----> mol <----> atoms/molecules NOH on 17 Trends vertica l& horian tal arrow s loose electronegativity ionization energy atom size ion size mass metal non-met reactivity Put papers into 4 stacks scratch The following in order with smallest # on top: tests scantron charts Spread so #'s show Follow these directions or you will lose 20 points on this test: 1. Get your scantron (side counter), and get the test number you used yesterday 2. Complete your test. 3. Put your scantron back in your periods scantrons in order: Example: 4. 5 must be between 4 & 6 Put your test back in with the other tests in order: Example: 18 must be between 17 & 19 RESPONDERS 4/24/2013 Standards: 7 (Chemical Thermodynamics) Objectives: ● Students will perform well for the State NCLB Bio Test (answers will be on-line tonight for NCLB 1 and NCLB 2) ● Will be able to calculate Specific Heat problems & Heats of V and E DO NOW: 1. Combine front and back of heating curve so the front side shows both 2. Do this calculation: Given: specific heat of water (ice, solid on Heating Curve Chart), 20 grams of ice, temp change is -40°C to 15°C Find: How many Joules (J) are required. HOMEWORK: 1. Learn & be solid on File Dump and what each part of it means and how to use. 2. Browse through Mrs. Taylorson's CST prep. to see if you need to brush up on anything for the Chem CST. Learning Center > Quiz/Test Reviews (bottom of the page) =========================================================== STAMPED: ● Journal 4/22 (describe how the File Dump or other material covered on Monday 4/22 helped you with Mr. Wigger's CST) 1. SN - Ch 22 p. 295 - 299 (5 pts) Std 10 1 What is your opinion of the difficulty of this test? 1 = easy - 5 highest level of difficulty A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 This represents the responses for the Chemistry CST. 1 = easy, 5 most difficult - 2013 Period 1 Period 2 Period 5 Period 6 Period 3 SLOPES on heating curve SPECIFIC HEAT Find Given: 390 5--> 45 4.18 J g°C g g °C °C J J 4.18 J g°C Prob. 1 (water) - find g 850 Prob. 2 (ethanol) - find 5--> 45 J Table 16-2 p. 492 Heat of Vaporization gas <---> liq Heat of Fusion liq <---> solid Flatlands on heating curve Heat of FUSION Heat of VAPORIZATION Find Given: 88 kJ and mol mol kJ kJ kJ mol mol kJ Prob 1 water - find mol Prob 2 ethanol - find 7.5 mol kJ Table 16-6 p. 502 Page 502 Given Find If 25 mol of ammonia is all in at -77.7°C, how much energy (kJ) is required to melt all of the ammonia? ( Ammonia freezes at -77.7°C, and melts, and the heat of fusion is 5.66 kJ/mol ) Heat of fusion heat of vaporization specific heat formulas given on back of periodic chart electron config for all elements in one column are the same how elements react are the same within a column (ratios of the element to the thing it is reacting with) Textbook p. 502 If 25 mol of ammonia is all in at -77.7°C, how much energy (kJ) is required to melt all of the ammonia? ( Ammonia freezes at -77.7°C, and melts, and the heat of fusion is 5.66 kJ/mol ) NCLB Bio Practice 2 NCLB Bio Practice 1 (Done on Thursday) (Today - Fri 4/19/13) 4/26/2013 Standards: 7 (Chemical Thermodynamics) Objectives: ● Students will be able to calculate 2 problem types: a. specific heat problems b. heats of vaporization or fusion DO NOW: 1. Handout sheet of specific heat and heats of vaporization or fusion probs (due end of period) (5 pts) Std 7 HOMEWORK: 1. None =========================================================== STAMPED: ● Journal 4/25 or 4/24 (What you learned, or relearned about specific heat calcs and heats of vaporization and fusion) 1. SN - Ch 20.1 p. 295-299 (5 pts) Std Name:_______________ Date:_______ Period:__ Direct ions: Pract. Probs. Ch 16.3 - Thermochem. Eqns. Show Specific heat - practice problems ΔT Q# J mass 1 find 2.5 kg 0°C ---> 32°C 2 39.5 J find 100°C ---> 145°C 3 148 J 725 g find 4 2.05 J find -82°C ---> -5°C 5 find 82 g 74°C ---> 30°C Heat of Vaporization/Fusion - practice problems Q# 6 7 8 9 10 mol substance kJ 5.5 find water find 22.5 ammonia (NH3) find 83.1 methanol 1.7 find ethanol find 2.6 NH3 This page was use to make: http://mrwiggersci.com/chem/homework/Ch-16-3-PPs-sp-ht-vap-fusion.htm calcs! Answer questio ns next to each line, or number 1-10 on back and show calcs there with note on front to look at the back. Student solves Given Find Student solves Given Find g°C 2J