Mrs. Tamra Wilson Veritas Classical School Kindergarten Assignment Sheet 14 Begin: 12/02 Due: 12/9 Please let me know if you are willing to organize the Christmas Party. :) Phonics/Handwriting: Begin reading first book. (Mrs. Wilson’s note: You may have already started this and that is fine, I would suggest that each child practice reading out loud to you on a daily basis. Encourage your student to notice punctuation and to read with proper expression. Please explain to them that the end of a line is NOT the end of a sentence, this can be confusing to new readers. ) Day 1: o Letters and Sounds K, pages 85-87. o Writing with Phonics K5, page 78 o Practice writing first & last name several times with correct fornmations. o My Blend and Word Book, pages 19-24 and 33-34. o Review initial vowel words and double consonants by having child clearly sound out each vowel choice and choosing the correct one to complete the word. Write on board: _gg a, e _nt a, e _ff e, o _dd a, i _nd e, u _ll e, i Day 2: o Show each alphabet flashcard and have child identify its name and sound. o Review spelling-dictate 3 or 4 one-vowel words for child to spell out loud. Then write each word on board and have him read and spell words again. o My Blend and Word Book, pages 25-28 and 35-36. o Sing “Old MacDonald had a Farm” using vowels (see assignment sheet 13). o Letters and Sounds K, pages 89-91. o Writing with Phonics K5, pages 81-82. Day 3: o Begin I Learn to Read, Book A: 1. Be excited as you begin a new book with your child! Explain that words in smaller print are instructions for you to read to him. Read instructions, then have child read pg. 2. 2. Have child sound/read words on pg. 3. Before each word is read, refer to it by its number, so child will be working on the right word. Emphasize keeping his eyes on his book and on word being read. Have child read all words again. 3. Review sight word the. Explain that sight words are words that we cannot sound out; we just memorize them so that we will know them when we see them. Have child spell, say, and spell the. o Lay out upper and lower case flashcards on table. Say whole name of one (capital M or little g). Have child pick up correct one and give “sentence” for it while holding it up. (“M says m as in milk; M says m, m, m.”) o Writing with Phonics K5, page 83. o Dictate blends for child to write on board.( ga si tu bo pe ) (Mrs. Wilson’s note: these are great tips, but it appears that most, if not all, of the class is beyond this point, so just proceed at your child’s reading level.:) Day 4: o Letters and Sounds K, page 93 o Writing with Phonics K5, page 84 Additional Optional Phonics Activities: Phonemic Awareness: (understanding the sounds from which words are made) Identify all letters in the initial position: Place some or all lettercards in front of your child. Create a word list and have your child hold up the card which represents the sound he hears at the beginning of each word. Rhyme – Dictate 2 words to your child. If the 2 words rhyme, your child should say yes. If the 2 words do not rhyme, your child should say no. If the 2 words rhyme, ask your child to say a word that rhymes with the word pair: light – weight, cake – rake, rain – race, house – mouse, need – seed, moon – duck, mail – pail, six – socks Blending Game: Lucky Letters: Write each of the letters studied to date on separate cards or pieces of paper. Make 2 or 3 cards for each letter. Put the vowels on colored paper. Place the lettercards in a pile or in a box. Have your child draw 3 letters, one of which should be on colored paper. He should try to arrange the letters in order to spell a word. If he cannot form a real word from the letters, give him a chance to trade a letter for one which he specifies so that a word will result or let him keep the word and call it a nonsense word. Concept of Opposites: To introduce the concept of opposites use concrete objects to enhance the understanding. Begin by demonstrating the meaning of the opposites: Use the negative form of the first term for a while before introducing the opposite term. When your child has understanding, introduce the opposite term and give your child lots of practice expressing both ways: for example full – empty – The glass is full. How else could you say that? The glass is not empty. Continue with long – short, fast – slow and cold – hot Additional related activities: 1. Letter Concentration: Using the capital and lowercase letters studied to date, arrange 6 sets of matching letters in rows. Ask your child to turn over 2 lettercards. If the pictures are a match of the same capital and lowercase letter, he keeps them. If not, mom takes a turn. The object of Concentration is to develop visual memory. Concentration can be played to reinforce a variety of concepts and skills such as beginning, medial and ending sounds. Simply cut out pictures from a magazine or catalog that contains a sound studied to date. Use the pictures along with the lowercase corresponding letters to play Concentration. 2. Following Directions/Letter review: Use a page of capital/lowercase letters. Have your child mark the letters according to your oral directions, for example: Circle lowercase g with a red crayon. Draw a line under capital F with a blue crayon. 3. Sentence Scramble: Use the word cards from the word list to create a simple sentence. Mix up the order but provide the first word of the sentence. Have your child read each word. Then unscramble the words by putting them in order and read the sentence correctly. For example: sled gets a Ed (Ed gets a sled.) 4. Medial Vowels: Place lettercards a, e, i, o, & u on the table. Dictate a word from the word list and have your child point to the letter that stands for the sound heard in the middle of the word. FIAR: Another Celebrated Dancing Bear Day 1: Social Studies – Geography, Occupations, & Relationships Day 2: Language - Vocabulary and Drama (though optional, I would do Characterization as well) Day 3: Art – Architecture – Put your child’s Russian skyline in their homework folder. Day 4: Math – Hours on a Clock – You can also draw it with chalk outside! Day 5: Science – Boiling and Freezing point – Help your child to boil a pot of water to illustrate this discussion. Character Trait: Love Memory Verse – John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. In the New Testament, Jesus teaches in John 15:12-13 that it is important to love one another and that the greatest sign of love is to lay down one’s life for another. Jesus demonstrated this truth literally in his death for all men, and sometimes people do die helping others, but you can discuss with your child other ways that one symbolically lays down one’s life for a friend. For example one might give up a long awaited movie outing to visit a sick friend. In Another Celebrated Dancing Bear, Max carries out the idea of this verse by spending considerable amounts of time teaching Boris to dance. Critical Thinking: Mind Benders: Complete pages 40-43 to finish the book! Bring completed Mind Benders book to class next week for a completion grade! We will begin Math Analogies AFTER Christmas break! Christmas Tree Math (Optional, but so much fun!) 1. Circumference Estimation: Your child will estimate the circumference of the tree by cutting a piece of string the length that he believes it will take to go around the fattest part of the tree. Your child ( and a helper) will check the estimate by wrapping the string around the tree. Was the guess too short, too long or just right? 2. Light Bulb Estimation: Guess the number of bulbs on a strand of lights. Write the estimate on a piece of paper. Count the bulbs. Was the guess too many, too few or just right? 3. Light Bulb Color Estimation: Identify the color of bulbs on a strand of lights. Guess which color of bulb has the most, least and do any have the same? Count and find out. Math: Complete Saxon K Lesson and Handwriting pages 51-54. Your child should be able to count to 20 without mistakes, count groups of objects up to 20, identify every number from 1-20, be able to tell what comes before, after, or between numbers from 1-20, and be able to write every number from 1-20 in order. Please work with your child on these basic concepts a little every day if he/she still has any trouble. Of course, these concepts are continually reviewed in class throughout the entire year as well. Comparing Containers Materials: Various types of objects (pennies, beans, noodles) and containers (small boxes, cans, glass and plastic jars). One Type of Material – Assorted Containers Choose a container and a type of small object. Ask your child to estimate how many objects it will take to fill the container. Fill the container with the objects. Check by counting the objects in the container. Try other containers, keeping the same material and varying the size of the containers. Compare each new container’s size and shape with the containers previously used. One Container – Assorted materials to Measure Choose a container and some objects. Ask your child to estimate how many objects will fill the container. Fill the container with the objects. Count the total number of objects. Empty the container. Repeat the process several times, each time with a different type of object. Be sure to use the information gained by each experience to make new predictions. Read Aloud: Please read a rhyme, pattern/repetition, or concept book to your child each day. Also include good quality children’s literature from these categories; concept books (alphabet, opposites, numbers, colors, seasons…) picture books, easy readers, poetry, chapter books and books that build and develop character. Encourage your child to relate the story to any personal experiences, to recall their favorite parts and to sequence the events in the story in order. Remember to read at least 10 minutes each day. Read the story of The Blind Men and the Elephant (Letterbook Ee) Sharing: (none next week) Have your child bring a favorite Christmas gift (must fit inside their backpack) as their sharing item on 1/06/11 . * Please keep the weekly assignment sheets in a folder at home to use for review and reference. Parent’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Homework to turn in: o o o o o Bring completed Mind Benders book for a completion grade! Letters and Sounds K, pages 85-93 Memory verse: John 3:16 Russian skyline picture (see turrets in the FIAR Appendix) Saxon K pages 51-54