GBA 461 - Sam Houston State University

Sam Houston State University
College of Business Administration
Department of General Business and Finance
GBA 461 – Design and Presentation of Business Projects
Spring 2008
CID: 1709
Sec: 04
Class meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:30-1:50 p.m.
Location: 204 SHB
Instructor: Geraldine E. Hynes, Ph.D.
Office: 210H SHB
Phone: 936-294-4149
Fax: 936-294-3074
Office hours: Mondays 2:00-4:00 at SHSU and 5:00-5:45 at TUC,
Tuesdays 11:00-5:00 at SHSU,
Wednesdays 2:00-5:00 at SHSU,
Thursdays 11:00-5:00 at SHSU,
Fridays by appointment
Hamilton, Cheryl. Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions,
8th Ed. Wadsworth, 2008.
Course Description:
This course focuses on the design and presentation of business information using current
technology to enhance communication. Theory and principles are studied as they apply
to the development of competency in formal business speaking.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
 Understand basic principles of business and professional communication
 Understand and appreciate the principles of designing and delivering business
 Analyze and adapt presentations to audiences’ interests and knowledge levels
 Understand the most common purposes of business presentations—to inform,
convince, and cause action
 Understand how to design and deliver special occasion presentations in business
 Differentiate between effective and ineffective delivery methods and techniques
 Use computer graphics software to support presentations
 Critically listen to and evaluate presentations
 Understand the ethical responsibilities of business presenters
Course Requirements:
1. Regular and punctual class attendance. Any unexcused absence beyond two grace
absences will cost 5 course points. Two tardies or early leaving of class equal one
Section 51.911(b) of the Texas Education Code requires that an institution of higher
education excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities,
including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel
for that purpose, without penalty. University policy 861001 provides the procedures
to be followed by the student and instructor. If you plan to be absent due to
observance of a religious holy day, you must notify the instructor in writing by
January 25, 2008.
2. Preparation for class. You are expected to have read the assigned material before the
class during which it is discussed. PowerPoint® slides for each textbook chapter are
available on the Blackboard course site.
3. Participation in all class activities. Class sessions provide opportunities to practice
your communication skills.
4. Computer proficiency, especially in the use of PowerPoint® graphics software and
the use of the Internet in conducting research. All written assignments are to be
5. Timely completion of all course assignments. Late written assignments (exams,
reports) will cost 5 points per day. Late oral assignments (presentations, interviews,
exercises) will cost 5 points per class meeting. If you are absent from class when an
assignment is due, you will avoid the late penalty by submitting your work early. The
last date any late work will be accepted is Wednesday, May 7, 2008.
6. Appropriate academic conduct. Unprofessional, disruptive, or disrespectful behavior
will not be tolerated. Plagiarism (submitting others’ work without appropriate
citation or allowing others to submit your work without citation) will not be tolerated.
7. Computer and cell phone use in class. Personal use of cell phones during class is
prohibited. Using computers for any purpose other than the assigned task or for
taking lecture notes will cost 5 course points for each misuse.
Students with Disabilities:
SHSU adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines
with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
Students with a disability that affects their academic performance are expected to register
with the SHSU Counseling Center and to notify the instructor the first week of the
semester so that reasonable accommodation can be arranged, ensuring that participation
and achievement opportunities are not impaired. For more information contact the
Director of the Counseling Center, chair of the Committee for Continuing Assistance for
Disabled Students, at 936-294-1720.
Summary of Course Assignments:
4 exams over the reading assignments (non-cumulative) @ 25 pts each
Listening exercise
Special occasion speech
Informative presentation
Group problem-solving discussion
Team sales presentation
Total possible points
Graduate/Post-Graduate Students must complete an additional assignment: a 2-page
report describing and evaluating an observed business presentation. (25 points)
Grade Distribution (undergraduates):
450-500 pts = A (90%)
400-449 pts = B (80%)
350-399 pts = C (70%)
300-349 pts = D (60%)
below 300 pts = F
Grade Distribution (MBA/Post-Graduates):
472-525 pts = A (90%)
420-471 pts = B (80%)
367-419 pts = C (70%)
below 367 pts = F
All cut-offs are firm. Grades will not be curved.
NOTE: The proper time to challenge a score on an assignment is immediately after
receiving your score, not at the end of the semester.
Weekly Schedule:
Wed. Jan 16
Introduction to course & assignments
The communication process
(M) No class – Martin Luther King Day
(W) Organizational communication
Ch. 2
Jan 28 & 30
(M) Speaking anxiety, impromptu speaking principles
(W) Impromptu due
Pp. 128-134
Pp. 273-274
Feb 4 & 6
(M) Listening, audience awareness
(W) Exam 1, Listening exercise due
Ch. 4
Feb 11 & 13
Job interviews & performance appraisal interviews
Ch. 7, 8
Feb 18 & 20
Interview due
Feb 25 & 27
(M) Gathering supporting materials, choosing language
(W) Exam 2, Introductions and conclusions
Ch. 12
Mar 3 & 5
Creating notes & visual aids, rehearsing
Using PowerPoint®
Ch. 13
Mar 10 & 12
No classes – Spring Break
Mar 17 & 19
(M) Nonverbal communication, delivery styles
(W) Special event speech due
Ch. 5
Mar 24 & 26
Informative speaking
Ch. 11
Mar 31 & Apr 2
(M) Exam 3, Informative Presentation due
(W) Informative Presentation due
Apr 7 & 9
Small group communication, problem solving
Apr 14 & 16
Group Problem Solving Discussion due
Apr 21 & 23
Principles of persuasion
Ch. 14
Apr 28 & 30
(M) Exam 4
(W) Making team presentations
Pp. 356-358
Jan 21 & 23
May 5 & 7
Team Sales Presentation due
(W) Observed Presentation Report due (grad students)
Mon. May 12
Team Sales Presentation due (2:00-4:00 pm)
Ch. 9, 10