Muscle chapt10_lecture

The Muscular System
• Structural and functional
organization of muscles
• The system of the little mouse
Structural and Organization of Muscles
• 600 Human skeletal muscles
– Also smooth & cardiac muscles
• General structural & functional organization
functions of muscle
connective tissues of muscle
general anatomy of skeletal muscles
muscle shape and function
coordinated actions of muscle groups
intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
muscle innervation
The Functions of
• Movement of body parts
and organ contents
• Maintain posture and
prevent movement
• Communication - speech,
expression & writing
• Control of openings and
• Body heat production
Interspecies non-verbals
Connective Tissues of a Muscle
Deep fascia
Connective Tissues of a Muscle
• Epimysium
– covers whole muscle belly
– blends into connective tissue that separates
• Perimysium
– slightly thicker layer of connective tissue
– surrounds a bundle of cells called a fascicle
• Endomysium
– thin layer of areolar tissue surrounding each cell
– allows room for capillaries and nerve fibers
Fascicles, Perimysium & Endomysium
Fascicle, c.s.
Location of Fascia
• Deep fascia
– found between adjacent muscles
• Superficial fascia (hypodermis)
– found between skin and muscles
– contains adipose tissue
Superficial Fascia
Deep Fascia
Muscle Attachments
• Direct (fleshy) attachment to bone
– epimysium is continuous with periosteum
– intercostal muscles
• Indirect attachment to bone
– epimysium continues as tendon or aponeurosis that
merges into periosteum as perforating fibers
– biceps brachii or abdominal muscle
• Attachment to dermis
• Stress will tear the tendon before pulling the
tendon loose from either muscle or bone
Parts of a Skeletal Muscle
• Origin
– attachment to stationary
end of muscle
• Belly
– thicker, middle region of
• Insertion
– attachment to mobile end
of muscle
Skeletal Muscle Shapes
• Fusiform muscles
– thick in middle & tapered at
– biceps brachii m.
• Convergent muscle
– broad at origin and tapering to
a narrower insertion
• Parallel muscles
– parallel fascicles
– rectus abdominis m.
Skeletal Muscle Shapes (2)
• Circular muscles
– act as sphincters
– ring around body opening
– orbicularis oris
• Pennate muscles
– fascicles insert obliquely
on a tendon
– unipennate, bipennate or
– palmar interosseus, rectus
femoris & deltoid
• Biceps Tendon Rupture: As a result of chronic tendonitis or
truama, the long head of the biceps may rupture. When this
occurs, the biceps muscle appears as a ball of tissue and
there is a loss of function.
Healthy Bicep
In september 2005 Maria
Sharapova from Russia
withdrew from the China
Open due to a pectoral
Top European Golfer: David Howell
• Ranked 30th in the world one of England’s best
withdrew from the U.S. Open in June of 2005.
• He suffered a rip
To the left oblique
• You can hit
with a pike
and that pike
will shatter
• Ptosis is a drooping of
the entire upper eyelid.
It can be due to
trauma, disorders (IE:
myasthenia, autoimmune), surgery, and
• Terrell Owens,
leaving the field and
wincing in pain after
suffering a regular
season ending, lower
leg injury against the
• Terrell Owens
has been kicked
800 feet up in
the air by the
lower leg of
Chuck Norris
Coordinated Muscle Actions
• Prime mover or agonist
– produces most of force
• Synergist aids the prime mover
– stabilizes the nearby joint
– modifies the direction of movement that occurs
• Antagonist
– opposes the prime mover
– preventing excessive movement and injury
• Fixator
– prevents movement of bone that prime mover is
attached to
Muscle Actions during Elbow Flexion
• Prime mover (agonist) = biceps
brachii m.
• Synergist = brachialis m.
• Antagonist = triceps brachii m.
• Fixator = muscle that holds
scapula firmly in place such as
rhomboideus m.
Methods used to diagnose structural
muscle disorders
• Myopathies: Muscle disorders
– Can be confused with skeletal/nervous disorders
• Physical tests
– Can you lift against gravity?
– Can you lift against resistance?
– Can you lift repeatedly?
• Physicians judge the amount of force and assign a
grade; percentage, verbal grade, or numeric
• Myometers/Dynometers measure the
amount of force a muscle exerts
• MRIs distinguish soft tissues making them
more useful than X-Rays
• Electromyography records electrical
activity of a muscle
• Biopsies: remove a small tissue sample
Blood and Urine tests
• Show muscle enzymes that have leaked into blood
Creatine Kinase
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Aspartate transaminase
• Changes in conc. of electrolytes which are usually
more conc. in skeletal muscle than blood.
• How much muscle myoglobin is in the urine.
Creatine kinase (CK)
• Its function is the catalysis of the conversion of
creatine to phosphocreatine.
– Where do you think the phosphorous comes from?
• Creatine/Phosphocreatine help buffer fluctuations
in ATP usage.
• Studies suggest taking creatine can improve
muscle performance under high energy aerobic
– Creatine use is not considered doping and is not banned
by sport-governing bodies. In some countries however,
like France, creatine is banned.
Structural Disorders of Skeletal
• Rhabdomyolysis
• the breakdown of muscle due to injury, either
mechanical, physical or chemical. The principal
result of this process is acute renal failure due to
accumulation of muscle breakdown products in
the bloodstream, several of which are injurous to
the kidney. Treatment is with intravenous fluids,
and dialysis if necessary.
Photomicrograph of muscle biopsy sample shows swollen
and necrotic muscle fibers without any inflammatory
• Things get gross from
here on out. Feel free
to look at something
• A hematoma is a collection of blood under
the skin. It can occur in any soft tissue such
as skin or muscle. A hematoma is caused
when blood leaks from an injured vessel.
• Edema is the
medical term for
swelling as a
result of fluid in
the skin or
Contracture: Abnormal shortening of muscles
• Dupuytren's
contracture is a fixed
flexion contracture of
the hand where the
fingers bend towards
the palm and cannot
be fully extended.
Myositis Muscle inflammation
• Viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection
• Trichinois: Larva of parasitic rounworms Tricinella get
encysted in muscles.
Caused by eating
undercooked pork or bear
~ 12 cases a year in US
~500 cases a year in
Degenerated skeletal
muscle fibers
(amorphous pink) with
macrophages and
regenerating fibers
with multiple nuclei
and more lavender
• Crush injuries are associated with
significant mechanisms of injury. If a force
is great enough, soft tissue (muscles,
vessels, skin) can be crushed leading to
extensive tissue damage and subsequent
swelling and pain. Crush injuries in the
lower extremities and forearm can lead to
compartment syndrome that generally
takes a few hours to develop.
• In the eyes of a ranger,
The unsuspecting
Had better know the
truth of wrong from
'Cause the eyes of a
ranger are upon you,
Any wrong you do, he's
gonna see,
When you're in Texas,
look behind you,
'Cause that's where the
rangers gonna be.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Muscles
• Intrinsic muscles are
contained within a region
such as the hand.
• Extrinsic muscles move
the fingers but are found
outside the region.
Skeletal Muscle Innervation
• Cranial nerves arising from the
– exit the skull through foramina
– numbered I to XII
• Spinal nerves arising from the
spinal cord
– exit the vertebral column through
intervertebral foramina
How Muscles are Named
• Nomina Anatomica
– system of Latin names developed in 1895
– updated since then
• English names for muscles are slight
modifications of the Latin names.
• Table 10.1 = terms used to name muscles
digiti = of a finger
levator = elevates a body part
profundus = deepest
quadriceps = having 4 heads
Learning Strategy
• Explore the location, origin, insertion and
innervation of 160 skeletal muscles using the
tabular information in this chapter.
• Increase your retention & understanding by:
examining models and photographic atlases
palpating yourself using the images in Atlas B
observe an articulated skeleton
say the names aloud and check your pronunciation
The Muscular System
Muscles of Facial Expression
Small muscles that insert into the dermis
Innervated by facial nerve (CN VII)
Paralysis causes face to sag
Found in scalp, forehead, around the eyes,
nose and mouth, and in the neck
Muscles of the Scalp and Forehead
Occipitofrontalis is found in the
scalp. Frontalis m. raises the
eyebrows while Occipitalis m.
fixes the galea aponeurotica
Muscles around the Eyes
Corrugator supercilii
Orbicularis Oculi
Orbicularis oculi closes the lips.
Corrugator draws the eyebrows
together. Procerus pulls down
the skin of forehead. Nasalis
widens nostrils.
Muscles around the Mouth
Orbicularis oris encircles mouth & other mm blend into it
Levator & depressor of labii (lip) & anguli (angle of mouth)
Risorius & zygomaticus curl corner of mouth up in smile
Buccinator keeps food on top of teeth, blowing & sucking
Levator labii
Zygomaticus major
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Orbicularis oris
Some of the Muscles used in Facial Expression
Some of the Muscles used in Facial Expression
Musculature of the Tongue
• Intrinsic muscles = vertical, transverse & longitudinal
• Extrinsic muscles connect tongue to hyoid, styloid
process, palate and inside of chin
• Tongue shifts food onto teeth & pushes it into
Intrinsic tongue muscles
Extrinsic tongue muscles
Muscles of Mastication
• 4 Major muscles
• Arise from skull & insert
on mandible
• Temporalis & Masseter
elevate the mandible
• Medial & Lateral
Pterygoids help elevate,
but produce lateral
Swinging of jaw
used to grind with
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Suprahyoid Muscles and Swallowing
Digastric and Mylohyoid = open mouth
Geniohyoid = widens pharynx during swallowing
Stylohyoid = elevates hyoid
Thyrohyoid (an infrahyoid m.) = elevates larynx, closing
Triangles of the Neck
Other Muscles involved in Swallowing
Pharyngeal constrictors
• Pharyngeal constrictors push food down throat
• Infrahyoid muscles pulls the larynx downward
• Intrinsic laryngeal muscles used to control speech
Muscles of Respiration
• Breathing requires the use of muscles
– diaphragm
– external intercostal muscles
– internal intercostal muscles
• Contraction of the first 2 produces Inspiration
• Contraction of the last produces Forced Expiration
• Normal Expiration requires little muscular activity
– elastic recoil of tissues and gravity collapsing the chest
– only inspiratory muscles active in braking action, so
exhalation is smooth
Muscles of Respiration -- Diaphragm
• Muscular dome between
thoracic and abdominal
• Muscle fascicles extend to
a fibrous central tendon
• Contraction flattens it
Central tendon
– increases the vertical dimension of the thorax drawing air
into the lungs
– raises the abdominal pressure to help expel urine, feces and
facilitating childbirth
Muscles of Respiration -- Intercostals
• External intercostals
– extend downward and anteriorly
from rib to rib
– pull ribcage up & outward during
• Internal intercostals
– extend upward and anteriorly from
rib to rib
– pull ribcage downward during
forced expiration
Muscles of Respiration - Serratus
• Serratus posterior superior
– elevates ribs 2-5 during
• Serratus posteriori inferior
– depresses ribs 9-12 during
Muscles of the Abdomen
• 4 Pairs of sheetlike muscles
external oblique
internal oblique
transverse abdominis
rectus abdominis
• Functions
– support the viscera
– stabilize the vertebral column
– help in respiration, urination, defecation & childbirth
Rectus Abdominis & External Oblique
• External oblique
External oblique
• Rectus abdominis
– vertical, straplike
– tendinous
– rectus sheath
– linea alba
Rectus abdominis
Internal Oblique -Transverse Abdominis
• Internal oblique
– anteriorly
– upwards
Internal oblique
• Transverse abdominis
– horizontal fiber
– deepest layer
Superficial Muscles of the Back
Latissimus dorsi
Levator scapulae
Teres major
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Muscles of the Back
• Erector spinae group
– 3 columns muscle
– extends from sacrum to ribs
– extends vertebral column
• Semispinalis group
Erector spinae
– vertebrae to vertebrae
– extends neck
• Multifidis
– vertebrae to vertebrae
– rotates vertebral column
• Quadratus lumborum
– ilium to 12th rib
– lateral flexion
Muscles of the Pelvic Floor
• 3 Layers of muscles span pelvic outlet
– support pelvic viscera
• Region is called perineum
– diamond-shaped region bounded by pubic symphysis,
coccyx and ischial tuberosities
– penetrated by anal canal, urethra & vagina
– anteriorly = urogenital triangle; posteriorly= anal triangle
• 3 Layers or compartments of the perineum
– superficial layer = Superficial perineal space
– middle layer = Urogenital diaphragm & Anal sphincter
– deep layer = Pelvic diaphragm
Muscles in Superficial Perineal Space
Superficial transverse
3 Muscles found just deep to the skin
Ischiocavernosus = arises from ischial & pubic ramus
Bulbospongiosus = covers bulb of penis or encloses vagina
Superficial transverse perineus = extends from the ischial
tuberosities to the central tendon of the perineum
• Function during sexual intercourse & voiding of urine
Muscles of the UG diaphragm
Urogenital diaphragm
External anal sphincter
• Middle layer of pelvic floor contains Urogenital
diaphragm and External anal sphincter
• Urogenital diaphragm = 2 muscles
– deep transverse perineus m. supports pelvic viscera
– external urethral sphincter m. inhibits urination
Muscles of the Pelvic Diaphragm
Levator ani
• Deepest compartment of the perineum
• Pelvic diaphragm = 2 muscles
– levator ani m. supports viscera & functions during defecation
– coccygeus m. supports and elevates pelvic floor
• Protrusion of viscera through muscular wall of
abdominopelvic cavity
• Inguinal hernia
– most common type of hernia (rare in women)
– viscera enter inguinal canal or even the scrotum
• Hiatal hernia
– stomach protrudes through diaphragm into thorax
– overweight people over 40
• Umbilical hernia
– viscera protrude through the navel
Muscles Acting on the Pectoral Girdle
• Originate on axial skeleton & insert onto
clavicle or scapula
• Anterior muscle group = 2 muscles
• Posterior muscle group = 4 muscles
• Scapular movements produced include
– medial and lateral rotation of the scapula
– elevation and depression of the scapula
– protraction and retraction of the scapula
• Clavicle braces the shoulder & limits movement
Anterior Scapular Muscle Group
• Pectoralis Minor
– ribs 3-5 to coracoid
process of scapula
– protracts & depresses
– lifts ribs during forced
• Serratus Anterior
– ribs 1-9 to medial
border of scapula
– abducts & rotates or
depresses scapula
– throwing muscle
Muscles Acting on the Scapula
Posterior Scapular Muscle Group
• 4 Muscles
– superficial = Trapezius
– deep = Rhomboids & Levator scapulae
• Trapezius
– rotate scapula upward
– retract scapula
– depress scapula
• With Levator scapulae & Rhomboids elevates
• With Serratus anterior depresses scapula
Posterior Scapular Muscle Group
• Rhomboideus mm.
– medial border of
scapula to C7-T1
• Levator scapulae
– from superior angle of
scapula to C1-C4
Muscles Acting on the Humerus
• 9 Muscles cross the shoulder joint to the humerus
– 2 axial muscles arise from axial skeleton
– prime movers of humerus in flexion & extension
– arise from sternum & clavicle OR T7-L5 & ilium
Pectoralis major
Latissimus dorsi
Muscles Acting on the Humerus
• 7 scapular muscles arise
from scapula
– Deltoid is prime mover
• flexion, extension and
abduction of humerus
– Coracobrachialis
assists in flexion
– Teres major assists in
– Remaining 4 form the rotator
cuff muscles that reinforce
the shoulder joint capsule
Posterior View of Chest in Cadaver
Rotator Cuff Muscles
• Extending from posterior
scapula to humerus
– supraspinatus
– infraspinatus
– teres Minor
Teres minor
• Extending from anterior
scapula to humerus
– subscapularis
All 4 help reinforce joint capsule.
Anterior View of Chest in Cadaver
Muscles Acting on the Elbow
• Principal flexors
– biceps brachii
• inserts on radius
– brachialis
• inserts on ulna
• Synergistic flexor
– brachioradialis
• Prime extensor
– triceps brachii
• inserts onto ulna
CS Through Upper Limb & Forearm
Supination & Pronation of the Forearm
• Supinator muscle
• Palm facing anteriorly
• Pronator teres and
Pronator quadratus mm.
• Palm faces posteriorly
Muscles of the Anterior Forearm
Flex/extend wrist and fingers, adduct/abduct wrist
Digitorum = inserts into fingers
Carpi = inserts onto carpal bones
Pollicis = inserts into thumb
Muscles of the Posterior Forearm
• Extension of wrist and fingers, Adduct/abduct wrist
• Extension and abduction of thumb (pollicis)
• Brevis = short, Ulnaris = on ulna side of forearm
Intrinsic Hand Muscles
• Thenar group = fleshy base of thumb muscles
• Hypothenar group = base of little finger muscles
• Midpalmar group = Interosseus mm. & Lumbrical mm.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
repetitive motions causes
inflammation and
pressure on median nerve
Anterior Muscles Acting on the Hip
• Iliopsoas muscle
crosses anterior surface of hip joint & inserts on femur
iliacus portion arises from iliac fossa
psoas portion arises from lumbar vertebrae
major hip flexor
Posterior Muscles Acting on the Hip
• Gluteus maximus
– forms mass of the
– prime hip extensor
– provides most of lift
when you climb stairs
• Iliotibial band
– band of fascia lata
attached to the tibia
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus minimus
Deep Gluteal
• Most laterally rotate femur
• Except: Gluteus minimus medially rotates femur
• Important in walking to shift body weight when foot is
• Quadratus femoris is adductor of hip
• Piriformis & Gluteus minimus are abductors of hip
Adductors of the Hip Joint
• 5 muscles act as adductors
• Adductor magnus is also an
extensor of hip joint
• Gracilis also is flexor of knee
• Pectineus, Adductor brevis
and Adductor longus adduct
the femur
Adductor magnus
Muscles Acting on the Knee
• 4 headed muscle
attaches to tibial
– extends knee joint
• rectus femoris arises
from ilium so flexes
hip joint
• quadriceps femoris
tendon attaches to
• patellar ligament
attaches to tibia
Anterior Thigh Muscles in Cadaver
Muscles of the Leg
• Crural muscles are separated into 3 compartments.
– anterior compartment (green)
– fibular (lateral) compartment (blue)
– posterior (superficial = brown) (deep = purple)
Anterior Compartment of the Leg
digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius
Extensor hallucis
Extensor digitorum longus = extension of toes & ankle
Extensor hallucis longus = extension of big toe & ankle
Fibularis tertius = dorsiflexes and everts foot
Tibialis anterior = dorsiflexes and inverts foot
Posterior Compartment of the Leg
Superficial Group of Plantar Flexors
• Gastrocnemius = flexes knee and plantar flexes ankle
• Soleus = plantar flexes ankle
• Plantaris = flexes knee and plantar flexes ankle
Posterior Compartment of the Leg
Deep Group of Plantar Flexors
• Tibialis posterior, Flexor digitorum longus, and
Flexor hallucis longus and are plantar flexors.
• Popliteus unlocks the knee joint for knee flexion.
Lateral Compartment of the Leg
Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
• 2 muscles in this
• Both plantar flex and
evert the foot
• Provides lift and
forward thrust
Leg Muscles in the Cadaver
Intrinsic Muscles of the Sole
• Four muscle layers
• Support for the arches
– abduct & adduct the toes
– flex the toes
• One dorsal muscle
– extensor digitorum brevis
extends toes
Athletic Injuries
• Vulnerable to sudden and intense stress
• Proper conditioning and warm-up is needed
• Common injuries
– shinsplints
– pulled hamstrings
– tennis elbow
• Treat initially with rest, ice, compression and
• “No pain, no gain” is a dangerous