Wayne Thiebaud American Painter Background Info. Wayne Thiebaud was born November 15th, 1920 in Mesa, Arizona At 6 months old his family moved to Long Beach, California One summer during high school he apprenticed at Walt Disney Pictures where he earned $14 a week From 1938-49 he worked as a cartoonist designer in California and New York Background Info. On a leave of absence he went to New York where he began painting food in display windows He enjoyed focusing on the realistic qualities & basic shapes such as triangles, squares & circles Most famous works are of cakes, pastries, boots, toys, & lipstick Many believe Thiebaud had an influence in the Pop Art movement which started in the late 1950’s Pop Art late 1950’s & 60’s Pop Art Movement- Movement of art which focuses on products of mass production & popular culture Televisions, comic books, cinema, food items, advertisements etc. Thiebaud used heavy thick pigment to create actual texture in his paintings The pop art movement poked fun at the seriousness of “high art” (old fashioned) & mass culture Pop Art Andy Warhol “Cans of Soup” Pop Art Andy Warhol “Monroe” Pop Art Roy Lichtenstein “Girl With Hair Ribbon” Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Wayne Thiebaud Artwork Cupcake/Pop Art Painting! TODAY!!!: Frost your own cupcake today! (provided by Mrs. G.) OR you can Choose to bring in an original food item from home. PROJECT CHOICES: Create/arrange & an aesthetic cupcake still life with table group Work individually & paint your cupcake 3x Work individually, but trade cupcakes with peers to add variety of cupcakes! Cupcake/Pop Art Painting! REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGNING CUPCAKE/OBJECT STILL LIFE: MUST USE LIGHT OR PASTEL COLOR SCHEMES WITH TINTS, TONES & SHADES 1. USE COMPLEMENT TO CREATE STRONG SHADOWS FOR EXAMPLE IF YOU CHOSE TO USE YELLOW FROSTING YOU WILL ALSO INCORPORATE VIOLET SOMEWHERE IN THE SAME CAKE AND IN THE SHADOW ON THE SURFACE 2. BALANCE OUT YOUR COMPOSITION, DO NOT LEAVE TOO MUCH NEGATIVE SPACE ON ANY ONE SIDE Cupcake/Pop Art Painting! 4. BREAK THE RULES! YOU MAY CHOOSE TO CENTER YOUR SUBJECT MATTER FOR THIS PROJECT 5. YOU MAY LET YOUR STILL LIFE GO OFF THE PAGE (CROPPING OBJECTS) 6. SHOW THE TEXURE!!! DON’T BE SCARED TO APPLY THICK AMOUNTS OF PAINT TO CREATE PHYSICAL TEXTURE! 7. BACKGROUND MUST BE SIMPLE, YOU MUST INCORPORATE SHADOWS USING A LIGHT SOURCE 8. HAVE FUN!!