Calling All Summer Research Assistants!

REMINDER: Thursday, July 25 is the deadline to submit your
application to present at the Summer Research Symposium.
We are interested in what you have been doing this summer! All summer research assistants
are encouraged to present a poster on their summer projects (completed or works in progress) at
the Summer Research Symposium on Thursday, August 1 in Bicentennial Great Hall. This is a
fun, low-pressure event that will give you the chance to share what you have researched,
discovered, developed, collected, thought about, written about, etc, etc. during your summer
research fellowship; presenting a poster will also give you great experience as you explain to
people what you have been up to.
We are seeking a broad representation of presentations – biology, philosophy, geography,
chemistry and biochemistry, political science, physics, film and media studies, economics,
American studies, mathematics and computer science, religion, geology, gender studies,
literature, education, environmental studies, sociology and anthropology, psychology and
The Summer Symposium will take place from 2-4 p.m. on Thursday, August 1 in Bicentennial
Great Hall, so invite your friends, faculty members, staff, families, and others to join the fun,
have some great discussions, and nibble on delicious munchies.
Anyone wishing to present a poster must submit an abstract by Thursday, July
25. Details on submitting an abstract for the printed program and presenting a poster at the
Symposium are available at the URO website at go/summer. Email Cheryl Whitney Lower,
Coordinator of the Undergraduate Research Office, at with questions.
To help you learn to create a stunning poster or improve on what you already know, plan to
attend Mack Roark’s Adobe Illustrator Workshop on Thursday, July 25 (same day that abstracts
are due) from 10:30-11:45 a.m. in the Wilson Multimedia Lab in Davis Library 220. Please sign
up for the workshop by July 22 by contacting Mack directly at