Abstract Cover Sheet - Association for Experiential Education

Symposium on Experiential Education Research (SEER)
Abstract Cover Sheet
Instructions: Please complete all information below. For the yes/no options, please delete the response
that does not apply so only the correct response is left in the document.
Before submitting, please save this file by adding the last name of the primary author to the document
name, as in: SEER Abstract Cover Sheet_Smith.pdf
Author Information
Primary Author Name:
Primary Author Email:
Primary Author Address:
Primary Author Phone:
Co-authors, if any1: (Please list names only)
Abstract Information
Abstract Title:
The focus of this abstract is (choose one):
 A conceptual topic? Yes/No
 An empirical study? Yes/No
If an empirical study, has data analysis been completed? Yes/No
Presentation Preferences
During the symposium there will be twelve formal 15 minute presentations as well as a 90 minute openhouse style poster session. Next to these two format options below please enter a “1” for your first
choice, a “2” for your second choice, and “n/a” if you are not interested in a particular format. You will
initially be considered for your first choice and moved to your second choice if necessary due to your
ranking and the time and space constraints. If your first choice is not viable and you don’t indicate a
second choice your abstract may not be selected for inclusion in the symposium.
___ Formal presentation
___ Open-house poster session2
All correspondence will be sent to the primary author.
Posters will also be displayed during the two four hours SEER presentation blocks.