Chapter 8 Sections 2 and 3 Notes 1. public school movement –movement aimed at providing greater educational opportunities through the establishment of ________-_________________ public schools 2. Horace Mann – Massachusetts _________________ and leader of the public school movement who championed the creation of the first state board of education 3. Dorothea Dix – reformer who succeeded in improving how society treats the _____________ ill 4. penitentiary movement – movement aimed at structuring prisons so that prisoners would feel sorry for their_____________________ 5. temperance movement – movement aimed at stopping ______________l abuse and the problems created by it 6. Neal Dow – mayor of Portland, Maine, who secured _____________________ of “Maine Laws” restricting the sale of alcohol 7. freedman – a former or ______________ slave 8. Nat Turner – led a Virginia slave ________________ in 1831 that killed nearly 60 people before he and his followers were caught and executed 9. abolition movement – reform movement for the _______________________ or end of slavery 10. William Lloyd Garrison – editor of the _______________________ newspaper The Liberator 11. Frederick Douglass – escaped slave who spoke ____________________ about his experiences, also published in his autobiography Narratives of the Life of Frederick Douglass 12. Gag Rule – 1836 law that prohibited the ________________ or discussion of slavery in Congress What were the main features of the public school, penitentiary, and temperance reform movements? 13. During the 1800s, many people began to put their religious ___________________ into practice by working to reform parts of American life. 14. Their efforts would affect several groups of the most _________________________ Americans. 15. Leaders of the _______________Many Americans saw a need to help the disadvantaged. 16. Public education, the mentally ill, and prisoners were all _____________________ of reformers. 17. The ______________________movement sought to moderate or end the use of alcohol. 18. Great Awakening preached the need to improve life on Earth through _______________ reform. 19. The _________school movement advocated for a taxpayer-supported system of public schools. 20. Supporters believed public education would provide the __________________ citizens needed. 21. Educated citizens were seen as ___________________ to economic growth. 22. Without laws requiring an education, most children ___________________ attend school. 23. In the 1830s, ________________ ____________ of Massachusetts advocated for the first state board of education and for free public schools. 24. He called for: • _________________ oversight of local schools. • standardized school _____________________. • ____________________attendance. • elimination of __________________________punishment. • creation of a body of __________-_______________ teachers. 25. The public school movement faced opposition from __________________ taxpayers and those who wanted religion taught in public schools. 26. Nevertheless, the public school movement __________________________. 27. The percentage of American children in school _______________________. 28. _________________________ played a major role in the public education movement. 29. _____________________ Beecher and ______________Willard established schools for women in Connecticut, Ohio, and New York. 30. _________________Blackwell and __________Preston established medical training for women in the 1850s. 31. _________________________ had special concern for those with no voice. 32. ______________________ __________ observed mentally ill individuals housed with hardened criminals, all living in harsh prison conditions. 33. After visiting prisons, almshouses, and hospitals, Dix began a national campaign for the ______________________ treatment of the mentally ill. 34. The _____________________ movement wanted prisoners to feel penitence, or sorrow, for their crimes. 35. _______________ types of penitentiaries were proposed. 36. Under the Pennsylvania System, prisoners lived in __________________ confinement. This was costly and ultimately seen as cruel. 37. Under the Auburn Model, prisoners worked together _________________ by day, but slept in individual cells at night. 38. Members of the _______________________movement believed that alcohol consumption caused a number of social ills. 39. Groups such as the _____________________Temperance Society held meetings where members pledged sobriety. 40. Some states passed laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol. They were known as “Maine Laws,” in honor of _________ __________ of Portland, who lectured widely on the evils of alcohol abuse. How did reformers try to help enslaved people? 41. In the early and mid-1880s, reformers tried to improve life through _______________ to help children, families, and disadvantaged adults. 42. Soon, some reformers also set out to help ________________________ African Americans. 43. As the South’s cotton-based economy grew, so did its______________________ on slavery. 44. By 1830, there were ____ ___________________ African American slaves in the South. 45. One in three slaves was _______________ the age of ten. 46. Most did ______________- __________________labor: cultivating cotton fields, loading freight, or working in hot kitchens. 47. Brutal ______________________ enforced work routines with whipping, beating, maiming, and humiliation. 48. Often, the basics for_____________, including clothing, food, and shelter, were barely provided. 49. Family members were often ______________________, and slaves could not be taught to read or write. 50. Most slaves found ways to maintain their hope and_____________________. 51. Many relied on their ____________________ faith, based on a mix of traditional African and Christian beliefs. 52. Others resisted their bondage by breaking tools or _________________________ overseers. 53. Thousands escaped to the North or to Mexico using a network of paths and safe houses called the _________________________________ Railroad. 54. Some slaves fought back. Over 200 slave ______________ occurred in the first half of the 1800s. 55. In 1822, freedman ________________ _______________ plotted a huge uprising near Charleston. He and dozens of accomplices were captured and hanged. 56. In 1831, slave __________ _______________ and his co-conspirators killed 60 whites near Richmond, Virginia. Turner, who acted on what he believed was a sign from God, was executed. 57. Undeterred, slaves still __________________ their captivity. Many people in the North joined their cause. 58. By the early 1800s, there was a growing antislavery or ____________ movement in the North. 59. By 1804, all states north of __________________________ outlawed slavery. 60. In 1807, the __________________________ of new slaves was outlawed. 61. As Northern states began to ______________________ slavery, the number of freed slaves, or freedmen, grew. 62. In 1816, the ___________________ _____________________ ___________________ (ACS) was formed to encourage slaves to return to Africa. 63. The ACS established the colony of _____________________in Africa. By 1830, more than 1,100 freedmen had relocated. 64. Many freedmen distrusted the ACS, fearing that colonization was a plan to _____________ able black leaders. 65. _______________________individuals fostered the growth of the abolition movement. 66. Pamphleteer, _______________ ______________, a free African American, called slavery incompatible with the Second Great Awakening’s religious teachings. 67. Baltimore Quaker, _____________________ _________________, printed the first antislavery newspaper. 68. _____________ _____________ ________________, a leader of the abolitionist movement, began his own newspaper in 1831—The Liberator. 69. Garrison used dramatic arguments called “______________ _______________” to advocate for immediate freedom and full political and social rights for African Americans. 70. By 1840, over ____________________ belonged to abolition groups, such as the American AntiSlavery Society. 71. In 1845, ______________ _________________, an escaped slave, published his autobiography Narratives of the Life of Frederick Douglass. 72. An ____________________ and stirring speaker, he later became an advisor to Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. 73. Southerners_____________________ slavery from abolitionist attacks. 74. They maintained that northern ___________________ mills also depended on southern cotton. 75. They claimed that slaves were treated ____________________ than northern factory workers. 76. They declared that slavery was ________________________by the Bible. 77. As abolitionist rhetoric grew more strident, Southern support for _______________________ decreased. 78. __________-________________ leaders pressed harder in their defense of slavery in the South. 79. Post offices refused to deliver _____________________ newspapers. 80. Even Southerners who did not own slaves saw slavery as _______________to their way of life. 81. Most northerners were also_______________________ to abolition. 82. White workers feared that ____________________________ were going to take their jobs. 83. Northern businessmen resented ______________________ competitors. 84. Factory _______________________ worried about the loss of Southern cotton for their mills. 85. Most in the _______________ disliked southerners, but did not care to fight over slavery. 86. Politicians from both regions passed the ____________ ______________ in 1836. It prohibited debate or discussion on slavery in Congress. 87. Abolition and slavery continued to drive a __________________ between the increasingly industrialized and urban North and the rural agricultural South.