How Many to Produce?

Your company is developing a new video
game console and would like to know the
number of units to produce. What is your
To determine the production number the
potential demand for the product must be
Limits on supply capacity or minimum
production requirements can also be an issue
Require knowledge of competitive landscape
Demand Data
◦ Potential customer demographics
◦ Current video game console owners
◦ Potential new video game console owners
Supply Data
Competitive Landscape
◦ Production Limits (labor, equipment capacity,
minimum commitment levels)
◦ Raw material capacity
◦ Number of competitors
◦ Competition sales
◦ Product lifecycles
(start small, can expand later)
 Demand Assumptions
◦ New customer target demographic
 Male, 12-21
 U.S. market
◦ Product penetration percentage of new console
◦ Existing console owners
Supply Assumptions
◦ Unconstrained supply
Competition Assumptions
◦ Fixed percentage of current console market
New customer demographic information
◦ U.S. Census data
Current console owners/competitive
landscape data source
◦ Current market share – Hoover’s, Yahoo Finance,
◦ Estimate product differentiation and impact on
market share (subjective)
Using found/estimated data determine
◦ Potential market size from new console customers
◦ Potential market size from current console owners
Sanity check
Sensitivity analysis on assumptions and
Compare estimated market with first year
sales or competitors console products.