
By Juwan Brooks
Common Name Is: Chinchilla
Scientific Name Is:Cuscomys ashaninka
They are native to the high Andes.
The skin is gray and furry with a silky texture.
 Chinchillas are about the size of a guinea pig.
 They to be about 20 years old and start reproducing at 4
 Chinchillas live in burrows or crevices in rocks.
 Predators in the wild include birds of prey, skunks, felines,
snakes and canines.
 They eat plants, fruits, seeds, and small insects.
 Chinchillas native environment is a cool, dry region (the constant
temperature is 50°F to 55°F).
They live in clans of 100.
They are usually the prey of other animals.
 The litter size ranges from 1-6.
 They can reproduce every November-May.
When attacked they can release urine and fur to ward of predators.
Chinchilla fur is considered the softest in the world and is thirty times
softer than human hair.
 Chinchillas must regularly bathe in dust or volcanic ash to remove oil
and moisture that gathers in their thick fur.
 They are agile jumpers and can jump up to five feet above their
 Their teeth grow continuously throughout their lifetime so it's important that
they have wood and other materials to wear them down on.
Because they have been hunted to near extinction due to their beautiful
coats, the fur is incredibly soft and thick to make coats and boots.
Japan is a major market for Chinchillas fur.
 Also people make lots of money off of there fur.
Anyone caught killing Chinchillas are charged
with a crime.
Also they are sold in pet stores to help keep them
from being killed in the wild.
Where are Chinchillas found.
What do they eat.
What do they bathe in.
Why are they endangered.
What is the Scientific name.