In the Wild - The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

Chinchilla: Chinchilla lanigera
In the Wild
 Members of a group of South American mammals known as the Caviomorpha
o Group includes varying sized rodent families
o Rodents with similar anatomical features and gestation periods
 Size: Body length of 8.8-14.9 inches (225-380 mm) and a tail averaging 2.9-5.9 inches
(75-150 mm)
o Slender bodies
o Sexually dimorphic: Females are typically larger than males
 Weight:
o Females can weigh up to 28.2 ounces (800 grams)
o Males can weigh up to 17.6 ounces (500 grams)
 Extremely soft, dense fur
o As many as 60 hairs grow out of one follicle (compared to humans who have one
hair growing out of each follicle)
o Each hair usually has a black tip
o Back is usually bluish, pearl or brown-grey and belly is yellow-white
o Tail is furry with coarse hairs on the dorsal surface
 Broad head, large ears and large black eyes
 All four feet have four digits with stiff bristles surrounding weak claws
Habitat and Range:
 Occurs from northern Chile along the foothills of the Andes and coastal mountains south
to Talca
 Barren, rocky, mountainous habitat (elevations of 3,000 to 5,000 meters)
 Generally herbivorous: Eat grass, seeds and fruits
 May also eat insects and bird eggs opportunistically
 Soft dense fur insulates against the cold of the barren mountainous regions it inhabits
 Long strong hind legs and a tail measuring up to a third the size of its body allows for
quick and agile running and jumping
 Long, sensitive whiskers, large eyes and big ears allow for nocturnal lifestyle
 Bathe in dust because hair is so dense it would be difficult to dry in the wild in their cold
 In the wild: About 10 years
 In captivity: Can live over 20 years
Chinchilla: Chinchilla lanigera
Ecosystem relationships:
 Live in colonies of up to 100 individuals
 Foxes are main predators
 Female chinchillas are mostly monogamous
 Female chinchillas are the dominant sex and are very aggressive toward one another
and toward males during estrus
 Sexual maturity in both sexes occurs on average at 8 months but may occur as early as
5.5 months – females have their first litter at a mean age of about 1 year 3 months
 Breeding season occurs between November and May in the northern hemisphere and
between May and November in the southern hemisphere
 Gestation period averages about 4 months (relatively long for a small mammal)
 Relatively advanced young at birth allows mother to mate again and bear another litter
within the year
o Females bear two litters per year with 1-6 young per litter
o Young are fully furred at birth and their eyes are open
o Not much parental care required
o Time to weaning is about 2 months
 Primarily nocturnal – activity peaks at dusk and dawn
Other “fun facts”:
 While eating chinchillas sit upright on their hind legs and hold their food with their front
 Domestic chinchillas are very social and can be trained to play and interact with their
o Have good memories and memorize trails
o Shy but very trusting of their owners
 Despite aggressiveness of female chinchillas serious fighting in the wild is rare
o Threats expressed through growling, chattering of teeth and urinating
Conservation Status and Threats:
 IUCN Critically Endangered
 Species was once widespread but in 1996 only 42 discrete colonies could be found in the
wild and the number of colonies and the general population size has been declining
o Population decline of more than 90% over the past 3 generations
o Fewer than 10,000 are thought to live in the wild
 Have been hunted for their fur since the 1900s
o Around this time about 500,000 chinchilla skins were exported from Chile
Chinchilla: Chinchilla lanigera
o Considered to be one of the most valuable pelts in the world
o Over 100 chinchilla pelts are needed for one fur coat
Habitat threatened by overgrazing, mining and firewood extraction
Reintroduction attempts have failed
o Possible that current numbers are below minimum population viability size for
long-term survival
o Predation by foxes has increased
At the Zoo
Yum Yum (dark grey) and Snow Queen (white) were donated to the zoo from a private owner
in 2008. Yum Yum (mother) was born in 2003 and Snow Queen (daughter) was born in 2006.
Both are females weighing 550-650 grams (about 1 pound).
What We Can Do
Do your research before buying a pet
o Make sure you are not purchasing a wild-caught individual
o Captive-bred species are often easy to find
Opt for fake fur over real fur when buying coats and other clothing and accessories
o All of our shopping choices can have an impact on the environment and wildlife
so when available opt for recycled and local products
o Research responsible companies that do not use animal based products or
 MacDonald, D., & Norris, S. (Ed.). (2001). Other Cavy-like Rodents. The encyclopedia of
mammals. (1 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 682-684). Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Andromeda
Oxford Ltd.