University of La Verne Climate Action Plan A Framework for Progress Michael G. Wolfsen 2011 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 5 Establishing a Structure for Success 7 The Baseline: Campus Emissions Inventory 8 The Climate Action Plan 12 Transportation 13 Energy 16 Other Categories 20 Water Usage and Conservation 21 Educational, Research, Community Outreach 24 Financing Approach 25 Appendices 27 2 Executive Summary This Climate Action Plan takes the approach of a framework for progress rather than a complete prescriptive. It is recommended that the University of La Verne’s plan for reducing Green House Gas Emissions be a living, flexible document that can and will be adjusted to reflect new challenges, opportunities, or scientific understanding. Additionally, the Plan is intended to be implemented as a part of the Campus Master Plan and an academic strategic plan for the University. The Plan also addresses Water Usage and Conservation. The University is uniquely positioned to take a leadership role in this area and the Plan contains the details necessary to create a model campus as an example of excellence in water management and water technology. The Climate Action Plan establishes 2005 as a base year for emissions and identifies the actions necessary to achieve a 17% reduction by 2020 and an 80% reduction by 2050. These goals are consistent with objectives defined by the state of California and are similar to the objectives defined by other reporting colleges and universities.1 It is recommended that these goals be reevaluated every three to five years to align with economic and strategic realities. The major areas for emissions reduction are found in transportation and energy related emissions. The overall approach to emissions reduction is envisioned to be one of continual focus, steady progress on an annual basis and reasonable flexibility in adjusting to existing conditions. Projected emissions reductions necessary to reach the goals are shown in Chart 1. 1 See Appendix 1: Selected Southern California Sustainability Goals 3 Metric tonnes eCO2 Chart 1: Benchmark Timelines 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Transportation Energy Other Chart 2 defines the level and type of reductions necessary. For example, 13% of transportation related emissions could be eliminated by 2020 by pursuing the actions stated. By 2050, progress in carpooling, public transportation and oncampus housing can be projected to result in an additional 45% reduction. Chart 2: Benchmarks for Reductions Emissions Source Transportation Baseline: 8000 tonnes/yr Reductions of emissions from 2009 baseline 2011-2020 2021-2050 5% reduction from carpooling, public 10% reduction from transportation, etc. carpooling, public transportation, light rail 5% reduction from reduced vehicle 35% reduction from emissions reduced vehicle emissions 3% reduction in miles traveled, student housing, on-line learning Energy 10% from energy efficiency 10% from increased oncampus student housing and online learning 25% from efficiency Baseline: 4800 tonnes/year 10% from conservation 25% from conservation 10% from Renewables 10% from increased clean purchased electricity 30% from reduced Waste 20% from reduced usage Other, primarily paper usage and solid waste Baseline: 400 tonnes/year 20% from reduced Waste 5% from reduced usage 4 Introduction Background The University of La Verne is deeply rooted in a commitment to respect the environment. That philosophy is clearly stated in the Mission Statement: “The University affirms a philosophy of life that actively supports peace with justice, the health of the planet and its people. Therefore, in light of this affirmation, it encourages students to become reflective about personal, professional, and societal values. It also encourages values-based ethical behavior.” Based on those values, in 2008, President Steve Morgan signed an agreement to include La Verne in the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). President Morgan said. “The University of La Verne's Mission Statement speaks directly to helping our students understand the impact humans have on their environment. So I believe it is essential for us to be part of a nationwide effort to seek solutions to this imminent threat.” The University of La Verne has made recent progress in reducing climate impacts as reflected in new buildings, electrical conservation, carpooling, waste reduction, recycling, etc. As this plan is being prepared, the University is welcoming a new incoming president. It is anticipated that the strategic plan for the University is likely to be revised to address goals and challenges for the years ahead. American College and University President’s Climate Commitment Around the country, 676 colleges and universities have joined the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment and have been making progress in reducing emissions. Institutions with strong endowments and a large portion of students living on campus have achieved remarkable progress. However, many 5 other schools, especially those impacted by current economic conditions have had to reduce or modify their climate related efforts to reflect their financial realities. With the signing of the ACUPCC agreement, the University has committed to demonstrate its values through the adoption of the roadmap envisioned by the ACUPCC: Establish an institutional structure to oversee the development and implementation of the schools program to comply with the ACUPCC. Complete an emissions inventory within a year. Within two years, establish a climate action plan that sets a target date with interim milestones for becoming carbon neutral. Take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by choosing from a list of tangible action options. Integrate sustainability into the curriculum, making it part of the educational experience. Make climate action plan, inventory and progress reports publicly available. Each of the commitments is addressed in the emissions reduction and related compliance sections of this report. The ACUPCC asks institutions to set a carbon neutral date. This Climate Action Plan recommends that the University of La Verne establish an incremental plan towards this objective. The plan articulates many key actions steps towards carbon neutrality. It is suggested the University pursue the short and mid term recommendations and revise the overall plan as appropriate every 3 to 5 years. Legal Mandates From a legal standpoint, climate goals have yet to be established on a national basis; however, the State of California has passed legislation that has begun to mandate climate improvement actions. In 2006, the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) was passed, directing that California reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels 6 by 2020. The California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan 2(SB375) calls for reductions in Southern California GHG emissions of 8% by 2020 and 13% by 2035. Although both bills are subject to continued refinements and discussions, it is anticipated that some form of the laws will be enforceable in the future. Establishing a Structure for Success ACUPCC Commitment: Establish an institutional structure to oversee the development and implementation of the schools program to comply with the ACUPCC. Senior Oversight ACUPCC Colleges and Universities have adopted various structures to achieve climate goals. Most acknowledge the President as the top level sponsor of the work. The tasks are assigned either to a campus sustainability officer, a head of facilities or a committee.3 It is recommended that the President or Provost have strategic oversight of the sustainability efforts. These positions have oversight of the Master Plan and the academic strategic plan, and can assure that the Climate Action Plan is consistent with overall university plans. The educational, research and community outreach portions of the plan would proceed under the specific guidance of the Provost. Facilities The annual progress on the Climate Action Plan should be assigned to the Associate Vice President of Facility & Technology Services & CIO. Many areas of focus for emission reduction are already managed in the Facilities Department. This dimension of responsibility and annual reporting requirements will require additional 2 3 California Air Resources Board See Appendix 2 for Southern California organizational approaches 7 resources, either in the expansion of current positions or in the form of a sustainability coordinator. It is recommended that the Facilities Department be strengthened in the ability to comprehensively assess current and future energy and water requirements to carry out the Plan. This effort will include audits of energy and water usage and addressing specific retrofitting necessary to older buildings that are currently planned to continue in service. These audits are one-time benchmark studies which will guide future decision making and will require additional resources either internally or through the use of resource consultants. Supporting Structures It is recommended that the existing Sustainable Campus Consortium (SCC) be retained, under the direction of the President or Provost to provide input and assistance of specific projects. With a revised charter statement, this group can be very effective in carrying forward annual programs that coordinate the efforts of students, faculty and staff such as waste reduction, energy conservation, recycling, carpooling, etc. Progress Reporting The SCC should assume reporting responsibility to comply with the ACUPCC Commitment to make climate action plan, inventory and progress reports publicly available. The University Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory is currently a part of the public records of the ACUPCC. The Climate Action Plan, when approved, as well as annual progress reports will be posted there as well. Specific metrics such as emissions per student and emissions per square footage of facilities will provide simple annual measurements of progress; these metrics may also be compared with other institutions to provide insights and learning.4 4 See Appendix 6 Sample Climate Action Plan Metrics 8 The Baseline: Campus Emissions Inventory ACUPCC Commitment: Complete an emissions inventory within a year. A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory was completed in the summer of 2010.5 The GHG assessment has been documented using the Clean Air-Cool Planet (CACP) Calculator. This model is used by many universities within the ACUPCC group and was selected on the basis of simplicity of use and a positive track record with many colleges and universities. Clean Air-Cool Planet is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that works with campuses, corporations and communities. This organization has created the CA-CP Campus Carbon Calculator to model emissions. There are three benefits from using the Calculator: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: Collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on the emissions of greenhouse gases attributable to La Verne operations. This step provides an essential foundation for focused, effective collaboration on the issue of climate change at the University. Forecasting Emissions: Projection of the university’s current trends and alternate scenario emissions will provide a context for choosing emission reduction goals and the projects needed to meet those goals. Evaluate Carbon Reduction Projects: Developing a portfolio of proposed carbon reduction projects with supporting financial analysis will create an effective climate plan that will address identified projected emission. As previously noted there are three levels of responsibility for emissions, also known as Scopes, have been identified by the CA-CP model and are required by the ACUPCC report protocol. 5 A complete copy is available on-line at 9 Scope 1 emissions are considered direct emissions from sources that are owned and/or controlled by the University. These are emissions the University creates on campus including on-campus stationary sources, direct (on-campus) transportation sources, refrigerants and other chemicals. An example is the burning of natural gas for heating. Scope 2 emissions are considered indirect emissions from sources that are neither owned nor operated by the University, but are directly linked to on-campus energy consumption. Purchased electricity was the only Scope 2 emission that was reported, as well as the most significant. Scope 3 emissions are considered emissions attributed to the University. They include commuting, directly financed outsourced travel, study abroad travel, solid waste, paper waste, and waste water. Scope 3 emissions can be considered as third party emissions that result from ULV operations. GHG Emissions Inventory Results6 The results of the emissions inventory are expressed in terms of metric tonnes of carbon. Chart 2 depicts the overall levels of emissions over the five year study period. (For perspective, 13,000 metric tonnes of carbon emissions is roughly equivalent to the pollution of 2275 cars on the road for one year.) Net Emissions of eCO (Metric Tons) Chart 2: Net Emissions of eCO2 6 13500 13000 12500 12000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Fiscal Year See Appendix 3 for Selected Southern California School Comparisons 10 Chart 3 from the Emissions Inventory reflects projected levels of emissions based on growth continuing at 1% per year and assumes no action taken to reduce emissions. 16,000 Chart 3: Total Emissions by Sector Total Emissions (Metric Tons eCO2) 14,000 12,000 Solid Waste 10,000 Study Abroad Air Travel Directly Financed Outsourced Travel Commuting 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2005 Scope 2 T&D Losses Paper 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020 Purchased Electricity The breakdown of carbon dioxide equivalents for 2009 displayed how the contributions of different sectors add to the University’s total GHG emissions. Student commuting accounts for 43% of total GHG emissions and contributes an average of 5,346,066 kg of CO2, 1,069.4 kg of CH4, and 368.08 kg of N2O from 2005- 2009. The greatest concern following student commuting is purchased electricity, which accounts for 31% of total GHG emissions. Other sectors are classified as de minimus (contribute less than 5%) and are not required to be included in the inventory, however, these sectors have been studied so that the University can collect a comprehensive inventory. Chart 4 displays the breakdown of carbon dioxide equivalents for 2009 11 Chart 4 Breakdown of carbon dioxide equivalents for 2009 Solid Waste 0% Scope 2 T&D Losses 3% Paper 2% Other OnCampus Stationary (Natural Gas) 4% Study Abroad Air Travel 5% Other Directly Financed Travel 0% Directly Financed Air Travel 8% Student Commuting 43% Direct Transportation (Gasoline Usage) 0% Purchased Electricity 31% Faculty / Staff Commuting 3% Climate Action Plan ACUPCC Commitment: Within two years, establish a climate action plan that sets a target date with interim milestones for becoming carbon neutral. The ULV Climate Action Plan has been developed to reflect an on-going examination of emissions and reduction strategies. The Plan has been prepared at a time of significant change for the University. Dr. Steven Morgan, the current president is retiring after 25 years of leadership. His replacement has been chosen and will begin work mid-year 2011. The current Master Plan is in need of updating and there will likely be a review of the University’s academic strategic planning. 12 The Climate Action Plan establishes 2005 as a base year and identifies the actions necessary to achieve a 17% reduction in emissions by 2020 and an 80% reduction by 2050. These goals are consistent with objectives defined by the state of California and are similar to the objectives defined by other reporting colleges and universities.7 The Plan is primarily focused on reductions in emissions relative to Transportation and Energy. Chart 5 below outlines the content of these categories. Chart 5: Emission Sources Emissions Source Transportation % of Total (2009) 59% Energy Other Total 38% 3% 100% Specific Area Student Commuting Air Travel Faculty & Staff Commuting Study Abroad Travel Electricity Natural Gas Energy Distribution loss Reduce Paper, Solid Waste % of Total 43% 8% 3% 5% 31% 4% 3% 3% 100% Transportation Elements Transportation elements present a variety of challenges. Commuting is the largest emissions contributor at 46%. Improvements in commuting require major changes in both behavior and transportation infrastructure. Because commuting is largely based on individual choices of home location and mode of commuting, it is difficult to influence shifts in behavior. Significant change is even difficult with economic incentives. 7 See Appendix 1: Selected California Emissions Reduction plans 13 Metric Tonnes eCO2 Chart 6: Commuting Reductions 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Reduced vehicle emissions Reduction from carpooling, public transportation Student housing, OnLine learning Carpooling and Public Transportation The University of La Verne promotes carpooling and public transportation to staff and is actively expanding those efforts to students. Annual ridesharing data is collected and reported to the South Coast Air Resources Management District as a part of the University’s carpool program. Carpooling is expected to increase over time as faculty and administrative staffs continue to explore potential connections. In the longer term, light rail system will have a depot adjacent to campus. That light rail expansion is a part of regional transportation solutions and although the timing of funding and construction is still in the planning phase, the system is expected to serve the La Verne campus by 2020. Reduced Vehicle Emissions Reductions include a projected factor of improved miles per gallon based on future legal, economic and behavioral shifts. The California Air Resources Board has indicated that “emissions in California are projected to decrease by over 72 percent between 1975 and 2020, largely as a result of the State’s on road motor vehicle emission control program. This includes the use of improved evaporative emission control systems, computerized fuel injection, engine management systems to meet 14 increasingly stringent California emission standards, cleaner gasoline, and the Smog Check program. ROG emissions from other mobile sources are projected to decline between 1990 and 2020 as more stringent emission standards are adopted and implemented.”8 Student Housing and On-line Learning Student commuting will be reduced by increases in on-campus housing and on-line learning programs. Student housing is currently being expanded and additional units are included in the Master Plan. This strategy can be further enhanced by bicycle programs, car sharing, public transportation alternatives, and considering a limit to vehicles allowed to students living on campus. On-line Learning has the potential to greatly impact commuting; these offerings continue to expand and change the nature of the Universities interface with students. Steven Lesniak, Dean, Regional Campus Administration reported that “765 students enrolled in online courses. 266 of these 765 students were admitted to In the Fall term 2010, the online program, were taking all of their courses online, and they could be living anywhere. 260 of these 765 students were main campus students who took one of their courses online along with F2F courses offered at the main campus. 239 of these 765 students were students enrolled at one of the regional campuses who took one of their courses online along with F2F courses at one of the regional campuses9.” Both of these strategies are expected to continue to expand over time. Telecommuting alternatives for faculty and staff may also constitute a means to emissions reduction. These options may be tailored for positions not dependent on a presence on campus to fulfill all or some of their assigned functions. 8 9 Email February, 12, 2010 15 Other functions that contribute to a small extend include campus vehicles and athletic program busing. Most on campus service vehicles are electric. The University’s vehicle fleet consists of less than 10 vehicles (trucks, vans and SUVs). Gasoline consumed (unleaded and diesel) by University-owned vehicle accounts for less than 0.5% of total GHG emissions at La Verne. These areas are not currently considered as candidates for reductions. Energy Elements The Climate Action Plan describes energy benchmarks in terms of conservation, efficiency, clean energy and renewable energy sources. Each of these elements provides for reductions in green house gas emissions and each has various requirements for leadership and financial resources as defined in more detail in the following sections. On campus energy needs are currently supplied by purchased electricity and natural gas. Emissions from these sources as of 2009 are 31% and 4% of the total respectively. Behavior based conservation is a key element of GHG reductions. As is often said, the most efficient way to reduce electricity usage is to turn off the lights. Efficiency, the second path to reduction in energy usage is the result of facilities and systems that use less energy in providing shelter, comfort and function is. This step involves the replacement of inefficient equipment, constructing climate neutral facilities and investing in new technologies. In California, energy suppliers are being strongly encouraged and legally required to provide cleaner energy by using an increasing percentage of renewable sources in their production. On-campus renewable sources are being used successfully by many ACUPCC institutions. The acquisition costs for these systems are continuing to fall improving the investment attractiveness of these applications. 16 Metric Tonnes eCO2 Chart 7: Energy Reductions 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Renewable Energy Clean Purchased Energy Energy efficiency Conservation Conservation Reducing energy use through conservation can be stimulated by creating a cultural understanding of the long term benefits of energy conservation. Reaching for this objective requires involvement of students, staff and faculty. With students, it can provide a behavioral and educational base for a lifetime view of the environment. Recommended actions include competitions, community involvement and educational outreach by students, student group activities, etc. Another form of conservation includes maximizing the use of existing buildings. With current increases in enrollment, this option may appear immediately viable; however, a continual review of utilization should remain an on-going efficiency tool. Initially, a review of approaches to class scheduling may yield improvements in utilization. Energy Efficiency Improving the effectiveness of equipment and facilities can result in substantial reductions in energy use. For example, the University has already achieved reductions attributable to lower wattage lighting, central cooling towers, and so on. 17 Continued reductions are immediately available in rebate funded programs available from energy companies. Also, the University has established a policy on heating and air conditioning temperature controls for optimum comfort without waste. A significant contribution will be the addition of a third chiller unit as the campus continues to improve HVAC systems effectiveness. The following examples of action have been identified and can be pursued to increase efficiency within the short and long term. (Many of the more capital intensive approaches will require inclusion in the Facilities Master Plan to be funded.) 1. Actively pursue all opportunities to participate in rebate and incentive programs offered by utilities. 2. Recommend moving forward with all retrofit projects that can produce a payback of two years or less. 3. Actively consider projects over two years ROI as potential University investments based on internal rate of return. 4. Overall control: Investigate expense benefits of well-managed Demand/Resource Incentive agreement with SCE. Requires energy management system in place to manage energy effectively, turning lights, computers, equipment off when not in use. 5. Campus wide improvement of efficiency in lighting. Install occupancy sensors on all interior lighting, dimmable ballasts on interior fluorescent lighting, automated controls on exterior buildings and parking lots, all exterior lighting converted to LED. 6. Install metering on all building to accurately record and respond to variations. 7. Improve HVAC master controls to optimize holiday and summer schedules. 8. Install heat exchangers in the centralized boiler plant to enable boiler plant to provide both hot water and air. 18 Clean Energy The Climate Action Plan calls for the active encouragement of the energy suppliers, specifically the electricity provider, to increase clean power. Currently Edison provides about 18% of the University’s electricity from renewable sources10. The sources are listed below: 2009 Renewables Summary CAPACITY (MW) Wind DELIVERED IN 2009 (MWh) PERCENTAGE OF SCE's RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO (%) 1,583 3,528,000 26% Geothermal 956 7,785,000 57% Solar 382 845,000 6% Biomass 174 Small Hydro 201 Total 3,296 899,000 561,000 13,619,000 7% 4% 100% Edison has committed to provide 20% by 2010 and 30% by 2020.The Climate Action Plan has assumed that additional improvements in clean energy will be pursued after 2020 and will lead to a much greater degree of renewable energy by producers. Renewable Energy 10 Source: 19 Although the University has an excellent building standard for new construction, LEED certification does not necessarily include on campus renewable energy. Renewable energy will be an important element of the emissions reduction effort on campus and can take the form of solar and wind electricity production and solar water heating. Renewable energy opportunities are becoming increasingly attractive as solar panel production costs fall. At present, active proposals for solar energy installations include the Arts and Communication Building, the Campus Center and the School of Law. These three projects have returns on investment of approximately eleven years without applying rebates.11 The Arts and Communication Building Solar Project is currently approved in the Master Plan and is awaiting the confirmation of a significant rebate from Edison. It is recommended that all new construction include renewable energy elements as appropriate to the nature of the facility. The current Master Construction Summary12 contains up to twelve new approved or proposed facilities that represent potential for solar installations. Other Emission Sources This section covers a variety of emissions sources such as solid waste, paper and food waste, and waste water. Emissions from these areas are relatively low compared to transportation and energy; however, they all have potential for continued improvement and bring excellent opportunities for behavior changing actions. The Sustainable Campus Consortium is recommended as the source of leadership for these areas. Paper usage contributes 2% of overall emissions. At present, the University has adapted a suggested use of recycled paper as contrasted with a mandate. Other schools have instituted a paper allowance for students, mandatory reduction efforts and an increase in printing forms now serviced by on-line reporting. 11 12 See Appendix 4: Current Solar Proposals See Appendix 5: Current summary of construction projects 20 At the present time, the Food Service contract is being reviewed with the goal of improving the economic and environmental contribution of this service. Food service elements of renewable food resources, energy, water and waste impacts as well as behavioral modeling can improve the overall campus performance on environmental issues. Solid waste reduction contests and campaigns are common on many campuses with the leadership of student groups. Also, many schools are increasing recycling efforts to include dorm move out events where items of value are exchanged to be reused in the community or by incoming students. Food service and food choices both open topics related to water and energy savings as well as environmental aspects of food production. Again, student groups with support from the Sustainable Campus Consortium can be involved in behavior changing education and activities. Water Usage and Conservation The Climate Action plan takes an overall approach to water resources usage, management and waste water treatment. The University is uniquely positioned to take a leadership role in this area and the Plan contains the details necessary to create a model campus as an example of excellence in water management and water technology. Water supplies statewide reflect a variable and uncertain supply, increasing demand and inadequate structural and institutional infrastructure. Additionally, water usage is increasingly linked to energy as water is used in energy production.13 To that point, Ron Renner, Executive Director of the Water Research Foundation says, “We face significant challenges with both resources; end-user water-related energy efficiency is an important part of the water-energy nexus. Sound energy efficiency programs are needed to maximize savings opportunities.” 13 21 The Plan will seek to reduce water usage and be accountable for waste water treatment as well. While it is recognized that improvement may be anticipated from new construction, water usage in existing buildings, facilities and landscaping represents a large portion of the improvement potential. Therefore, in order for the University of La Verne to minimize water consumption and wastewater production, it is important that the University have a plan that outlines how to accomplish these important goals in the already existing infrastructure as well as in new development. The campus water is purchased from La Verne Water, a local, city-owned distributor. The city buys water from Three Valleys Water Company and the Metropolitan Water District, which in turn obtains water from the Colorado River, the California Aqueduct and local wells. About 30 percent of Southern California's water supply moves across the Delta to the aqueduct system of the State Water Project. The Delta's declining ecosystem, caused by a number of factors, has led to historic restrictions in water supply deliveries. The result is a pressing need to both improve the Delta environment and improve the water systems that help sustain the state economy.14 From a legal standpoint, California State Bill SB 7 mandates 20% reduction by 2020.15 Assembly Bill 1881 also contains coming restrictions on landscaping water usage.16 Additional actions may be anticipated as the pressure for conservation and the costs for infrastructure improvements continue to increase. A campus water management plan begins with an analysis of current usage and rates. The usage information will help in the development of water usage projections for current and planned facilities. A review of the rate structure will 14 15 16 22 assure that the University is paying appropriate amounts for water and sewer charges. Because the campus has expanded to include a variety of buildings, a review of metering will determine whether or not a master metering infrastructure could result in savings and more specific controls. Campus Water Usage and Conservation Planning Recommendations17 1. Obtain copies of water and sewer bills for at least one year. Graph the usage and review for abnormalities. 2. Meet with water and sewer utility account manager to evaluate if the current rate is the best rate for the facility. 3. Separately meter cooling tower and irrigation systems to avoid paying sewer charges if feasible. 4. Determine if water meter is oversized. 5. Consider master metering to reduce customer charges if there are many facilities separately metered. 6. Complete a comprehensive water audit of all facilities and landscaped areas. 7. Establish reduction goals for each component. Building personal usage: Install efficient toilets, shower heads (most of these have been implemented), aerators, waterless urinals, replace old clothes washers with Energy Star rated washers, sensor faucets, foot pedal valves, ceramic and metering cartridges, and flow control discs. Behavior reductions by training personnel and posting signs Building systems usage HVAC systems review -Implement Air Handler Condensate Recovery -Reduce Cooling Tower water usage: -Control blowdown using automatic controls -Ensure drift eliminators are installed and functioning properly -Establish an effective scale, corrosion, and bio-fouling protection plan -Use two speed or VFDs on tower fans -Use an automatic shut-off control -Submeter Make-up water Cooking -use low-flow pre-rinse spray valves -replace old dish washers with Energy Star rated washers Landscaping Investigate new efficient pop-ups sprinklers Section prepared with generous input from Nelson Martinez, LEED AP, Pacific Services, Inc. Pasadena, California 17 23 Evaluate system wide controller applications Develop bids for weather responsive systems Xeriscape when possible Use turf that requires less Water Use subpotable Water for Irrigation Expand use of mulching materials Use drip irrigation systems Evaluate roof rainwater reclamation systems It is recommended that the University establish a work plan to complete work of this nature to establish the benchmarks for the new normal usage and treatment needs going forward. As changes related to the Master Plan occur, the water conservation and treatment plan may be adjusted as required. Educational, Research, Community Outreach ACUPCC commitment: Integrate sustainability into the curriculum, making it part of the educational experience. As a part of this commitment, ACUPCC expects progress in three areas: Curriculum, Research and Community. In Education for Climate Neutrality and Sustainability: Academic Guidance for ACUPCC Institutions (April 2009)18, education leaders recommend action in the following contexts: The Content of Learning -- to reflect interdisciplinary systems thinking, dynamics and analysis for all majors and disciplines with the same lateral rigor across the disciplines as there is vertical rigor within them. The Context of Learning -- to make human/environment interdependence, values and ethics a seamless and central part of teaching of all the disciplines, rather than isolated as a special course or module in programs for specialists. 18 24 The Process of Education -- to emphasize active, experiential, inquiry-based learning and real-world problem solving on the campus and in the larger community. It is recommended that these topics are under the purview of the Provost Office and should be reflected as appropriate in the academic strategic plan. For example, at the University of New Hampshire, sustainability encompasses climate and energy, ecology, food systems and culture in their CORE program (Curriculum, Operations, Research and Engagement). What and how they teach and research; how they govern their communities with respect to decisions regarding energy, land use, transportation, food, art and politics; and how they respond to the challenges of the larger communities in which they are embedded are all central questions of sustainability. Financing Campus Climate Action The University is at a point of change with the arrival of a new President. The Master Facility Plan and the academic strategic plan are likely to be reviewed, modified or updated to some degree. It is envisioned that with the inclusion of the Climate Action Plan as a part of the Master facility and academic strategic planning, these programs will be included in long range projections. Many of the long term potential energy initiatives are capital intensive. The current Master Facility Plan includes many new facilities and retrofit projects which lend themselves to the inclusion of renewable energy. As recommended in prior sections, these projects will need reevaluated with energy conservation and renewable energy measures taken into account before a long term financial plan can be logically developed. In the short term, the following action steps will offer some immediate progress in reducing emissions and lowering energy costs: Actively pursue all energy saving opportunities to participate in rebate and incentive programs offered by utilities. 25 Recommend moving forward with all projects that can produce a payback of two years or less. Actively consider projects over two years ROI as potential University investments based on internal rate of return. Fully evaluate the long term impacts of new construction costs and operating costs. 26 Appendix 1 Sustainability Goals GHG Emissions Inventory Submitted Climate Action Plan Submitted Climate Neutral Commitment Interim Reduction Goals Baseline Year Cal Poly Pomona 2006, 2009 2009 2030 none 2006 Chaffey College 2008 Due 1/15/11 not available (n. a.) n. a. n. a. Claremont McKenna 2008 2010 2050 30% by 2035 2008 Harvey Mudd College 2008 Due 5/15/10 n. a. n. a. n. a. no info no info 2050 1990 levels by 2020 2008 Pitzer College 2009 Due 1/15/10 n. a. n. a. n. a. Pomona College 2008, 2009, 2010 2009 no info 20% by 2020 2008 UC Irvine 2007, 2009 2009 no info 44% by 2020, 89% by 2050 2007 2007, Due 9/15/10 2009 TBD 10% by 2012 2007 University of La Verne 2010 due 5-1510 to submit by 4-11 TBD 17% by 2020 80% by 2050 2009 University of Redlands 2008, 2010 Due 9/15/11 n. a. n. a. n. a. University of California, Riverside 2007, 2009 2010 2050 25% by 2014 2007 University or College Loyola Marymount UCLA Source: ACUPCC or Institutional Record 27 Appendix 2: Organizational Approaches College or University Implementation Responsibility Structure Cal Poly Pomona Sustainability Manager Much of work conducted by students and faculty in the John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies. Task force and subcommittees contributed in key areas. Chaffey College Professor of History/Humanities Committee formed to guide the sustainability work. Claremont Mc Kenna Director of Facilities Environmental Concerns Committee and an Institute focused on the environment. Harvey Mudd AVP Facilities Committee appointed by President Loyola Marymount Sustainability Coordinator Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Committee Pitzer College VP/ Dean of Students Presidential committee on sustainability responsible for ACUPCC commitment. Pomona College Asst Director, Facilities and Campus Services. President's Advisory Committee on Sustainability to monitor work and prepare annual assessments for Board of Trustees. Hired Sustainability Coordinator. UCI Vice Chancellor, Administrative & Business Services Expanded a pre-existing committee, gave the body responsibility for ACUPCC implementation. UCLA Sustainability Coordinator Campus Sustainability Committee reports to Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. University of La Verne Chairman, Natural Science Division Committee: Sustainable Campus Consortium, Consultant University of Redlands Executive VP/COO Committee chaired by EVP-COO, Vice Chair is Director of Environmental Studies. Committee reportable to President. University of California, Riverside Campus Sustainability Coordinator Executive Committee that represents UCR at UC office of the President for all sustainability related matters. 28 Appendix 3: Sample Emissions Inventory Results University or College Commuting Electricity Natural Gas Other Total 2% 16% 64% 18% 100% Cal Poly Pomona 55% 28% 15% 2% 100% Chaffey College 35% 37% 28% 0% 100% 9% 39% 27% 25% 100% Loyola Marymount 23% 37% 13% 27% 100% Pitzer College 36% 21% 10% 33% 100% Pomona College 29% 29% 21% 21% 100% UCI 12% 31% 38% 19% 100% UCLA 11% 32% 51% 6% 100% UCR 39% 44% 13% 4% 100% University of La Verne 43% 31% 4% 22% 100% University of Redlands 19% 19% 60% 2% 100% Claremont Mc Kenna Harvey Mudd College 29 Appendix 4 Proposed Solar Projects19 Arts & Communication20 Campus Center School of Law 60 kW 100 kW 518 kW $270,000 $450,000 $2,590,000 Building Electricity Usage Offset % 66% 10% 95% Average Annual Utility Bill Savings $15,036 $25,056 $129,804 11.3 Years 11.2 Years 13.4 Years Building System Size Estimated Cost Pay-Off 19 20 Source: Pacifica Services, Pasadena, California Currently approved in Master plan pending confirmation of rebate 30 Appendix 5: Capital Planning Start End Status Cost(000's) Morgan Auditorium Renovation 2010 - 05 2011 - 01 Approved $ 4,200 Academic/Science Building Program Phase 2010 - 11 2011 - 04 Approved $ 250 Leo Hall Renovation Phase 1 (Org Mgmt Offices) 2010 - 12 2011 - 01 Approved $ 125 Leo Hall Renovation Phase 2 (Classrooms) 2010 - 12 2011 - 01 Approved $ 110 College of Law Phase 2 & 3 2010 - 12 2011 - 01 Approved $ 233 Accounting Offices 2010 - 12 2010 - 12 Approved $ 34 Physics Lab Renovation (MA/FH 6,8,54,64) 2010 - 12 2011 - 03 Approved $ 100 Campus West Phase 1 (Athletics) 2011 - 01 2011 - 11 Approved $ 9,000 Athletics Trophy Case 2011 - 01 2011 - 02 Approved $ 10 Residence Hall Project 2011 - 02 2012 - 08 Approved $ 25,000 Brown Property Remediation & Demolition 2011 - 04 2011 - 04 Approved $ 380 Leo Hall Renovation Phase 3 (Exterior) 2011 - 06 2011 - 08 Approved $ 175 First Street Abandonment/Renovation 2011 - 06 2011 - 08 Approved $ 300 New Baseball Parking Construction 2011 - 06 2011 - 08 Approved $ 1,000 Solar (ACB) 2011 - 07 2011 - 09 Approved $ 180 Co curricular/Recreation Space 2011 - 11 2012 - 08 Approved $ 250 La Fetra Renovation 2011 - 07 2011 - 09 Projected $ 150 Third Chiller for University 2011 - 07 2011 - 11 Projected $ 600 Football/Soccer/Track Stadium 2011 - 11 2012 - 08 Approved $ 5,000 Campus Green 2012 - 03 2012 - 08 Projected $ 150 Stu-Han Demolition & Parking Construction 2012 - 06 2011 - 08 Approved $ 600 Woody Hall (ADA & Seismic Upgrade) 2014 - 01 2014 - 08 Projected $ 2,000 New Dining Hall 2014 - 03 2015 - 08 Projected $ 9,000 Academic/Science Building Construction 2015 - 01 2016 - 08 Projected $ 45,000 31 Parking Structure 2015 - 01 2016 - 01 Projected $ 15,000 Renovation of Davenport 2015 - 09 2016 - 06 Projected $ 3,000 Residence Hall Project #2 2016 - 01 2017 - 08 Projected $ 30,000 Campus West Phase 3 (Tennis) 2016 - 05 2017 - 01 Pending $ 3,000 SSAP Renovation - Phase 2 2016 - 06 2017 - 06 Projected $ 3,500 Dailey Theater Demolition & Construction 2016 - 06 2017 - 06 Projected $ 8,000 Brandt Renovation 2016 - 07 2017 - 07 Projected $ 6,000 Mainiero Renovation 2016 - 08 2016 - 12 Projected $ 4,000 Founders Hall Renovation 2016 - 08 2017 - 01 Projected $ 4,000 Second Street Parking 2017 - 08 2018 - 10 Projected $ 500 Mixed Use Development #2 (Oaks) 2019 - 07 2020 - 08 Projected $ 40,000 College of Law Expansion 2020 - 01 2021 - 08 Projected $ 15,000 Second Street Parking Expansion 2020 - 07 2021 - 06 Projected $ 1,000 Academic/Education Building Construction #2 2020 - 07 2021 - 08 Projected $ 40,000 Mixed Use Development #1 (Literacy Location) 2022 - 01 2023 - 08 Projected $ 50,000 $ 326,847 32 Appendix 6: Sample Climate Action Metrics Full Time Students Equivalents Faculty Staff Total Building Space # # # Square feet 2005 3,521 280 399 410,162 116 2006 3,540 299 389 410,162 2007 3,480 300 374 2008 3,548 304 2009 3,593 301 Year sq. ft./ student sq. ft. / total fte Total Emissions emissions /student emissions /total fte emissions/ sq. ft. MT eCO2 MT eCO3 MT eCO4 MT eCO5 98 12,627 3.59 3.01 0.031 116 97 13,365 3.78 3.16 0.033 410,162 118 99 13,124 3.77 3.16 0.032 387 440,162 124 104 12,867 3.63 3.04 0.029 397 480,162 134 112 12,988 3.62 3.03 0.027 2010 2011 33