Research Design and the Logic of Control

During the 2010 congressional elections and even now, Republicans
repeatedly asserted that the Bush/Obama fiscal stimulus did not work.
Rather, it just built up trillions in federal debt that future generations
would have to pay off.
For example, our newly elected local congressman, Bill Flores, advertised
then and recently said that joblessness increased by over seven million
during the time the stimulus was occurring. What we need is to allow the
private sector to work by getting government out of the economy.
While these arguments undoubtedly paid political capital and may have
sounded good to those inclined to vote for him, the science behind these
arguments is problematic. Why?
There was no control. In order to be able to conclude anything at all about
the success of the stimulus, one would need to know what happened to a
group which did NOT receive the stimulus. We need a both a treatment
and a control in order to make causal explanations.
Perhaps the stimulus did actually work, but that other factors were
functioning simultaneously to make the economy worse.
Thus, as scientists we need to ask:
What would the economy have been like without the stimulus?
For those who did not receive the stimulus (an imaginary group),
what would have happened.
This is the issue of control for rival explanations.
The issue of control is fundamental to being able to make causal
explanations. Politicians and people live in a much simpler world
and are often willing to accept explanations offered by those they
trust, especially if they coincide with one’s predispositions.
However, as scientists it is our obligation to flesh out the truth
whenever it is possible to do so, regardless of its implications for
our political views.
The political world is a very complicated place. For every explanation
there are often competing explanations. Our job is to determine which of
the competing explanations is true.
In the case of the Bush/Obama economic stimulus it will probably not be
possible to flesh out the truth. Why?
There was no control group which did not receive the stimulus. It was
applied uniformly to the entire nation. It would have been unethical to
withhold the stimulus because of the economic implications for those who
did not receive it.
Similarly, there are often rival explanations for most things we want to
Consider our earlier discussion on concealed handguns on college
We hypothesized that partisanship was probably a good explanation for
supporting this initiative.
However, there are other possible rival explanations which require
“controlling for” if we are to be able to make causal statements.
Gender might explain this phenomenon. Women are more likely to be
Democrats and Men are more likely to be Republicans. Further, Women
are generally stronger gun control advocates than men.
These rival explanations undermine our ability to reach causal
conclusions about how partisanship affects support for guns on campus.
Is the independent variable, partisanship, causing support/non-support
for guns on campus. Or, is some other variable at work such as gender,
distorting our results and leading us to erroneous conclusions.
Our ability to rule out competing explanations depends on the power of
our research design.
We can approach this problem by designing an experimental study. An
experimental study typically contains a treatment group and a control
group. The experimental subjects are similar in every way, except that the
treatment group receives the stimulus and the control group does not.
This isolation of only one group receiving the stimulus allows us to make
causal explanations.
We can also approach this problem by designing an observational study.
Here the researcher makes controlled comparisons. That is, the
researcher observes the effect of the independent variable of interest on
the dependent variable, while holding constant all other plausible causes
of the dependent variable.
In all experiments, the investigator manipulates a treatment group and a
control group in such a way that, in the beginning, the two groups are
virtually identical in every way.
Measurement is taken prior to the application of a stimulus.
The two groups then receive different values of the independent variable
of interest. Typically, the treatment group receives the stimulus, while the
control group does not.
Measurement is then taken of both groups after the application of the
Since the two groups are identical in every way, except in their receipt of
the stimulus, any observed differences in the dependent variable cannot
be attributed to rival explanations.
In a laboratory experiment, the treatment group and control group are studied
in an environment wholly created by the investigator. For example, we have an
experimental lab in this building where students participate in experiments
while sitting in front of a computer screen. Participants are generally aware
that an experiment is taking place, but are often unaware of the purpose. In
laboratory experiments subjects are recruited to a common location, the
experiment is largely conducted at that location, and the researcher controls
almost all aspects in the environment in that location except for subject
In a field experiment, the treatment and control group are studied in their
natural environment, living their lives normally, probably unaware that an
experiment is taking place. In a field experiment the researcher’s intervention
takes place in an environment where the researcher has only limited control
beyond the intervention conducted.
Both types of experiments generally depend on random assignment for
control. Random assignment occurs when each prospective participant has an
equal probability of being in the treatment and control groups.
Suppose we want to study the effect of candidates’ racial attributes on
people’s political behavior. For example, I have a colleague who studied
the effect of racial attributes in Mexican election behavior.
In Mexico there is a diversity of racial features among the population.
There are people of Spanish origin who appear caucasian; there are
people of Mulatto origin who are very dark; there are people of Indian
origin whose features are less dark but have distinctly Mongol features.
The treatment is showing participants pictures of three candidates.
• One picture depicts Candidate A with obvious Spanish features.
• A second picture depicts Candidate B who is very dark, probably
mulatto (mix between caucasian and African).
• A third picture shows Candidate C who has clear Indian features,
probably descended from mixed caucasion/Mayan or Aztec
The participants are read identical candidate profiles for the three. Each
is well-educated, has a legal background, and is very successful.
Participants are randomly assigned to three groups. Each of the three
groups is shown a different picture at the same time they see the
candidate profiles.
Participants in each group are then asked which candidate they prefer in
the upcoming Mexican election to represent their district.
A significant difference is observed between groups in preferences for
the three candidates. The candidate who appears Spanish is preferred
over the candidate who appears Indian, who is in turn preferred over the
candidate who appears African.
What can we conclude? Why?
What is the role of “control” in allowing us to make these conclusions?
In order to make conclusions we need good random assignment. In other
words, the three groups need to be identical in every way.
Random assignment is the great equalizer of rival explanations.
Internal validity means that the experiment successfully controls
for rival explanations that might cause the treatment response.
External validity refers to whether or not the results from an
experiment are “generalizable” to the population.
Laboratory experiments generally have high internal validity, but
low external validity. For example, the preceding experiment
involved participants who knew they were participating in an
How might this have affected the results?
It is common for political scientists to use “college students” or
“internet respondents” when conducting laboratory experiments.
How might this affect the external validity of experiments?
Field experiments are conducted in the real world and can sometimes
overcome the limitations of laboratory experiments.
Gerber, Karlan, and Bergen (2007) conducted a field experiment on how
exposure to various media outlets affects voting behavior. They randomly
selected households in Prince William County Virginia to receive
treatments prior to the 2005 Virginia gubernatorial election..
Postcard to Subjects
You have won a free
Ten week subscription to The Washington Post/Washington Times!
We have held a drawing to award free ten-week subscriptions of The Washington Post
to households in Prince William County. Delivery begins this week. Delivery will
automatically end after ten weeks, you do not need to call to cancel. However, if
you want to cancel before the end of the ten weeks, please call 1-800-635-9224 and
we will remove you from this promotion. Thank you for trying out the newspaper.
Group A was selected to receive a free newspaper subscription to the
Washington Post (a liberal media outlet).
Group B was selected to receive a free newspaper subscription to the
Washington Times (a conservative media outlet).
Group C was a control group which received no free newspaper
A public opinion survey was administered to all subjects after the 2005
Virginia gubernatorial election.
Those receiving the subscription to the Washington Post were eight
percentage points more likely to have voted for the Democrat than those
in the control group. A subscription to the Washington Times produced no
change in voting behavior relative to the control group.
Did this field experiment have internal and external validity? What, if any,
are the limitations?
Experiments are the “gold standard” for research in political science.
However, many research questions are not suited for conducting
experiments. As political scientists we study concepts as we find them
naturally in society. We generally cannot manipulate variables such as
people’s party id, their relative liberalism, a state’s level of economic
development, a nation’s institutional design, people’s gender, or
education levels. The list is long of the things we would find difficult to
manipulate in an experiment, but which are deemed important political
Hence, we must often rely on observational studies. An observational
study is one in which we make controlled comparisons of data where we
find it.
In some cases we use surveys based on random selection of respondents
from a population. Then, we compare groups in this randomly selected
However, if randomization is not complete, there may be factors which
“creep into” our observational studies which can affect the outcome.
One potential problem is generally labeled “selection bias.” Selection
bias occurs when subjects find their way into the treatment group based
on some systematic factor relating to the dependent variable.
It was widely predicted in 1948 that Thomas Dewey would win the 1948
presidential election over Harry Truman. These predictions were based
on telephone surveys of respondents voting intentions prior to the
election. Why were they wrong?
Suppose we conduct an observational study of how a person’s income
affects their propensity to vote. However, our sample contains only
respondents from neighborhoods where people could be safely
surveyed. As a result, we have too few low income respondents in our
sample. What is the result of this procedure?
Wood and Vedlitz (2007) conducted a survey experiment concerning the
determinants of people’s views on global climate change.
At the start of the survey, they asked people how concerned they were
about various issues facing the nation. The issues included global
terrorism, global climate change, the economy, discrimination,
deteriorating moral values, etc. At this stage people had no idea that the
researchers’ primary interest was their level of concern about global
climate change.
About 30 minutes into the survey after questioning people about various
issues, people were randomly selected to receive three different
The three groups randomly received the scenarios: Suppose I told you
that 70/50/30 percent of Americans believe that global climate change is
a serious problem.
Respondents were then asked how concerned they are about the issue of
global climate change.
Comparing the scenario responses to the pre-measured level of concern,
those receiving the high treatment (70) were more concerned about
global climate change than those in the mid-treatment (50), who were
more concerned than those in the low treatment (30).
The authors claimed that this difference suggested the importance of
social pressure to people’s level of concern.
A controlled comparison is accomplished by examining the relationship
between an independent and dependent variable, while holding constant
other variables, especially those suggested by rival explanations.
Returning to our example of “support for guns on college campuses.” Our
theory says that this support is based on a person’s party identification.
However, a rival explanation is gender determines support. How could
we evaluate which is correct?
We could look at support for guns on campus only among women, and
only among men. If it differs between Republican and Democrat women,
and it differs between Republican and Democrat men, then we would
know that partisanship is an important explanation.
More generally, we can also accomplish the same thing statistically, rather
than by splitting the sample into women and men. You will learn how to do
this in future weeks. For now, it is enough to note the concept.
This brings us back to our earlier discussion of causality, spuriousness,
mediating relationships, and interactions.
Here, Gender affects Partisan ID and Gender affects Gun control opinion. If the
relation between X and Y disappears when Z enters the relationship, then we say
the relation between X and Y is spurious.
One way of seeing a spurious relationship is simply to construct a
graph of the two groups. Above we can see that Republican and
Democrat women are about the same in their opinions about gun
control. Similarly, men Republicans and Democats are also similar.
Therefore, the relationship between party id and opinions on gun
control is spurious, fully determined by gender.
However, suppose that Gender does not fully explain both partisan id and
opinion on gun control. Then we can say that Gender both directly and
indirectly affects opinion on gun control. Gender affects gun control opinion
directly (Z to Y). It also affects gun control opinion indirectly (Z to X to Y). The
two effects are called additive.
Here is the same line chart as before, but showing that partisanship
affects gun control opinion. Note that the two lines are parallel.
However, this need not be the case. The relationship can also be
Imagine a scenario in which support for gun control is such that women
do not differ by partisanship, but that men do differ by partisanship. We
call such a relationship an “interactive” relationship.
In other words, gender affects support for gun control, but partisanship
only affects it for men.