Vocabulary Lesson 8 Margin (morjuhn) noun an amount or distance that allows for safety Measure (mEHzhur) noun,verb to find the size or amount of anything Metaphor (mEHtuhfawr) noun compares two things without like or as Method (mEHthuhd) noun a particular way of doing something Model (moduhl) noun,verb,adjective 1. smaller object that are built to represent the detail of larger objects 2. A representative form or pattern. Modify (moduhfii) verb To change or to alter. Monitor (monuhtur) noun,verb To keep tabs on or keep an eye on. Motivation (mohtuhvayshuhn) noun the force that moves people to act. Narrative (naruhtihv) noun,adjective Tells a story, a particular event or happening Narrator (nEHraytur) noun The person or character who is telling the story. Notation (nohtayshuhn) noun 1. A comment (usually added to a text). 2. a brief note made as a reminder Notice (nohtuhs) noun,verb To see or be aware of something or someone. Objective (uhbjEHktihv) noun,adjective something aimed at; a goal Observe (uhbzurv) verb To look, see and learn. Opinion (uhpihnyuhn) noun A personal view or belief. Optional (opshuhnuhl) adjective voluntary, elective; freedom of choice Order (awrdur) noun,verb the way in which things are arranged Organize (awrguhniiz) verb Origins (awruhjihnz) To arrange in a certain way the place where someone or something is born or begun Outline (outliin) noun,verb Brief description of how to do something