The Skull - Schoolwires

The Skull
Pages 120-126 in Textbook
Kyle Franklin
Megan Gleason
Emily Giannotti
Cranial Sutures
• Sutures- lines at which 2 bones fuse together.
These are the 4 on the cranium:
– Coronal Suture- fuses parietal bones to frontal
– Lambdoidal Suture- fuses occipital bone to
parietal bones (anteriorly).
– Saggital Suture- fuses parietal bones in midline of
– Squamous Suture- fuses temporal bones to
parietal bones.
Cranial Bones
• The cranium consists of 8 bones (1st 3 are
– Frontal (1)- forms forehead, projections under
eyebrows, superior part of eye orbits.
– Parietal (2)- form most of superior and lateral
walls of cranium.
Cranial Bones
- Temporal (2)- lie inferior to parietal bones. Contain 5
important markings:
- External auditory meatus- canal that leads to eardrum and
middle ear.
- Styloid process- needlelike projection, inferior to external
auditory meatus, provides for muscle attachment.
- Zygomatic Arch- thin bridge of bone that joins anteriorly
with cheekbone (zygomatic bone).
- Mastoid Process- rough projection, full of air cavities
(mastoid sinuses), provides for muscle attachment.
- Jugular Foramen- medial to styloid process, allows passage
of jugular vein, which drains brain.
Cranial Bones
– Occipital (1)- contains:
• Foramen Magnum- surrounds lower part of brain,
allows spinal cord to connect to brain.
• Occipital Condyles- rest on the first vertebra of the
spinal column.
– Sphenoid (1)- most of this bone lies deep on the
inferior aspect of the cranium.
– Ethmoid (1)- irregular shape, anterior to sphenoid,
forms rook of nasal cavity and part of medial walls
of orbits.
• Christa Galli- projects from superior surface of ethmoid,
outermost covering of brain attaches to it
Facial Bones
• Maxillary- fuses to form upper jaw and all facial
bones except mandible join it.
• Zygomatic- (cheekbones) makes up a good portion of
lateral walls of orbits.
• Lacrimal- (fingernail-sized bones) forms part of
medial walls of orbits and allows passageway for
• Nasal- small rectangular bone forming the bridge of
the nose.
• Mandible- (lower jaw) largest and strongest facial
Hyoid Bone
• Not technically part of the skull.
• Only bone in the body that does not articulate
directly with any other bone.
• It is suspended in the mid-neck region.
• Function: moveable base for tongue and attachment
point for the neck muscles that raise and lower the
larynx when we swallow and speak.
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