GUIDELINES FOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER ELECTIONS 2015-2016 OFFICER TEAM COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACKET Dear Applicant: Holding an executive office for Collegiate DECA, a division of DECA Inc., carries with it great responsibility as well as great opportunity. Your involvement with this organization thus far has given you an understanding of the programs available for members. We are in a time of great opportunity; therefore great involvement, ideas and work ethic is needed from the officers elected to lead. Hopefully you have already thought about areas within the organization that can continue to grow, develop and change to better fit our members’ needs. And remember, the success of these depends on the needs at the chapter and association levels—not something simply “handed down” from officers, or even staff, with the assumption that we will have buy-in from the membership. Running for office is intentionally NOT AN EASY PROCESS. It takes a high level of independence, drive and perseverance to be a successful officer. This campaigning process will allow you to showcase those characteristics as well as your dedication and commitment to the members. This candidate packet includes the following regarding officer candidates and the election process: Summary Guidelines for Campaigning Officer Job Descriptions Officer Candidate Guidelines Campaigning Rules & Regulations Election Procedures Candidate Calendar Collegiate DECA Officer Candidate Interview Forms Collegiate DECA Officer Candidate Application Forms Campaign Booth Order Form Appendix: Executive Officer Code of Professional Conduct Candidate Willingness to Serve Form Collegiate DECA Bylaws Planned Campaign Budget Current Officer Team Listing Reminders: No campaigning of any kind may take place prior to the International Career Development Conference—this includes but is not limited to all Internet based activity. All candidates must take part in the nomination and election process at ICDC, April 18th-21st in Orlando, FL. A complete schedule of required activities is provided in the candidate packet. You will be notified once your application has been received by DECA Inc. and confirmed of your eligibility. At that time you will be sent a study guide for the officer candidate test. If you have any additional questions or concerns please call or email me. The current officers are also great resources to talk to you about the real work involved. I look forward to working with you and wish you luck in pursuit of a Collegiate DECA officer position. Sincerely, Jeff Collins Assistant Executive Director Collegiate Executive Officer Advisor P: (703) 860-5000 2 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER ELECTIONS SUMMARY GUIDELINES FOR CAMPAIGNING 2015-2016 These guidelines are being presented to ensure that potential officer candidates meet the minimum qualifications for office, and that officer campaigning and elections are held in a fair and appropriate manner. When a candidate runs for office, it is up to the sponsoring chartered association or independent chapter to make sure that everyone involved in the campaign understands the guidelines. Violating campaign guidelines by the candidates or any members of the sponsoring association or chapter may result in disqualification. Qualifications: The following is a brief summary of candidate qualifications. Additional details are found in this packet. 1. The association advisor is the only person in a chartered association authorized to nominate a candidate for office. The chapter advisor in an independent “state” is the only person authorized to nominate a candidate for office. It is up to the authorized advisor to ensure that candidates not only meet the minimum qualifications to hold an office, but that they exhibit the necessary professionalism, work ethic, communication and leadership skills to succeed. 2. Candidates must submit, with their application, the following materials: • picture • resume • letter of intent for office • three letters of recommendation • letter of verification of leadership roles • description of the candidate’s business and community involvement • 250 word maximum biography (to be used on • official school transcript • planned campaign budget • list of campaign items • signed Candidate Willingness to Serve form • signed Executive Officer Code of Conduct Candidates also have an opportunity to submit an early Intent to Run form, allowing them benefits related to campaigning. 3. In addition to other eligibility requirements, the candidate must either have a grade point average of 2.5 for the two most recent semesters (or the equivalent), or a 2.5 or higher accumulative grade point average based on an “A” letter grade equivalent to 4.0 and a failing grade equivalent to 0.0. NOTE: a. For schools on a quarter’s system, three quarters is equivalent to two semesters. b. The “two most recent semesters” means the previous two completed semesters prior to the International Career Development Conference. 4. Application must be received by DECA Inc. by April 03, 2015. 5. Candidates must go through an official nomination process, consisting of an interview and written exam, at the International Career Development Conference. 6. All newly elected officers MUST attend an orientation session during the International Career Development Conference, held on the day following the closing session, and must complete the Collegiate officer training program in June/July. (See schedule in packet for tentative dates.) 3 Campaigning: No campaigning is allowed prior to 8:00 a.m. on the first official day of the International Career Development Conference, April 18, 2015. No websites, emails, letters, brochures or other campaign materials are to be distributed in advance of the ICDC. Other communication may also result in disqualification (i.e. phone banks, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). If a chartered association or independent chapter believes a campaign violation has been made, the association or independent chapter advisor may notify the nominating committee and/or DECA Inc. Board of Directors in writing directly to a Board member, or through the DECA Inc. staff member in charge of elections. Candidates are campaigning for Executive Office. The position of president and vice presidents are determined by the voting outcome. A candidate may have the choice of electing to serve either as only the president, only as a vice president, or state a willingness to serve in either capacity. This is communicated using the Candidate Willingness to Serve form included in the application. It is also recommended that candidates conduct themselves according to the officer code of conduct during the conference while running for office. 4 COLLEGIATE OFFICER JOB DESCRIPTIONS 2015-2016 Officers of Collegiate DECA are elected, having met the requirements set forth in the DECA Inc. Constitution and the Collegiate DECA division Bylaws. Officers of Collegiate DECA shall consist of a president and four vice presidents. It shall be the duty of the officers, functioning as a team, to plan for the welfare of the division, to represent and to act for the division as occasion may demand. Specific Duties Include: President: It shall be the duty of the president of Collegiate DECA to preside at all meetings of this division; to make necessary committee appointments including the designation of committee chairperson; to develop with his/her Executive Council a Program of Work for his/her term in office; and to make himself/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of DECA and the Collegiate DECA division. Vice President: It shall be the duty of each vice president to serve this division in any capacity as directed by the president; to promote the growth and development of DECA and the Collegiate DECA division in accordance with the Program of Work during his/her term in office; and to make himself/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of DECA and the Collegiate DECA division. Limitations: DECA Inc.'s Constitution and the Collegiate DECA division Bylaws identify specific responsibilities and corresponding authority to the board of directors and executive director. Because ultimate responsibility for DECA's finances, procedures and policies of necessity remain the sole purview of the elected board of directors and their executive director, the executive officers are precluded from: 1. 2. Entering into any contractual relationships on behalf of the organization, and Committing the organization to any policy without specific authorization of the board of directors or executive director. To assure clear lines of communication and coordination, officers are obligated to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sign a code of conduct for executive officers, Conduct their duties within the policies set forth by the board of directors, Submit monthly activity reports to the officer liaison, and Obtain advance approval from the officer liaison for all activities where the officer is representing DECA Inc. Officers may not independently solicit invitations to meetings or conferences. 5 EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE GUIDELINES 2015-2016 NOTE: The term “association” refers to chartered Collegiate DECA associations. Also, the term “independent chapter” will be used to refer to a Collegiate DECA chapter from a non-chartered “state”. Authorized Advisor Responsibilities: The Collegiate DECA advisor in a chartered association is the only person authorized to initiate executive officer candidate nominations for Collegiate DECA. The Collegiate DECA advisor in an independent chapter is the only person authorized to initiate executive officer candidate nominations for Collegiate DECA. • Each geographic area (state/province/territory, etc.) may submit no more than two (2) candidates for executive office. • The authorized Collegiate DECA advisor may use any procedure he/she wishes to determine which candidate(s) are eligible to run for Collegiate DECA office from the association or independent chapter. DECA Inc. suggests that a nominating committee interviews the candidate(s) and select the candidate(s) the association or independent chapter will support. • It is the authorized Collegiate DECA advisor's responsibility to verify all forms and documents submitted by the candidate, and sign the application form in the official space provided. The authorized advisor will send, along with a letter of recommendation, all required materials to DECA Inc., at the below address. All materials must be received (not postmarked) at DECA no later than April 03, 2015. DECA Inc. Collegiate DECA Officer Elections 1908 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1594 • It is the authorized Collegiate DECA advisor's responsibility to inform potential officer candidates that, according to the Collegiate DECA officer guidelines, they cannot serve as an association or local officer and as an executive officer at the same time. NOTE: All information must be contained in an official DECA folio, available through DECA Images at If any of the required data is not included with the application form the applicant may be disqualified. 6 EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE GUIDELINES 2015-2016 Officer Candidate Responsibilities: Officer candidates MUST submit to the authorized Collegiate DECA advisor all required information along with a signed application form. In chartered associations only the association advisor is AUTHORIZED to declare a candidate eligible to run for office from the association. Officer candidates from independent chapters (in non-chartered “states”) must submit all required information along with a signed application form to the chapter advisor who is then AUTHORIZED to declare a candidate eligible to run for office. Each candidate will submit to his/her AUTHORIZED advisor the following qualifications and materials, to be forwarded to DECA Inc. MUST BE IN ORDER, EACH PAGE IN A SHEET PROTECTOR, AND IN AN OFFICIAL DECA FOLIO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Officer Candidate Application Form (enclosed). Signed Executive Officer Code of Conduct (appendix). Signed Candidate Willingness to Serve form (appendix). One photograph of officer candidate – color, 5x7 and in a DECA blazer. Pictures may be used in publications at ICDC. Newly elected officers should be prepared to have pictures taken at ICDC. Resume (maximum 2-pages) highlighting qualifications for office desired and personal/professional/academic plans for 2015-2016 A letter of intent – your goals and objectives for wanting to serve as a Collegiate DECA executive officer. Three (3) letters of recommendation: a. Advisor/Mentor b. School official c. Business/Professional person Planned Campaign Budget – a basic budget including all expenditures you anticipate as well as all the revenues you are counting on. The revenues will include in-kind donations. See sample in the appendix. An actual (finalized) campaign budget is to be submitted at officer candidate orientation on April 18, 2015 List of Campaign Items – all printed material, as well as giveaways you plan to use during your campaign. A finalized list of campaign items is to be submitted, with samples of all giveaways and all printed material, at officer candidate orientation on April 18, 2015 A letter of verification that the candidate has or is holding a chapter or chartered association office. Must be signed by appropriate advisor. A description (maximum 2-pages) of the candidate’s involvement with business, school and civic groups as related to Collegiate DECA. A 250-word (maximum) biography (to be used on Official scholastic transcript with school’s official seal or notary. The transcript must have written description of explanation of the grading procedure (signed by a school official). The grading procedure should explain the grades in relation to A, B, C, D, and failing. If the school system’s grading procedure grants incomplete as a grade, the “I” must be verified as either a NO GRADE or FAILING. Campaign booth order form and payment (appendix). Officer Candidate Eligibility: 1. The candidate must become an active member of Collegiate DECA before March 1. Active membership is defined in the Bylaws for Collegiate DECA (see appendix). 2. The candidate must be holding or have held an association or chapter office. 3. The candidate must have either a grade point of 2.5 or higher for the two most recent semesters or a 2.5 or higher accumulative grade point average based on an “A” letter grade being equivalent to 4.0. Grades are as of the last competed semester of school prior to the international conference. For schools on a quarter’s system, three quarters is equivalent to two semesters. 4. The candidate must take the Officer Candidate Examination and obtain a “recommended” score of 60% or higher. 5. The nominating committee has the responsibility of determining the final list of candidates based on consideration of both the exam and interview. 6. Notice of eligibility will be posted at ICDC headquarters to indicate a candidate may officially run for office. Officer Candidate Additional Information: 1. Examination questions will cover DECA Inc. information and parliamentary procedure. All questions will be taken from the following sources: The Collegiate DECA web site The Collegiate DECA Guide (available on the Collegiate DECA web site) Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised (available at book stores) Officer Candidates Study Guide (will be sent to candidate after Intent to Run form or complete Candidate Application has been received) 2. Newly elected officers are required to attend the Collegiate DECA Officer Orientation Session on April 22, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Departures should be scheduled after 5:00 p.m. Be sure to know your blazer size and all other clothing sizes for this meeting. It is the responsibility of newly elected officers and associations/chapters to make arrangements for return home. All expenses are the candidate’s responsibility. Dress attire for this meeting is business professional with DECA Blazer. 3. According to the Collegiate DECA officer guidelines, newly elected officers cannot serve as a local or association officer at the same time. 8 EXECUTIVE OFFICER CAMPAIGNING RULES & REGULATIONS 2015-2016 Nomination Procedures: 1. Interested members must submit a completed application to the authorized advisor for approval and must be received at DECA Inc. by April 03, 2015. Eligibility will be communicated to the member seeking office and authorized advisor no later than April 07, 2015. 2. A nominating committee will be appointed for the Collegiate DECA officer elections. Association and chapter advisors will be asked to appoint representatives to serve on the nominating committee. The nominating committee may consist of members from all geographic regions, an advisor, and a member of the DECA Inc. Board of Directors. 3. Association and chapter advisors will be contacted regarding committee appointments and procedures. 4. It is the responsibility of the authorized advisor to contact his/her candidates and give them a copy of the rules and regulations. 5. Former executive officers are not eligible for another executive office of a student division of DECA Inc. 6. Each geographic area (state/province/territory, etc.) may submit no more than two (2) candidates for executive office. 7. If a candidate is late to a nominating committee interview, he/she may be disqualified unless the committee feels the individual has a reasonable excuse. Excuses that are NOT ACCEPTABLE: overslept, restaurant was slow, association pictures were long, could not find room, did not check schedule, etc. 8. Other than a purse/wallet, no other materials are to be taken into the interview. This includes briefcases, study materials, etc. 9. Only candidates interviewed by the nominating committee will be qualified for executive office. The nominating committee will select qualified candidates based on the interview and materials submitted for application for executive office. Exam scores will NOT be made known to the nominating committee nor will they be posted along with the list of eligible candidates. 10. A list of candidates eligible for Collegiate DECA office will be posted at ICDC headquarters no later than 4:00 pm the day of the opening session. Candidates nominated will be given time for speeches and/or presentations at the election sessions. It will not be necessary for candidates declared eligible to be nominated from the floor. 11. The division bylaws state that potential candidates prior to the conference must meet certain criteria. Therefore, additional candidates may not be nominated from the floor. 9 Campaigning: 1. No officer campaigning will be permitted prior to the International Career Development Conference (Campaigning may begin on April 18, 2015, at 8:00 a.m.). This includes phone calls to set up appointments with delegates, materials set-up, etc. No websites, emails, letters, brochures or other campaign materials are to be distributed in advance of ICDC. Any prior communications may result in disqualification, and includes phone calls/banks, Facebook and Twitter announcements, etc. 2. No campaign material shall be attached (taped, glued, tacked, hung, etc.) to the property (includes walls, doors, windows, etc.) of the ICDC hotel(s) or any other conference facility. Any damage to property is the responsibility of the candidate. The use of easels, posters, etc. may only be within the boundaries of the candidate’s campaign booth. Candidates should prepare for a tabletop (no pipe and drape backdrop*) campaign booth—the ability to hang banners or posters is subject to restrictions of the conference site. More specific details will be made available to candidates as early as possible regarding any change in booth layout restrictions or enhancements. (*For 2015 ICDC, campaign booths MIGHT not have pipe and drape backdrops.) 3. Candidates will be allowed up to TWO (2) promotional items (giveaways) plus any printed material (brochures, flyers, cards, posters, and signs). Material distributed during caucusing or to any voting delegate may not exceed these two (2) promotional items plus printed material. 4. Candidates will not be allowed to distribute/purchase any food or beverage items for voting delegates at any time (including gum, candy, popcorn, fruit trays, etc.). This includes at the booth, during caucusing, to members as a thank you, meals to voting delegates, etc. 5. No promotional stickers, labels, etc. can be used in the campaign. Stickers attached to promotional items prior to ICDC will be permitted (example: sticker on a folder). 6. A list of the candidates eligible for Collegiate DECA office will be posted at the ICDC Headquarters desk no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 18, 2015. 7. On April 19, 2015, there will be a “Voting Delegates Briefing and Meet the Candidates” session. Voting delegates must be seated in the designated voting delegate section at the time that the meeting is called to order. Once the meeting is called to order, no one will be allowed to be seated as a voting delegate. A roll call of voting delegates will be taken. Delegations without the allocated number of voting delegates present will lose those votes. Example, if an association seats 20 of its 26 delegates, they will lose the 6 votes and maintain only the 20. Collegiate DECA officer candidates will be limited to three (3) minutes for a speech and/or demonstration. Following presentations, candidates will respond to questions submitted by voting delegates. Once a question is asked, all candidates will have an answer to respond. No campaign material may be brought inside any election or voting delegate session. This includes buttons, t-shirts, materials, etc. 8. One general session, the election session, is reserved for final campaign presentations by the candidates. Candidates will be limited to a two (2) minute presentation. Voting delegates are to sit in a reserved section during the election session. A roll call of delegates will be taken. Delegations without the allocated number of voting delegates present will lose those votes. Example, if a delegation seats 20 of its 26 delegates, they will lose the 6 votes and maintain only the 20. No nominations from the floor will be allowed. Campaign handout material, or any other materials or actions disruptive to the session, is NOT permitted during this session. 9. Campaign signs or banners are NOT permitted at the Grand Opening Session OR the Preliminary Awards Session. Badges, hats, T-shirts, etc., as long as they are in line with dress code requirements, will be permitted at the Grand Opening Session or the Preliminary Awards Session. At the Grand Award Session, signs or banners ARE permitted. However, no handout material is to be in evidence at ANY of these general sessions. 10. It is the responsibility of each candidate and his or her association/chapter to see that ALL campaign material is picked up and removed from the hotel according to the time listed in the conference program. NO campaign material will be allowed in the election session. 10 11. It is the responsibility of the candidate to pay for any costs associated with the inappropriate use of, or cleaning up of, the candidate’s campaign materials. 12. All associations/chapters are expected to encourage the promotion of their candidates so as not to disrupt any planned event of the conference. It is absolutely necessary that delegates reflect the conduct expected and desired by remaining professional in all settings. 13. With respect to anti-litter concerns and the cost to individuals, local chapters and associations, campaign material at ICDC should be held to a minimum; personal contact and the organization of a campaign demonstrates leadership ability to a greater degree than give-away gimmicks. 14. Campaign booth set-up times and locations will be communicated to candidates closer to the conference dates. 15. Candidates should keep in mind that they are all running as individual candidates. No “pacts” or agreements should be made between candidates. NOTE: If an association or independent chapter believes a campaign violation has been made, the association/chapter advisor may notify the DECA Inc. Board of Directors in writing, directly to the Board member(s) or through DECA Inc. staff members. Assistant Executive Director, Jeff Collins, will be the staff member responsible for campaign related events at the 2015 ICDC. 11 Voting: The nominating committee will submit the names of eligible candidates to the chief advisor of elections for posting at ICDC Headquarters. Only candidates declared eligible can seek nomination. The number of total votes allowed for each delegation will be announced prior to the conference (these totals will be provided to each association through your DECA Inc. representative and/or Collegiate DECA advisor and is determined by membership sixty (60) days prior to the election/business session. For non-charted “states” with multiple chapters attending ICDC, the votes will be divided according to membership: if only one voting delegate, the chapter with the highest membership will receive the voting delegate. If more than one voting delegate allowed, the first priority would be to have each chapter represented, as their delegate allocation will allow. Voting will be by secret ballot. Collegiate DECA Bylaws do not require all delegates from an association to vote for the same candidate for a given position; in fact, voting delegates are encouraged to vote independently based on their own assessment of each candidate. Voting will be done by designated voting delegates only. Other official business may also be conducted during the election session. Candidates declared qualified will be announced at the beginning of the campaign session. It will not be necessary for candidates declared eligible to be nominated from the floor. In the Collegiate DECA division, each geographic unit with current membership will be allowed one (1) voting delegate, plus one (1) voting delegate will be allowed each Chartered Association. One hundred (100) additional voting delegates will be apportioned to Chartered Associations according to their membership sixty (60) days prior to the election/business session as a percentage of the total DECA membership in this division. A roll call of voting delegates will be taken at all voting delegate sessions. If a delegation does not have their maximum number of voting delegates present during a session, the votes will be lost for those delegates not present. It is understood that, because of schedule conflicts, a delegation may need to make substitutions with their voting delegates (this may be done without penalty). Also, due to this, voting delegates will not be penalized for not wearing a voting delegate ribbon to the sessions. The Collegiate DECA division elects up to five (5) officers. These include a president and four (4) vice presidents. Dress Code: During all campaign events and election sessions voting delegates and candidates shall adhere to the following dress code requirements. Participants will be dressed in appropriate business or business casual attire. This dress code is designed to create a professional conference atmosphere and reflect positively on those involved. The following is designed to serve as a general guideline as to what will qualify as business casual for this conference. Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, tennis shoes, flip-flops and T-shirts will at no time be considered appropriate. T-shirts designed to promote the candidate may be worn in and around the campaign booth only. Shirts/Tops Shirts with collars Polo-style shirts Slacks/Skirts Casual slacks Business-style skirts Khaki-style pants Footwear Loafers Pumps Dress shoes Candidates will be dressed in appropriate business attire and DECA blazer for ALL campaign and election related events. Additionally, candidates should wear business dress and a DECA blazer to the closing session; newly elected officers may not be presented on stage to accept their elected positions without a DECA blazer. 12 COLLEGIATE DECA ELECTION PROCEDURES 2015-2016 Election Procedures: No campaign materials will be allowed in the election session. Election shall be by secret ballot. The voting delegates will rank in order from five (5) to one (1) the candidates they determine should be elected to the officer team. First choice will be indicated with a one (1) and the order descends appropriately from there. Voting delegates many only indicate five (5) candidates to fill the officer team. They may elect fewer than five (5) candidates if they feel it is appropriate; a candidate name left on the ballot without a number receives no vote. As indicated by Bylaw IV, Section 3: a candidate will receive points for each vote: 1 st place = 5 points, 2nd place = 4 points, 3rd place = 3 points, 4th place = 2 points, and 5th place = 1 point. The candidate receiving the highest number of points at the election session and having stated a willingness to serve as president shall be elected president. The next four candidates receiving the most points at the election session and having stated a willingness to serve as vice president shall be elected as vice presidents. 1. The voting delegates will be seated by delegation in alphabetical order. 2. Only candidates qualified by the nominating committee will be eligible for office. 3. Voting will continue only if there is a point tie for either the position of president or for the fifth seat on the officer team. 4. If the voting continues, the candidates remaining will come forward as their name is called so that the voting delegates may see which candidates they wish to vote for. 5. A run-off election will be made not with a rank order system but by simple vote. For the office of president the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected as president, the opponent will be elected to the officer team and serve as a vice president. For the fifth seat on the officer team the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected. 6. The newly elected officers will be announced at the conclusion of the Grand Awards Session. Collegiate DECA Campaign Booths: It is recommended that Collegiate DECA associations and independent chapters take the opportunity to rent campaign booths at the International Career Development Conference. These booths serve as campaign headquarters for officer candidates. All Collegiate DECA campaign booths will be located in high-traffic areas of the conference site. Campaign booth rental will be $100.00; dimensions will be approximately 8' x 8', each booth will be furnished with one table and one chair. Candidates should prepare for a tabletop or freestanding display; ability to hang banners or posters is subject to restrictions of the conference site. More specific details will be made available to candidates as early as possible regarding any change in booth layout restrictions or enhancements. (For 2015 ICDC, campaign booths MIGHT not have pipe and drape backdrops). Booth assignments will be on a first-request, first-serve basis. Campaign booths must be reserved by April 03, 2015. There is a maximum of one booth per candidate. For more information, contact DECA’s exhibit coordinator at 703-860-5000, or see the enclosed order form. DECA reserves the right to make changes in the arrangement of these booths if this becomes necessary. Set-up, hours of operation, and booth tear down will be determined closer to the conference date. Applicants will be notified. 13 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE CALENDAR (SEE CONFERENCE AGENDA FOR SPECIFIC TIMES) CANDIDATES CALENDAR: March 27, 2015 April 03, 2015 Intent to Run Form (optional) due to DECA Inc. Officer Candidate Application due to DECA Inc. Last day to reserve a campaign booth INTERNATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Saturday, April 18, 2015 Candidates may begin scheduling caucuses Officer Candidate Orientation, Testing & Interviews Sunday, April 19, 2015 Booth Setup Campaign Booths Open Voting Delegate & Meet the Candidates Session Each candidate will deliver a 3-minute speech/demonstration. Question & Answer Period for Delegates/Candidates Monday, April 20, 2015 Campaign Booths Open Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Campaign Booths Open Election/Business Session Each candidate will deliver a 2-minute speech Campaign Booth Teardown (Time TBD) Grand Awards Session Announcement of new officer team Wednesday, April 22, 2015 New Officer Orientation (9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) DATES FOR ELECTED OFFICERS June/July 2015 (*Tentatively scheduled for June 10-18, 2015) *Officer Training, Reston, VA (all officers) August 2015 Chartered Association Management Conference Nashville, Tennessee Collegiate DECA President November 2015 Collegiate Leadership Academy (All officers do not typically attend.) January 2016 Officer Mid-Winter Conference (location TBD) April 2016 International Career Development Conference Washington, DC Attendance at association conferences and other meetings as requested. *Please notify us if there are any schedule conflicts during this time (i.e., classes, final exams). 14 COLLEGIATE DECA OFFICER CANDIDATE INTERVIEW FORM APPLICANT NAME 1. PRE-INTERVIEW.............................. Introduced self properly Stood until invited to sit down Spoke clearly and forcefully 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Physically poised and ready Good first impression 3 2 1 POINTS 2. APPEARANCE................................. Good color coordination Clothing clean and well-pressed Wore DECA Blazer Good posture 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Hair clean and neat Facial appearance is clean and natural Pleasant smile 1 POINTS 3. ATTITUDE....................................... 10 Attentive Enthusiastic Self-confident (supports own convictions) Socially at ease and comfortable 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Alert and responsive Sincere and conscientious Competitive and open-minded 2 1 POINTS 4. PROFESSIONAL MANNER............... Courteousness Poise Ability to take criticism 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Ability to remember names Sense of humor Conversational 3 2 1 POINTS 5. SPEECH.......................................... 20 10 19 9 Proper grammar Good diction Speaks clearly and smoothly 18 17 16 15 14 8 7 6 5 4 Word selection Appropriate use of gestures Good eye contact 13 3 12 2 11 1 POINTS 6. QUESTION RESPONSE..................... 30 20 10 29 19 9 Organization of answer Precision of word usage (concise, speaks to the point) Maintains cool (doesn't get flustered or shaken) 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Thinks question through before answering Answers are logical and reasonable Answers questions directly and readily Interesting to listen to POINTS 7. POST INTERVIEW............................ Thanked the committee Remained poised 10 9 8 7 6 Left promptly Still eager 5 4 3 2 1 POINTS Please make additional comments on reverse side. TOTAL POINTS 15 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE APPLICATION Must be received at DECA Inc. by April 03, 2015 in an official DECA Folio Each prospective candidate for Collegiate DECA office and his/her chapter advisor must complete this form and mail it to his/her authorized advisor to be approved and sent to DECA Inc. along with a 250 word maximum biography. Please Type: Name Email Advisor School School Address Phone Fax Advisor Email Career Objectives Twitter Handle: Facebook Name: Others: COLLEGIATE DECA Offices held (local, district, regional, state, province) Present Class: Freshman_____ Sophomore_____ Junior____ Senior_____ Expected Graduation Date: Home Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone Date of Birth BLAZER SIZE: Men’s 34 through 50, short, regular, long or extra-long ______. Women’s 4 through 20, regular or tall _______ 16 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE APPLICATION Certification by Chapter Advisor The credentials for (officer candidate) who is nominated by our chapter, are attached. To the best of my knowledge, this applicant has served as a chapter officer and meets the additional qualifications specified in the Collegiate Division bylaws and the current guidelines for executive office. And, if elected, will receive the enthusiastic support of the school, chapter and advisor in the execution of the duties of the office. Chapter Advisor’s Signature School City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Certification by Authorized Association or Independent Chapter Advisor The credentials for (officer candidate) who is nominated by our association or independent chapter, are attached. To the best of my knowledge, this applicant has served as a chapter and/or association officer and meets the additional qualifications specified in the executive bylaws and the current guidelines for executive office. And, if elected, will receive the enthusiastic support of the advisor in the execution of the duties of the office. Authorized Advisor’s Signature Association/Independent Chapter Advisor 17 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CAMPAIGN BOOTHS Associations and independent chapters have the opportunity to rent campaign booths at the International Career Development Conference to serve as campaign headquarters for officer candidates. All campaign booths will be located in a high traffic area of the conference site. Campaign booth rental will be $100.00; dimensions will be approximately 8' x 8', each booth will be furnished with one table and one chair. Candidates should prepare for a tabletop or freestanding display; ability to hang banners or posters is subject to restrictions of the conference site. More specific details will be made available to candidates as early as possible regarding any change in booth layout restrictions or enhancements. Booth assignments will be on a first-request, first-serve basis. Campaign booths must be reserved by April 03, 2015. There is a maximum of one booth per candidate. (For 2015 ICDC, campaign booths MIGHT not have pipe and drape backdrops.) DECA reserves the right to make changes in the arrangement of these booths if this becomes necessary. Remember, there is a regulation that no campaign material can be attached to walls or other property of the hotel/facility. Therefore, these booths are ideal for officer campaigning. Yes, would like to reserve a campaign booth for our officer candidate. (Association/Chapter) Please reserve a booth for: ______________________________ (name) __________________________________________ Candidate's Name ____________________________ Candidate’s E-mail Candidate’s Address: ____________________________. Chapter Advisor ____________________________ ____________________________ Association Advisor Return this along with your check, made out to DECA, in the amount of $100.00 to: DECA Inc. Attn: Collegiate DECA ICDC Booths 1908 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1594 Application and payment must be received by April 03, 2015. 18 APPENDIX: Executive Officer Code of Professional Conduct Candidate Willingness to Serve Form Collegiate DECA Bylaws Planned Campaign Budget Current Officer Team Listing 19 EXECUTIVE OFFICER CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT As the elected representatives of the student members of DECA’s High School and/or Collegiate DECA divisions, executive officers assume and accept a high degree of responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to themselves, the organization and the members. Because ultimate responsibility for DECA’s finances, procedures and policies of necessity remain the sole purview of the elected board of directors and their executive director, the executive officers are precluded from: Entering into any contractual relationship on behalf of the organization and Committing the organization to any policy without specific authorization of the board of directors or executive director. By signing this Executive Officer Code of Professional Conduct, individual officers agree to abide by the policies described below and to assume responsibility for their conduct while serving as an executive officer. The specific areas of violation are listed to provide guidance to the officer, and are not to be considered as all-inclusive. Category 1. Professional Responsibilities and Standards As an executive officer, I will abide by the executive officer dress code while representing the association. complete and submit all reports and assignments on time and correctly formatted. attend and participate in all called meetings, conferences and appointments. comply with all conference rules and regulations including curfews, dress codes, etc. follow instructions given by the Executive Director of DECA Inc. or his/her designee. not use tobacco products while in the presence of student members or advisors. not use profanity or other vulgar or inappropriate language or behavior. not lie, cheat or steal (This is not a Category 2 offense.). for officers of legal drinking age, not consume or possess alcoholic beverages while representing the organization. not engage in any activity that may be perceived as violating the rules of conduct for the function I am attending as an executive officer (follow the higher standards of conduct of either the function or the Executive Officer Code of Conduct). obtain advance approval from the executive officer liaison for all activities where the officer is representing DECA/Collegiate DECA. Officers may not independently solicit invitations to meetings or conferences. maintain an online presence that showcases only appropriate behaviors for an executive officer. Violations of the Professional Responsibilities and Standards may result in travel suspensions of up to three (3) months. These violations are focused on the officer’s representation of DECA/Collegiate DECA at any activity. Violations will be documented and the penalties assessed by DECA Inc. staff. Officers may appeal the decision to the Executive Director. 20 Category 2. Conduct Unbecoming a Executive Officer As an executive officer, I will not violate the law, including but not limited to: o consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages or other controlled substance. o theft or other felony crimes. represent someone else’s work as my own. engage in any manner of sexual conduct/harassment or other activities that may discredit the organization (includes written or verbal comments, online postings, blogs and all forms of physical contact). discriminate against others. violate one or more of the Professional Responsibilities and Standards to a degree deemed as extreme by the Executive Director (i.e., using excessive profanity to a staff member or advisor, excessive use of alcohol even if of legal age, etc.). Violations of Conduct Unbecoming an Executive Officer will result in travel restrictions of three (3) to twelve (12) months or removal from office. A violation of the Conduct Unbecoming an Executive Officer does not necessarily have to be associated with the officer’s representation of DECA/Collegiate DECA. Violations will be documented and penalties assessed by the Executive Director. Officers may appear the decision to the Board of Directors. The association advisor and officer will be notified in writing of any violation when the penalty is assessed. I, ____________________________, candidate for __________________________ of the Collegiate DECA division, understand and agree to this Code of Conduct. Officer’s Signature Date I have read the above and understand this code of conduct as it pertains to the executive officer candidate. Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18 years old) Advisor’s Signature Date Date Adopted by DECA Inc. Board of Directors 1998 21 COLLEGIATE DECA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CANDIDATE WILLINGNESS TO SERVE FORM Instructions: Make your decision regarding which role(s) you are willing to serve on the Executive Officer Team and fill out ONLY the appropriate box. You may appeal your decision only until the nominating committee meeting to determine candidate eligibility begins. That meeting takes place on April 18, 2015. Appeals must be made in writing to the director of elections: Jeff Collins. The appeal may be emailed ( prior to April 18, 2015 or delivered in person (at the hotel) prior and up until the beginning of the meeting. I, ________________________, am willing to serve in either the role of President or the role of Vice President, depending on the voter decision. I understand that due to the selection process every voting delegate will have the choice to elect all five members of the Officer Team and that based on their decision the roles will be decided. __________________________________ _____________________________ Signature Association/Chapter OR I, _________________________________, am willing to serve in only the role of President. I understand that due to the selection process every voting delegate will have the choice to elect all five members of the Officer Team and that based on their decision the roles will be decided. If they do not give me the highest ranking then I forfeit any role on the Officer Team. __________________________________ _____________________________ Signature Association /Chapter OR I, _________________________________, am willing to serve in only the role of Vice President. I understand that due to the selection process every voting delegate will have the choice to elect all five members of the Officer Team and that based on their decision the roles will be decided. If I receive the highest ranking, which according to the bylaws would allot me the role of President, then I forfeit the chance to be President and instead accept the role of Vice President on the Officer Team. __________________________________ _____________________________ Signature Association/Chapter 22 Collegiate DECA Bylaws Ratified/Revised 2010 23 Bylaws for Collegiate DECA Ratified/Revised 2010 Bylaw I — Name: Section 1. The official name of the postsecondary division of DECA shall be Collegiate DECA. Section 2. Associations, or independent chapters within a territory or equivalent geographical unit outside of the United States and its territories, will be allowed, if they so choose, to petition for the use of a different “name” for their association and chapters. Such a petition must be presented in writing to the DECA Inc. Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to their next official meeting. Bylaw II — Membership: Section 1. DECA will recognize individual membership in Collegiate DECA only through a chartered association and its local chapters, or as independent chapters in unchartered territories. Each chartered association will consist of all Collegiate DECA chapters located within that state, territory or equivalent geographical unit. Each Collegiate DECA chapter shall consist of individual members. Section 2. Membership eligibility will be governed by each chartered association. Individual members shall be recognized as active members or honorary life members. Section 3. Active members shall be students in postsecondary programs of marketing, merchandising, management, and/or related fields. An active member must pay dues as established by Collegiate DECA, and may be declared eligible to hold an executive office, to participate in executive competitive events or programs, to serve as an executive voting delegate or to otherwise represent his/her association in Executive DECA affairs as may be approved by his/her association. Section 4. Honorary life members may be individuals who have made or are making contributions to the field of marketing or management and to DECA, as may be approved by the Board of Directors of DECA Inc., and shall be exempt from annual dues. Section 5. Annual membership dues shall be ten dollars per member and the membership year shall be July 1 to June 30 inclusive. Bylaw III — Voting Delegates: Section 1. Collegiate DECA will exercise its membership voting privileges through voting delegates. Each geographical unit with current membership will be allowed one (1) voting delegate, plus one (1) voting delegate will be allowed to each chartered association. One hundred (100) additional voting delegates will be apportioned to chartered associations according to their membership as a percentage of the total DECA membership in this division. Section 2. Sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting of this division the determination of the apportionment of the additional voting delegates will be made according to reported membership. Section 3. Voting delegates will be entitled to individual vote. 24 Bylaw IV — National Officers: Section 1. Only active members of Collegiate DECA will be eligible for national office in this division. To be eligible as a candidate to run for national office, he/she must have either a grade point of 2.5 or higher for the two most recent semesters or a 2.5 or higher accumulative grade point average based on an “A” letter grade being equivalent to 4.0. Must attain the score necessary for the office desired on the approved National Officer examination, which includes Parliamentary Procedure and DECA Information; must be holding or have held a chartered association or local chapter office; and must submit the approved application, photograph, school transcript, resume, and a letter from the state advisor through a chartered association. If the officer candidate is a member of a chapter that is not part of a chartered association, a letter from the chapter advisor must be included in their application. The chartered association, or independent chapter(s) within the same state, territory or equivalent geographical unit, may submit a maximum of two candidates. Section 2. Upon confirmation of the requirements identified in Section 1, and following a personal interview with each candidate, and after considering all other information then available, the nominating committee will submit to the voting delegates a slate of candidates. Section 3. Election shall be by written secret ballot. The voting delegates will be allowed to cast a vote in rank order from 1 to 5 for the candidates they support. A delegate may choose not to select a full slate of candidates. A candidate will receive points for each vote received: 1st place = 5 points, 2nd place = 4 points, 3rd place = 3 points, 4th place = 2 points, 5th place = 1 point. A candidate must receive at least the number of points that is equal to 51 percent of the voting delegates voting to qualify for election. Each candidate will be polled in advance to determine if they are willing to serve as president and/or vice president. The individual who received the highest number of points that has stated willingness to serve as president shall be elected president. The next four individuals receiving the highest number of points that have stated willingness to serve as vice president shall be elected as vice presidents. Section 4. National officers of Collegiate DECA shall consist of a president and four vice presidents, and will be known collectively as the National Council of Collegiate DECA. It shall be the duty of the National Council to plan for the welfare, to represent and to act for this division as occasions may demand. Section 5. No individual may succeed himself as an officer and no individual may serve as an officer for more than one division. Section 6. The National Council may fill by appointment any vacancy occurring in the national officers for the unexpired term, except the office of president, which shall be filled by the vice president that received the second most points during the election session in which the current National Council was elected. Bylaw V — Duties of National Officers: Section 1. PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the president of Collegiate DECA to preside at all meetings of this division; to make all necessary committee appointments including the designation of committee chairperson; to develop with his/her National Council a Program of Work for his/her term of office; and to make himself/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of DECA. Section 2. VICE PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of each vice president to serve this division in any capacity as directed by the president; to promote the growth and development of DECA in accordance with the Program of Work during his/her term of office; and to make himself/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of DECA. Bylaw VI — Amendments: Section 1. To amend these bylaws, the proposed amendments must be presented in writing by the chartered association proposing the amendment to all chartered associations of DECA and the division president at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual conference of this division. The president must then present the proposed amendment, together with the actions recommended by this National Council, to the Board of Directors of DECA Inc. If approved by the Board of Directors, the proposed amendment will be presented at the next scheduled annual business meeting of this division, and may be adopted by two-thirds majority approval of the voting delegates present at this division meeting. If adopted, the amendment will take effect upon the adjournment of the annual conference in which approval is granted. 25 PLANNED CAMPAIGN BUDGET A campaign budget is a basic budget including all expenditures you anticipate as well as all the revenues you are counting on. The revenues should also include in-kind donations. NOTE: This budget should be as specific as possible excluding travel costs for your campaign team. When surveying elected executive officers over the past several years the amount spent on the campaign ranges from $160-$980 with an average of around $500. Some elected officers (including at least one current officer) have also spent ZERO dollars out-of-pocket, successfully raising funds to cover costs, receiving give-away items as inkind donations, etc. Below you will find two budgets for officer campaign budgets from recent years. For more information on campaign costs and ideas please contact one or more executive officers. They can be contacted via email at A finalized campaign budget must be submitted at the Officer Candidate Orientation on April 18, 2015, along with samples of all campaign giveaways and printed materials. Sample One Expenses Fliers Banner Promotional Pencils Decorations for Booth Blazer Total Expenses Funding Chapter Support Fundraising Donation (Banner) Total Funding $200 $175 $300 $50 $100 $825 $300 $350 $175 $825 Out-of-Pocket Expenses 0.00 Sample Two Expenditure Quantity Description Printing 675 1,000 700 3 1 brochures business cards pens posters booth fee misc supplies Giveaways Booth TOTAL EXPENSES $926.36 Revenue Description Donations Personal State Association DECA Out-of pocket TOTAL REVENUE Cost $181.50 39.00 282.54 307.59 100.00 15.73 Income $498.60 427.76 $926.36 26 GOOD LUCK FROM THE 2014-2015 DECA OFFICER TEAMS! Collegiate DECA Division President: Vice President: Vice President: Vice President Vice President: Johnnie Hubbard III, Florida Jared Broad, Utah Matt Witzgall, Massachusetts Holly Norris, Texas Daryll Morgan, Virginia DECA High School Division President: Central Region Vice President: North Atlantic Region Vice President: Southern Region Vice President: Western Region Vice President Zack Schaja, Florida Robert Mitchals, New Jersey Juan Sanchez, Pennsylvania Amar Hodzic, North Carolina Kyle Kuo, Arizona Don’t forget to check out the Web sites, and, the Collegiate DECA GUIDE, and Robert’s Rules of Order for additional reference! We’re looking forward to seeing you in Orlando, Florida!! 27