AP List of terms for mythology and Biblical allusions: Bible and Mythology Resources for Students and Teachers Web Sites: Oxford Classical Mythology Online www.classicalmythology.org The online companion guide to Classical Mythology, 7th edition, by Mark P. O. Morford and Robert J. Lenardon is an excellent glossary that students and teachers can use directly from the Web. It can also be printed and photocopied. Mythweb www.mythweb.com/index.html This searchable encyclopedia of Greek mythology is a thorough source of information for teachers and students. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_biblical_figures.html For biblical sources, I prefer this encyclopedic resource, which provides detailed and multi-perspective entries on important biblical terms. Mythology Terms: I assign the following terms for students to present in the pageant and then review for the first mythology test. The rest of the year we continue to use the glossaries to look up relevant terms that come up in the reading and class discussions. Classical Mythology Achilles Cassandra Elysian Fields Adonis Cerberus fauns Aeneas Ceres/Demeter Golden Fleece Ares/Mars chimera Hades Argus Circe Holy Grail Athena/Minerva Daedalus Hector Atlas Damocles Chronos Augean stables Delphic oracle Hera/Juno Bacchus/Dionysus Electra Hermes Hiawatha Pan Scylla and Charybdis Judgment of Paris Pandora’s Box Sisyphus Jupiter/Zeus Paris Tiresias Laocoon Parnassus Titan Leda Prometheus Vesta Midas Proteus Zephyr Nemesis Pygmalion Venus/Aphrodite Odin Romulus Remus Bible Abraham and Isaac Annunciation Ararat Jacob’s Ladder Armageddon Babel Babylon burning bush Bathsheeba Damascus Esther golden calf Promised Land Jeremiah Job Leviathan Lot’s wife Lazarus Methuselah olive branch pearls before swine plagues of Egypt Prodigal Son Queen of Sheba Ruth four horsemen Jesus and money changers Jonah