Chapter 6 - My Teacher Pages

Chapter 6
Section 2
Section Overview
The religion of Hinduism is based on the
beliefs of the Aryans. Buddhism, a new
religion, was popular with many people in
India and other areas of Asia.
• Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of
the Aryans.
• A new religion, Buddhism, appealed to
many people in India and other parts of
• Hinduism, the world’s third largest
religion, is one of the oldest religions.
• Hinduism’s roots are in the Aryan religion,
which changed after borrowing ideas from
conquered people of India
• The Brahman is the universal spirit made
up of thousands of gods and goddesses.
• The Upanishads are ancient religious
writings that describe the search for
• Reincarnation is the idea of passing
through many lives to reach the Brahman.
• Dharma is the divine law of Hindus.
• This law states that Hindus must perform
the duties of their caste.
• The consequences of how a person lives
Hinduism and Buddhism
According to Hindus, what are the
consequences of a good and a bad
Hindus believe if a person lives a
good life, then that person might be
reborn into a higher caste. If the
person lives a bad life, then the
person might be reborn in a lower
• Buddhism is a religion founded by
Siddhartha Gautama, the man who
became known as the Buddha, or
“Enlightened One.”
• Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who left
his family and wealth to travel.
• In his travels, he saw much suffering and
questioned the need for suffering.
• Legend tells he meditated under a tree for
49 days, and then he understood.
• For the rest of his life, Siddhartha traveled
to tell people about his discovery.
• Nirvana, a state of
wisdom, occurs
when a person gives
up all desires.
• The core of Buddha’s teaching is called
the Four Noble Truths
• The Eightfold Path describes the steps to
eliminate suffering.
• Buddhism divided into Theravada
Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
• Theravada Buddhists believe the Buddha
was a great teacher, not a god.
• Mahayana Buddhists believe the Buddha
was a god who came to save people.
• Tibet is a country in central Asia where
Mahayana Buddhism mixed with
traditional Tibetan religion and Hinduism to
create a special kind of Mahayana
• In Tibet, religious leaders, called lamas,
headed the government.
• The Dalai Lama was the government
leader, and the Panchen Lama was the
religious leader.
• A theocracy is a form of
government in which
religious leaders head the
Hinduism and Buddhism
Why was Buddhism popular with
people of lower castes?
The Buddha taught that a person’s
life depended on the person, not the
caste into which the person was
born. He believed that a person
could stop being reborn by following
the Eightfold Path. This gave lower
caste people hope.
Hinduism and Buddhism
What are the Upanishads?
The Upanishads are ancient
religious writings that describe the
search for a universal spirit.
Hinduism and Buddhism
What is reincarnation?
Reincarnation is a religious belief
that a soul is reborn many times.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Describe Explain the concept of
Karma is the consequences a soul
faces in its next life for its actions in
this life.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Explain What is the importance of
the Four Noble Truths and the
Eightfold Path?
The Four Noble Truths explain why
people suffer. The Eightfold Path
describes behaviors that will end
Hinduism and Buddhism
Analyze How did the belief in
reincarnation both strengthen the
divisions in Indian society and
provide hope for the lower classes?
One’s position in society results
from past acts. Lower classes
hoped to improve their position in a
future life.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism is more than a religion; it is a
whole way of life.
Identify facts that support this statement.