Ancient Egypt - Unit Review Geography – Be able to label the

Ancient Egypt - Unit Review
Geography –
1. Be able to label the following geographical features on a blank map of northeast Africa:
a. Nile River
c. Med Sea
e. Upper Egypt
b. Nile Delta
d. Red Sea
f. Lower Egypt
2. Explain why the regions of Egypt were called Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt.
Lower Egypt was made of low flat land. Upper Egypt was located in the high mountainous lands.
Lower Egypt = low elevation…….Upper Egypt = high elevation
3. State why ancient Egyptians lived near the nation’s Black Land along the banks of the Nile River?
The black land was very fertile ….crops grew well there…..fresh water resource
4. State and explain the three natural features that helped Egypt protect against invasions.
Mountains/cataracts, deserts, and seas (Med. And Red Seas)
Government –
1. Explain the leadership role/power of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt.
Pharaohs ruled the government and religion of Egypt. They were believed to be gods and that made
people obey them.
2. Discuss a government official and his significance to a thriving Egyptian nation-state.
A vizier advised the pharaohs on all daily affairs. He managed tax collectors, building projects…
3. State TWO ways in which Egyptians paid tax to the government.
Food surplus and labor tax (example of labor tax=farmers building pyramids during flood season)
4. Be able to name and discuss at least one notable pharaoh from ancient Egypt history. (What’s
his/her claim to fame? Additional details to support.)
King Tut = Boy king at age 9 and intact tomb
Hatshepsut = first female pharaoh
Ramses = over 100 children
5. Be able to label the social class pyramid.
a. Above all of society
b. Below most important level viziers/gov. officials, priests, nobles
c. Those in the middle
skilled workers (scribes, craftsmen, merchants)
d. Those at the bottom farmers
e. Those not considered part of society slaves
Religion –
1. Describe the belief system of ancient Egypt. polytheism
2. State the reasons why Egyptians formed this religion. To explain events in nature
3. State the major purpose of mummification. To preserve bodies for afterlife
4. Detail a step of mummification AND explain the reasoning.
Natron salt dries the body so it will not rot…………rub scented oils in the skin to keep it from cracking
and smelling………..take out the brain because it wasn’t needed in the afterlife………….take out the
stomach, lungs, stomach, and liver and place in canopic jars for the afterlife
5. Egyptian god/responsibility
Ra = sun god……..Hapi= Nile god…………Osiris= god of the
underworld……….Thoth= god of writing/wisdom…….Set= god of destruction……..Anubis = god of
Achievements –
1. Egyptian calendar
Harvest = shemu =gathering
2. Why were burials moved from pyramids to the Valley of the Kings.
Pyramids were costly to build and were being robbed by thieves
3. Be able to discuss the importance of at least One of the following achievements:
a. shadoof & irrigation – water crops and control floodwaters
b. sailboats – more efficient trade and travel –
c. papyrus – record keeping and trade product
d. hieroglyphics – record keeping
e. architecture and/or art (ex. sphinx, statues, temples, tomb paintings, wall carvings, etc.)
f. (mummification, papyrus & pyramids already discussed)
Vocabulary & Identifications –
Valley of Kings
canopic jars