Research Paper

Research Paper
Sample Paragraphs
Introductory Paragraph
1. Broadly introduce topic.
2. Suggest the overall theme, with regard to your topic.
3. Get specific and nail down exactly what your topic is.
4. Give some broad info on your specific topic, if
5. Establish your claim/thesis statement.
Introductory Paragraph
The following is a sample introductory
America, like most every other country in the world, has a love affair with
professional sports. While soccer is the most popular sport in the world, it is ironically
the least popular sport in America. Despite football being the most popular sport in
American, another sport has quickly gained national notoriety in the last five years:
Mixed Martial Arts. Mixed Martial Arts (or MMA) is a combat sport pitting two
individual fighters against each other, using various forms of martial arts. If MMA has
anything in common with American football, it is that they are both very violent
sports—and this is not a coincidence. MMA is a thriving sport because America, by and
large, is entertained by violence.
Introductory Paragraph
America, like most every other country
in the world, has a love affair with
professional sports. While soccer is the
most popular sport in the world, it is
ironically the least popular sport in
America. Despite football being the
most popular sport in American,
another sport has quickly gained
national notoriety in the last five years:
Mixed Martial Arts. Mixed Martial
Arts (or MMA) is a combat sport
pitting two individual fighters against
each other, using various forms of
martial arts. If MMA has anything in
common with American football, it is
that they are both very violent sports—
and this is not a coincidence. MMA is a
thriving sport because America, by and
large, is entertained by violence.
Broadly introduce topic (Sports
in America)
Suggest the overall theme, with
regard to your topic (Popular
sports in America)
Get specific and nail down
exactly what your topic is
(Popularity of MMA)
Give some broad info on your
specific topic, if necessary
(Explain MMA)
Establish your claim/thesis
statement (America loves
Introducing Author and Text
1. Name source and primary contributor
2. If an anthology, name the specific
article/essay and author
3. Introduce/give quote
4. Give quote context by following with your own
Introducing Author and Text
The following is a sample paragraph
introducing an author and text:
In the anthology Why We Watch: The Attractions of Violent Entertainment,
edited by Jeffrey Goldstein, various writers share their ideas about violence in
entertainment, from movies and video games to religion and sports. “The Appeal of
Violent Sports,” Allan Guttmann’s contribution to Why We Watch, focuses on the
fascination of violence in sports. Guttmann writes, “In many sports, physical violence is
the core if not the name of the game” (Goldstein 7). A sport like boxing thrives on big
personalities—Floyd Mayweather, Jr. or Manny Pacquiao, for instance—but MMA
thrives not on the personalities involved, but rather the core violence of its sport.
Introducing Author and Text
In the anthology Why We Watch: The
Attractions of Violent Entertainment,
edited by Jeffrey Goldstein, various
writers share their ideas about violence
in entertainment, from movies and
video games to religion and sports.
“The Appeal of Violent Sports,” Allan
Guttmann’s contribution to Why We
Watch, focuses on the fascination of
violence in sports. Guttmann writes,
“In many sports, physical violence is
the core if not the name of the game”
(Goldstein 7). A sport like boxing
thrives on big personalities—Floyd
Mayweather, Jr. or Manny Pacquiao,
for instance—but MMA thrives not on
the personalities involved, but rather
the core violence of its sport.
1. Name source and primary
contributor (Why We
Watch/Jeffery Goldstein)
2. If an anthology, name the
specific article/essay and
author (“The Appeal of
Sports”/Allan Guttman)
3. Introduce/give quote
4. Give quote context by
following with your own