AVID Elective Grade 9

AVID Elective
Grade 11
Action Plan Explanation
Choose a Subject
 Students
will choose one core subject in
which they want to improve
Language Arts
Foreign Language
How Will I Improve My Grade?
 By
taking Cornell Notes at least once a
week in my chosen class
Students will take Cornell Notes regardless
of what is happening in class (a movie,
presentations, review for a quiz/test, etc.)
How Will I Improve My
 By
writing Enhanced Learning Logs at least
once a week in my chosen class
Enhanced Learning Logs will help students
to review and process everything that they
learned in their chosen class
How Will I Improve My Grade?
Students will be responsible for creating
study time in which they study content from
their chosen subject
Students will study in a room in the house
with the least distractions (no phone, no
television, no iPad—unless studying from it)
How Will I Improve My
will choose one other step which
might include…
Staying after school to study with a teacher
(AVID Elective Teacher or Content Teacher)
Attending one of the following after school
study labs at least once a week: CMAC,
History Forum, Writing Lab, Science Help,
Coach’s Club, National Honor Society
Don’t Forget…
 Each
step of your plan needs to be
signed by either your AVID Elective
Teacher (for completion of Learning Logs
/ Cornell Notes)
 Parent / Guardian (for study time at
 Teacher in charge at CMAC, Writing Lab,
History Forum, Science Help, Coach’s
Club, National Honors Society Tutoring
How Will I be Graded?
 Please
review the attached rubric to see
how you will be graded at the end of this
5 week plan