Fidelity-Optimized Quantum State Estimation Itay Hen Information Sciences Institute, USC NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop December 12, 2015 Joint work with Amir Kalev, UNM Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Disclaimer disclaimer: no Quantum Machine Learning per se here, but… machine learning for quantum systems Disclaimer: 1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with; 2) disavowal; 3) a statement made to save one’s own ass. Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The Problem oven measurement apparatus an oven is emitting identical copies of the same unknown quantum state in a steady flow. objective: find out what this state is what measurements should we perform? Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The Problem oven measurement apparatus an oven is emitting identical copies of the same unknown quantum state in a steady flow. what is the optimal sequence of measurements that would yield the best estimate with the smallest error and in the least amount of measurements? Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Outline Itay Hen some probability theory the protocol some results conclusions and applications for actual quantum machine learning NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Probability theory Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Some probability theory given an emitted state getting the outcome ? Itay Hen , what is the probability of NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Some probability theory given an emitted state , what is the probability of getting the outcome after a single measurement? what is the probability of getting the sequence of outcomes ? Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Some probability theory given an emitted state , what is the probability of getting the outcome after a single measurement? what is the probability of getting the sequence of outcomes ? now, given the sequence of outcomes , what is the probability that the emitted state is ? for that, we have Bayes’ law: Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Some probability theory now, given the sequence of outcomes , what is the probability that the emitted state is ? for that, we have Bayes’ law: probability of getting the state given the sequence of outcomes probability of getting the sequence of outcomes given the state the a priori probability of the state the probability of obtaining the sequence of outcomes let us assume for simplicity (we don’t have to) that we have no knowledge about oven, i.e., that . moreover, we have Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop . Dec 12, 2015 Some probability theory we thus end up with: where: Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The protocol Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The protocol equipped with the above probability measure, we can give a general “learning” protocol for optimized adaptive 1. perform 2. based on record of measurement in a tomography: randomly-chosen basis measurement outcomes thus far, find most-likely state 5. execute measurement in optimal basis 4. compute optimal basis for next measurement 3. exit if convergence criterion has been reached, otherwise: remaining questions: how do we calculate most-likely state / best guess? how do we determine the optimal measurement basis? Dec 12, 2015 Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Most likely state given a list of outcomes from all measurements thus far. what should be our best guess in the k-th step for the emitted state ? this actually depends on how we define “best”. let’s say we’d like to maximize the fidelity of our guess with the real thing. obviously, we don’t know what is, but we know the probability of occurrence for each state, so we can guess: plugging in what we already have for Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop , we get: Dec 12, 2015 Most likely state now, we can rewrite as: put differently: where and Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Determining next basis of measurement given a list of prior measurement outcomes, how shall we determine the next basis of measurements? is there a simple clear answer? we have to carefully state what we would like accomplished. we would like to maximize the fidelity of the emitted state with our best guess after the measurement Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Determining next basis of measurement how do we do that? let’s say that the chosen basis of measurement in the k-th step is: let’s assume that after the measurement is carried out, the obtained outcome is with . we would like to maximize the fidelity of our best guess based all state. outcomes “so far” with theonreal but, we have already calculated that, it’s simply Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Determining next basis of measurement of course, we do not know which of the outcomes we’ll get. we must therefore average over all possible outcomes, namely: here, is the probability of obtaining the n-th outcome given what we know so far about the emitted state: Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Determining next basis of measurement but what is: exactly? it’s: putting it all together, we find that the optimal basis is simply: where and Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Some Results Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Next basis of measurement: an example example: an oven is emitting copies of a qubit. let’s say the following outcomes have been obtained: • 4 up-z, 3 up-x and 3 down-x, 2 up-y and 2 down-y. in which direction should the next measurement be performed? first, what’s the “most likely” state? oven Itay Hen measurement apparatus NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Next basis of measurement: an example example: an oven is emitting copies of a qubit. let’s say the following outcomes have been obtained: • 4 up-z, 3 up-x and 3 down-x, 2 up-y and 2 down-y. in which direction should the next measurement be performed? clearly, the best guess is up-z. oven Itay Hen measurement apparatus NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Meaning of results what does the requirement of maximizing where and mean exactly? it tells us that we should find a basis of measurements such that all outcomes are equally probable! it tells us to perform a measurement in a basis that we Dec 12, 2015 Itay Hen NIPS Quantum what Machine Learning Workshop cannot possibly guess the outcome is! Meaning of results • going back to the example, outcomes are: 4 up-z, 3 up-x and 3 down-x, 2 up-y and 2 down-y. in which direction should the next measurement be performed? if we perform a measurement in the z-direction, we have a pretty good guess of what of the outcome is going to be. this is not the case in the x and y directions. but, there’s more certainty in the x direction. Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Meaning of results • going back to the example, outcomes are: 4 up-z, 3 up-x and 3 down-x, 2 up-y and 2 down-y. in which direction should the next measurement be performed? if we perform a measurement in the z-direction, we have a pretty good guess of what of the outcome is going to be. this is not the case in the x and y directions. but, there’s more certainty in the x direction. we should therefore measure in the y direction! Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The qubit case: first few measurements consider the first few iterations of the protocol in the qubit case an oven is emitting qubits one by one… protocol dictates that we perform the first measurement in some random direction. let’s call the outcome up-z. what does the protocol say about next basis of measurement? Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 The qubit case: first few measurements consider the first few iterations of the protocol in the qubit case an oven is emitting qubits one by one… protocol dictates that we perform the first measurement in some random direction. let’s call the outcome up-z. what does the protocol say about next basis of measurement? should be in a basis “orthogonal to z”. measurement direction should be on equator of Bloch sphere. let’s call the outcome up-x. what about the next measurement basis? orthogonal to z and x, namely y. next one is more complicated… Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Numerical results: the qubit case repeatedly performing a numerical experiment thousands of times, we calculated the mean infidelity (with respect to the true state) as a function of number of measurements. compared several methods: • random-basis measurements. • repeated measurements in the x, y, z directions. • x, y, z measurements chosen in optimal way. • fully-optimized. no surprise, learning methods are superior. Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Numerical results: the qudit case (d=4) another example: qudit with d=4. again, mean infidelity as a function of number of measurements. here, we’re assuming that the available measurements are only “local Pauli”, i.e., xx, xy, xz,…,zz. comparing a random sequence of local Pauli measurements with an optimized sequence. Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Conclusions and what’s next Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015 Conclusions optimized adaptive tomography helps! easily extended to emitted mixed states, generalized measurements, etc. what’s next? we have seen that the first few optimizations of the measurement bases yield “orthogonal” or, mutually unbiased, bases. this procedure can therefore be used to generate sets of MUBs (or, so we believe). can be carried over to machine learning protocols, e.g., Wiebe et al’s “Quantum Hamiltonian Learning”. inDec 12, 2015 Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Thank You! Fidelity Optimized Quantum State Estimation Itay Hen Information Sciences Institute, USC NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop December 12, 2015 Joint work with Amir Kalev, UNM Itay Hen NIPS Quantum Machine Learning Workshop Dec 12, 2015