CMPS 285 – Software Engineering I

Course Syllabus
CMPS 285 – Software Engineering I
CS/IT Department, College of Science and Technology
FALL 2013
Instructor Information
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Ghassan Alkadi, Ph.D., Professor
Fayard Hall 327 D
Office: (985) 549-5099
Dept.: (985) 549-2189
TTH 12:30 – 3:30, W 12:00 – 4:00
Course Identification
Course Number:
Course Name:
Course Location:
Class Times:
Software Engineering I
Fayard Hall 205
TTH 3:30 – 4:45
CMPS 280 or permission of the Department Head
Course Description
Introduction of the methods used for specifying, designing, implementing, and testing medium and large
scale software systems; methods for organizing and managing software development projects;
professionalism and ethical responsibilities in software development.
Minimum Topics
Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Processes
Agile Software Development
Requirements Engineering
System Modeling
Architectural Design
Design and Implementation
Software Testing
Software Evolution
Dependability and Security
Dependability and Security
Software Management
Project Management
Project Planning
Software pricing
Plan-driven development
Project scheduling
Agile planning
Quality Management
Software quality
Software standards
Reviews and inspections
Course Learning Objectives
Students will be able to construct Code for small to medium projects.
o Measured by programming assignments.
Students will be able to perform Unit and System Testing.
o Measured by programming assignments.
Students will learn how to meet deadlines and produce milestones.
o Measured by designing the software and producing documents on time.
Students will work in teams and learn about team dynamics.
o Measured by team members interacting with one another and having to deal with a
team leader.
Students will present their prototypes as well as their final products and improve both oral and
writing skills.
o Measured by Instructor and peer evaluations.
Foundations of human-computer interaction: Human-centered development and evaluation
o Measured by tests.
Human performance models; accommodating human diversity
o Measured by tests.
Principles of good design and good designers; engineering tradeoffs; introduction to usability
o Measured by tests.
Software processes: Software life-cycle and process models; process assessment models;
software process metrics
o Measured by developing the software.
Software requirements and specifications: Requirements elicitation; requirements analysis
modeling techniques; functional and nonfunctional requirements; prototyping; basic concepts
of formal specification techniques
o Measured by developing the software.
Software design: Fundamental design concepts and principles; design patterns; software
architecture; structured design; object-oriented analysis and design; component-level design;
design for reuse
o Measured by designing the software.
Software validation: Validation planning; testing fundamentals, including test plan creation and
test case generation; black-box and white-box testing techniques; unit integration, validation,
and system testing; object-oriented testing; inspections
o Measured by testing the product.
Software evolution: Software maintenance; characteristic
o Measured by the feedback given by the instructor and peers.
Software project management: Team management;
o Measured by meeting deadlines and milestones and tests.
Program Learning Objectives and Evaluation
An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or
program to meet desired needs
o Students learn how to design Software Engineering Architectures from narrative
descriptions based on software requirements. Measured by creating the software and
evaluating other software systems.
An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal
o Students learn how to implement concepts in a small project to fulfill requirements by
working in teams and with a team leader. Measured by how they perform in their
An understanding of professional, ethical and social responsibilities
o Students learn how to relate and manage project information and tasks in a professional
An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
o Students learn how to communicate with the customer at his/her level as well as fellow
computer scientists. Measured by prototype and final presentations of the projects.
An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
o Students learn how Process Models and Project Management tools and techniques that
can be used to manage large projects. Measured by their final product.
Course Resources
Course Website(s)
 Moodle <>
 Personal Website < >
Required Course Text
 Software Engineering, 9th Edition, by Ian Sommerville, Publisher: Addison-Wesley,
Copyright: 2011, ISBN-10: 0137035152
Other Resources
Grading Policy
Grading System
Letter Grade
Grade points/credit Rating
90% & above
80% – 89%
70% – 79%
60% - 69%
59% and below
Incomplete; given only when a student is unable to complete a segment
of the course because of circumstances beyond the student’s control. A
grade of incomplete may be given only when approved in writing by the
department chair or school dean.
Grading Policy
Grades will be based on the following:
Midterm & Final Exams
Midterm Prototype Presentation
Progress reports and documentation
Final Presentation “Software Product”
Total Points
Late Assignments
The instructor reserves the right to make any changes deemed appropriate.
Late programs or homework assignments will not be accepted without a valid excuse.
Course Policies
Students must use the e-mail accounts provided by the university in order to communicate with
the instructor outside class and access the PCs in the labs.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is properly registered to receive credit for
the course.
It is University Policy that the class room is not a place for children, and that students are not to
bring their family members for day care or babysitting.
All team members must contribute in developing the software “Writing Code.” If a team
member doesn’t contribute in developing the software, he/she will FAIL the project.
Students are required to practice source control when developing their software. is an Open Source Software Engineering Tool that may be used for
this purpose.
Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules
Cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, iPhones, Tablet PCs, or any other electronic devices are not to be used
in the classroom.
Information exchanges on these devices during exams are prohibited and violate the Academic Integrity
Instructor’s expectations regarding the detection of plagiarism through use of
“Students agree by taking this course that all required papers may be subject to submission for textual
similarity to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source
documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such
papers. Use of the service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the website.”
Instructor’s Expectations Regarding Student Behavior/Classroom Decorum
“Free discussion, inquiry, and expression is encouraged in this class. Classroom behavior that interferes
with either (a) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of students to benefit from
the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include routinely entering class late or departing early;
use of beepers, cellular telephones, or other electronic devices; repeatedly talking in class without being
recognized; talking while others are speaking; or arguing in a way that is perceived as “crossing the
civility line.” In the event of a situation where a student legitimately needs to carry a beeper/cellular
telephone to class, prior notice and approval of the instructor is required.” Classroom behavior which is
deemed inappropriate and cannot be resolved by the student and the faculty member may be referred
to the Office of Judicial Affairs for administrative or disciplinary review as per the Code of Student
Conduct which may be found at
University Policies
Academic regulations and procedures are governed by University policy. Academic dishonesty cases will
be handled in accordance the University's policies.
If you are a qualified student with disability seeking accommodations under the American with
Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, Room 203, Student
Union. No accommodations will be granted without documentation from the Office of Disability
Academic Integrity:
“Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior that violates these
standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students
during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats
the intent of an examination or other class work. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, improper acknowledgment
of sources in essays and the use of a single essay or paper in more than one course without permission are
considered very serious offenses and shall be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in the current General
Course Schedule
All Exams, documentation, progress reports and presentation due dates will be posted
on Moodle.
September 2nd Monday Labor Day Holiday.
October 3 – 4 Fall Break.
October 25 Friday Regular Classes: Last Day to withdraw or resign from
classes. Deadline at 12:30 p.m.
November 18 - 22 Monday – Friday; Priority Registration for Spring 2014 classes.
November 25 Monday; Open Registration for Spring 2013 classes begins.
November 27 - 29 Wednesday– Friday; Thanksgiving Holiday.
December 6, 2013 Friday Last Day of Classes.
December 20, 2013 Friday Student accounts will be charged for any rental books not
returned by 12:30 p.m.
Finals Week
Final Exam: Time is found on the following link: